
The least number which should be added to 2497 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 5, 6, 4 and 3 is

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

The least number which should be added to 2497 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 5, 6, 4 and 3 is 23. To get this solution, we will first need to calculate the LCM of the digits provided and then divide that by 2497. This will provide us with the number that has to be added to get our answer. Check out the detailed step-by-step solution below.

Lowest Number Added to 2497 for Sum to be Divisible by 5, 6, 4, 3

In order to find the least number which should be added to 2497 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 5, 6, 4 and 3we will first find the LCM of these numbers. Hence,

LCM (5, 6, 4, 3) = 60 (A)

Now, we will divide 2497 by the LCM derived from the above equation. 

2497/60 = 37 (B)

To find the number that needs to be added, we will subtract this number from the LCM derived in equation (A) from the number derived in equation (B):

60 – 37 = 23 
Thus, the new number will be

2497 + 23 = 2520

2520 is completely divisible by 60.

Hence, the least number which should be added to 2497 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 5, 6, 4 and 3 is 64.

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

Least Common Multiple or LCM is also known as the Least Common Divisor. It refers to the smallest number which is a multiple of two or more numbers. LCM can be calculated by using three methods which are the prime factorization method, division method, and listing multiples method. It is an important concept that is used in applying mathematical operations to fractions and other numbers.


The least number which should be added to 2497 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 5, 6, 4 and 3 is

23 is the least number which should be added to 2497 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 5, 6, 4 and 3. The answer was derived by finding out the LCM of 5, 6, 4 and 3 and dividing it by the original number provided. The answer from it was the number that needed to be added in order to get our desired solution.

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