SSC CPO Syllabus 2023, Topic-wise Paper 1 and 2 Syllabus PDF

SSC CPO Syllabus 2023, Topic-wise Paper 1 and 2 Syllabus PDF

ByNeha Uppal  |  Updated on: May 12, 2023
SSC CPO Syllabus 2023 for Paper 1 and Paper 2 is released by SSC. Also, download and check the subject-wise (Math, English, GK & Reasoning) important topics covered in SSC CPO Syllabus PDF here.
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SSC CPO Syllabus is essential for all candidates to know. It is prescribed by the Staff Selection Commission and is released along with the official notification. Knowing SSC CPO Syllabus 2023 is crucial as it will help candidates understand the topics that need to be covered under each section of the exam. It will also help them in strategizing their preparation and achieving efficiency. The syllabus for is released for Papers 1 and 2. SSC CPO syllabus Paper 1 is released for four subjects whereas the Paper 2 syllabus is released for the English language exam.

Being aware of SSC CPO syllabus topic-wise is one of the most important aspects of your exam preparation. In this article, we have provided the detailed SSC CPO Syllabus PDF for Paper 1 & Paper 2, along with the important topics which will help the candidates prepare in an optimal manner.

SSC CPO Syllabus 2023

SSC CPO Syllabus is the cornerstone of your preparation. Before candidates begin their preparation, it is necessary to have complete information regarding the exam. To attain a high score in this exam, candidates should ensure full knowledge of SSC CPO syllabus. The SSC CPO exam has two papers and the syllabus for both is released in the official notification. 

While the SSC CPO Syllabus 2023 for Paper 1 highlights the topics from English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability, The SSC CPO Paper 2 syllabus consists of 200 questions on the English Language subject only. Going through the SSC CPO exam pattern & syllabus will help you know important topics and create a good preparation strategy. So, below we have discussed the detailed SSC CPO Syllabus topic-wise to help you improve your chances of cracking the exam.

SSC CPO Syllabus PDF

SSC CPO syllabus PDF is provided by the authorities to provide candidates with the list of important topics from which questions will be asked in the exam. The syllabus is released on the official website. However, navigating it can be quite a task. Hence, we have provided the direct link to download the SSC CPO syllabus PDF below for ease of access.

SSC CPO Syllabus 2023 PDF

The PDF link contains the list of all topics (subject-wise) for Paper 1 and Paper 2 that candidates need to prepare in order to sail through the exam smoothly.

SSC CPO Syllabus in Hindi

You can also download the SSC CPO syllabus in Hindi for better understanding. Just click on the link mentioned below to download the PDF for your reference.

SSC CPO Syllabus PDF in Hindi

Knowing the syllabus for SSC CPO will certainly improve your chances of cracking the exam. To make the syllabus more accessible we have provided it in both English and Hindi so, candidates can conveniently understand it and make a preparation strategy accordingly.

SSC CPO Syllabus for Paper 1

SSC CPO Paper 1 is the first and foremost selection round for the recruitment of Sub Inspector (SI) in CAPF, Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) in CISF & Sub Inspector (SI) in Delhi Police. The SSC CPO Syllabus is divided into 4 sections and consists of 50 questions in every section. For each correct answer, you will get one mark. However, for every question answered wrong, there will be a deduction of 0.25 marks. Check out the subject-wise SSC CPO syllabus for Paper 1 below:

SSC CPO Syllabus Maths

The SSC CPO Math Syllabus for Paper 1 is designed to test the quantitative ability of the candidates. There will be 50 questions in this section, carrying a weightage of one mark each. Tabulated below is the SSC CPO Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus:

SSC CPO Maths Syllabus


Advanced Maths



Boat, Stream


CI and SI

Data Interpretation



Mixture and Alligation

Degree and Radian Measures, Histogram


Standard Identities


Complementary angles

Pipes, Cistern

Heights and Distances

Problem on Ages


Profit loss, Discount

Frequency polygon

Ratio and Proportion

Bar diagram, Pie chart

Time, Speed and Distance


Work and Time


Regular Polygons




SSC CPO Syllabus for Reasoning

SSC CPO Reasoning Syllabus is divided into two parts:

  1. General Mental Ability
  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning

You can check the complete details of the SSC CPO Syllabus 2023 for Reasoning in the below table.

SSC CPO Syllabus for Reasoning 

General Mental Ability

Non-Verbal Reasoning

Alphabet Test

Punched Hole Pattern: Folding and Unfolding


Embedded figures

Arithmetic Reasoning

Figure formation & Analysis

Blood Relation



Cube & Dice

Coding decoding

Mirror Image

Distance direction test

Water Image


Pattern Completion

Logical Venn diagram

Counting of figures

Missing Number


SSC CPO English Syllabus

Candidates’ ability to understand correct English, their basic comprehension and writing ability, etc., would be tested through this section. Let’s take a look at SSC CPO Syllabus for English below:

SSC CPO 2023 Syllabus For English Paper 1


Cloze Test

Spotting the Errors

Sentence Correction

Reading Comprehension

Single Fillers


Synonyms & Antonyms

Sentence Completion

Phrases & Idioms

SSC CPO Syllabus for General Awareness

The SSC CPO Syllabus for General Awareness is very vast. From ancient history to the latest current affairs, it includes every topic. However, it is also considered as one of the most scoring subjects and less time-consuming. So, candidates are advised to know the SSC CPO General Knowledge syllabus in and out to crack the SI exam with flying colours!

SSC CPO Syllabus for General Knowledge 



Polity, Economy


Static GK

Current Affairs



Indian Economy (Basic)


Imp Books, Awards, Days, Location Based




Indian Polity


Art & Culture







SSC CPO Paper 2 Syllabus

SSC CPO 2023 Syllabus for Paper 2 will consist of only one subject i.e. English Language. There will be 200 multiple-type questions in this section that must be attempted within 120 minutes or 2 hours. The SSC CPO Paper 2 Syllabus is prepared to test candidates’ ability to understand, write and speak the English language. SSC CPO Syllabus for Paper 2 is given below:

SSC CPO English Syllabus

Questions in these components will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of the English Language and will be based on the following topics: 

  • Error recognition
  • Filling in the blanks (using verbs, prepositions, articles etc.)
  • Synonym/Antonym
  • Spellings
  • Sentence Correction
  • Cloze Test
  • Para Jumbles
  • Sentence Completion
  • Active Passive
  • Reported Speech
  • One word Substitution
  • Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words
  • Reading Comprehension

SSC CPO Syllabus Topic-wise

Every year, about 10 lakh candidates fill out the CPO application form, more than 2 lakhs appear for the examination, and only a few are able to ace it. If you want to crack the upcoming exam, knowing the essential topics covered in the SSC CPO syllabus is very crucial. We have mentioned subject-wise important topics below.

  • Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus: Geometry, Data Interpretations, Algebra, Simplification, Ratio Proportions, Profit and Loss, Speed, Time and Distance, Average and Percentage.
  • General Awareness Syllabus: National & International Affairs, Science & Technology, History, Indian Economy, Geography, and Sports.
  • General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus: Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Alphabet or word test, Puzzles, Data sufficiency, Classifications, Series, and Non-verbal reasoning.
  • English Comprehension and Language Syllabus: Reading comprehension, Cloze test, Vocabulary, and Error detection.

SSC CPO Exam Pattern

Knowing the exam pattern is essential before starting your SSC CPO syllabus preparation. as mentioned, there are two papers in the SSC CPO exam. The first exam is an objective-type CBT with MCQs consisting of 4 sections whereas the second exam only consists of the English section. Candidates can check out the SSC CPO exam pattern below to help them understand the exam better.

SSC CPO Paper 1 Pattern

  • There are total 200 questions with each section carrying 50 questions.
  • The total duration of the exam is 2 hours.
  • Each correct answer is awarded 1 mark.
  • There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks.
SectionNumber of QuestionsMaximum Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning5050
General Knowledge5050
Quantitative Aptitude5050
English Comprehension5050

SSC CPO Paper 2 Pattern

The Paper 2 of the SSC CPO is conducted for only one subject i.e., English. Candidates are provided with 2 hours to attempt 200 questions. The total marks for this paper are also 200. This is an online exam.

SectionNumber of QuestionsMaximum Marks
English Language and Comprehension200200


An important part of SSC CPO exam is the PET test. Hence, candidates should also know the syllabus for it to improve their chances of cracking the exam. The SSC SPO PET syllabus for makes males and females is provided below.


100m race in 16 seconds

100m race in 18 seconds

1.6km Race in 6.5 minutes

1.6km Race in 4 minutes

Long Jump: 3.65m in 5 chances

Long Jump: 2.7m or 9 feet in 3 chances

High Jump: 1.2m in 3 chances

High Jump: 0.9m or 3 feet in 3 chances

Short put 16 LBS: 4.5m in 3 chances

No short put

Preparation Tips for SSC CPO Syllabus

Knowing the SSC CPO syllabus is important however knowing how to prepare it properly is the most crucial step which will help you qualify the exam with relative ease. Below, we have suggested some simple yet highly effective preparation tips that can help you cover the SSC CPO syllabus timely and crack the exam with flying colours!

  • First things first, you must chalk out an effective study plan after reading the SSC CPO 2023 syllabus.
  • Make sure that you devote at least 2 hours to each subject and reserve some hours for daily revision.
  • Scribble down important points in a notebook which can come in handy at the time of revision.
  • Reach out to the books that cover the entire SSC CPO syllabus in a precise manner.
  • General Knowledge is one of the most scoring subjects. So, you must not leave any topic from the SSC CPO syllabus for General Awareness.
  • Regularly practice SSC CPO previous year question papers and attempt mock tests as it will not only help in improving your time management skills but will also help you identify your weak areas.
  • Last but not least, just revise the content you have learned so far and avoid starting the new topic at the last moment.

Best Books to Prepare SSC CPO Syllabus

Candidates should refer to preparation books in order to efficiently prepare the syllabus. Not only will it provide concise notes for studying but also practice questions for revision. Refer to the subject-wise books below to cover SSC CPO syllabus efficiently.

General KnowledgeLucent

Magical Books on Quicker Maths

 M. Tyra

A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning

R.S. Aggarwal

Objective General EnglishS.P. Bakshi

Objective Computer Awareness

 Arihant Publications

FAQs on SSC CPO Syllabus

  • SSC CPO Syllabus is released by Staff Selection Commission. It is divided into 2 Papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. While SSC CPO Paper 1 consists of 4 sections, namely, Quantitative Aptitude, General Knowledge, Reasoning and English. SSC CPO Paper 2 syllabus has only one section i.e English Language. You can find the topic-wise SSC CPO Syllabus in the above post.

  • The Staff Selection Commission releases the SSC CPO Syllabus PDF along with the official notification. We have provided the direct link to download SSC CPO syllabus below.

    >SSC CPO Syllabus PDF

  • The conducting authority has categorized the SSC CPO Paper 1 syllabus into 4 categories, which are as follows:

    • Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus: Ratio Proportions, Profit and Loss, Speed, Time and Distance, Average, Piper & Cistern, Age-related questions etc.
    • English Syllabus: Vocabulary, Spotting the Error, Single Fillers, Reading Comprehension, Phrases & Idioms etc.
    • General Knowledge Syllabus: Indian History, Geography, Polity, Economics, General Science & current affairs.
    • General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus: Classification, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Alphabet or word test, Puzzles, Data sufficiency, Mirror & Water Image, Distance direction test etc.
  • No, the Staff Selection Commission has not changed the SSC CPO Syllabus for over a decade. However, we will notify you if any changes are made to the Syllabus.

  • The SSC CPO Syllabus for Paper 2 consists of only one section i.e. English Comprehension & Language. It consists of 200 questions carrying a weightage of one mark each. The topics covered in the SSC CPO Paper 2 syllabus are - Vocabulary, Para Jumbles, Sentence Completion, Spotting the Error, Single Fillers, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Phrases & Idioms etc. 

  • Though it will be difficult, yes, it is possible to cover the entire SSC CPO Syllabus in 3 months. All you need to do is study the topics mentioned in the above post and work hard!

  • You can either download the SSC CPO Syllabus PDF by visiting the official website of the Staff Selection Commission or clicking on the direct link mentioned in the above post.

  • The SSC CPO syllabus for Paper 1 covers 4 subjects that are: Quantitative Aptitude, General Knowledge, General Intelligence & Reasoning and English. A total of 50 questions will be asked from each section in the tier 1 exam.

  • SSC CPO Maths Syllabus is included in the tier 1 exam. The major topics covered in this section are Ratio Proportion, Profit and Loss, Geometry, Trigonometry, Average, Piper & Cistern, Age-related questions etc. 

  • No, candidates must cover all the subjects listed in the SSC CPO 2022 Syllabus thoroughly. If you are short on time, then you can cover all the important topics from each subject but leaving out an entire subject is a big mistake. You can go through the above post to find the important topics that will help you score high in the exam without covering the entire syllabus.

  • You can download the SSC CPO Syllabus PDF in both English and Hindi from our page. Make sure to go through the syllabus a few times before you start preparing for the exam and curate a sound study plan with realistic goals to crack the exam in one go!

  • The SSC CPO exam syllabus is considered to be of moderate level to prepare. Candidates should ensure to practice the previous year questions and mock tests to ensure they are preparing in an efficient manner so, they find the exam easier to crack.

  • Yes, there is a negative marking of 1/4 marks in Paper 1 of the SSC CPO exam. Hence, candidates are advised to attempt the questions carefully.

  • SSC PO syllabus is considered to be easier than SSC CGL. However, both exams are highly competitive and candidates should put their best efforts to crack them.

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