SSC GD Exam Analysis 2023: Shift-wise Exam Review & Questions

SSC GD Exam Analysis 2023: Shift-wise Exam Review & Questions

ByNeha Uppal  |  Updated on: Jan 10, 2023
SSC GD exam analysis 2023 has been updated here. Know the detailed subject-wise SSC GD Analysis for all shifts. Check difficulty level, good attempts and number of questions asked and more.
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SSC GD Analysis 2023 for 10th January is provided to you here as the exam has been conducted for Shift 1, 2 & 3. Candidates who participated in the exam or are planning to can benefit from this analysis immensely. SSC GD Analysis provides a subject-wise summary of the exam that helps candidates understand the difficulty level of the question paper. The SSC GD exam analysis also helps gain more insights into the exam pattern, analyse the type of questions asked in the exam, and know the important topics which require special attention while preparing for the exam.

On this page, we have provided a detailed SSC GD Constable Analysis for the shifts already conducted. We will also update the page as the exams for other shifts is conducted. So, read on to learn more about the good attempts and difficulty level in the SSC GD today exam analysis.

SSC GD Exam Analysis 2023

SSC GD Analysis 2023 is now available on this page for the exam conducted on 10th January 2023 by the Staff Selection Commission. BYJU'S Exam Prep Experts have provided a comprehensive paper review after candidates' feedback. We have discussed in our analysis, SSC CGD difficulty level, subject-wise weightage and more. We have provided SSC GD Constable Analysis for the first shift of each day of the exam. This will help candidates predict cut off marks as well.

Candidates can also go through our detailed exam analysis for the previous year exams and get an idea about the difficulty level and nature of the exam. We have provided an in-depth SSC GD Constable exam analysis with subject-wise insights about the exam. So, make sure to bookmark this page to gain valuable insights about the exam.

SSC GD Analysis 2023: Major Highlights

Before diving deep into the SSC GD analysis for the exam, candidates can go through the major highlights. These will help candidates to get a fair idea about the exam. SSC GD exam analysis highlights are provided below to help candidates understand the difficulty level of different sections and get an overall view of the exam.

  • The SSC GD difficulty level was overall Moderate and candidates did not find the exam overly complicated.
  • The sections which candidates found easy were Reasoning and Maths.
  • The difficulty level of the sections were from easy to moderate.
  • General Awareness was of mdoerate level whereas English/Hindi, Reasoning and Maths were comparaitvely easier to attempt.
  • Candidates found the English Section to be easy with simplistic questions.
  • The General Awareness section was easy, with 4-5 questions based on the current affairs.

SSC GD Exam Analysis 10 January 2023

Candidates can now check out the SSC GD 10 January Exam Analysis here. The four sections of the exam are divided into four subjects: General Awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics, and Language proficiency (English/Hindi). Typically, the Staff Selection Commission sets the question paper for the SSC GD exam from an easy to a moderate difficulty level from the SSC GD Syllabus. Hence, students have a higher chance of scoring well on the exam. You can find out about the section-wise SSC GD exam analysis below.

Let's have a look at the subject-wise SSC GD Constable Exam Analysis below for various sections that are asked in the examination along with the weightage of questions that were asked. 

SSC GD Exam Analysis 2023 for Reasoning

SSC GD Reasoning analysis is provided below for the candidates to peruse. Verbal and non-verbal reasoning is a part of general intelligence. Blood relations was one of the most-asked topics this time with Classification, Coding-Decoding and Series being the second-most important topics. The exam was overall easy and candidates who attempted 14-16 questions are expected to score well in this section.

TopicWeightage of Topic (Shift 3)Weightage of Topic (Shift 2)Weightage of Topic (Shift 1)
Paper folding and cutting00-1
Embedded figure2  
Mirror Image and Water Image0-11
Order and Ranking--0-1
Direction and Distance-00-1
Statement Conclusion11
Dice--1 (Open)
Alphabet and Word Test1-21-2-
Venn Diagram111
Clock and Calendar---
Blood Relation112-3
Mathematical operator1  

SSC GD Analysis 2023 for General Awareness

The General Awareness section was easy to moderate as per the paper review. Most of the questions were asked about topics such as Current Affairs and Science. Candidates who prepared this section well can easily score maximum marks in the exam. we have provided the weightage of each topic and the sub-topic as per the SSC GD analysis below.

TopicWeightage of Topic (Shift 3)Weightage of Topic (Shift 2)Weightage of Topic (Shift 1)
Geography1-21-2 (River and tributaries)2 (National Park, River)
Polity2 (related to articles)1-2 (related to article 21)1 (Article)
Art and Culture2 (Folk dances and famous personalities) 2-3 (Folk dance, instrument player and awards)2 (Folk Dance)
Science2 (Chemistry and biology)2-3 (Redox reaction)2-3
Current Affairs3-4 (2019, 2020, 2022)3-4 (2022)4-5

SSC GD Exam Analysis 2023 for Elementary Mathematics

SSC GD Maths exam analysis has been updated here for the exam. This will allow candidates to gather an enhanced understanding of the exam which was easy on the difficulty level. Most questions were asked from the topics, Profit & Loss, Percentage and Time & Work. Candidates can find the detailed SSC GD Quantitative Aptitude analysis in the table below.

TopicWeightage of Topic (Shift 3)Weightage of Topic (Shift 2)Weightage of Topic (Shift 1)
Mixtures and Allegations00-
Ratio and Proportions1-21-21
Number System1-21-20-1
Profit, loss and Discount2-32-33-4
Time and Work21-22-3
Speed, Time, and Distance112
S.I. and C.I.1-221

SSC GD Exam Analysis 2023 for English

As per SSC GD exam analysis, English Comprehension section may end up being the section in which candidates can score the highest. As per SSC GD Constable exam analysis, the questions were related to the candidate's comprehension skills. Cloze Test had the highest weightage and the section was of an overall moderate level. Candidates can check out the detailed analysis below.

TopicWeightage of Topic (Shift 3)Weightage of Topic (Shift 2)Weightage of Topic (Shift 1)
Error Spotting0-111-2
Fill in the Blanks1-21-21-2
Phrase Replacement---
Cloze Test55-3-4
Idioms and Phrases1-22-31-2
One word Substitution220-1
Active-Passive Voice-0-11-2
Direct- Indirect Voice-0-10-1

SSC GD Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts

The SSC GD good attempts have been updated here. The SSC GD analysis is done to provide candidates with a framework to evaluate their performance. For future aspirants, this will assist them in preparing efficiently by creating achievable and practical goals. Knowing the SSC GD number of good attempts will help candidates understand how many questions they should aim to attempt in the exam and how many they can safely leave out to avoid loss due to negative marking.

SSC GD good attempts refer to the number of questions candidates should attempt to score maximum marks. For the exam conducted on 10th January 2023, good attempts for each section came out to be 15 questions on average. According to the SSC GD Exam Analysis, the good attempts for each section are as follows: 

SectionGood Number of Attempts (Shift 3)Good Number of Attempts (Shift 2)Good Number of Attempts (Shift 1)
General Intelligence & Reasoning15-1815-1714-17
Elementary Mathematics14-1716-1815-18
General Awareness13-1613-1512-14

SSC GD Analysis: Difficulty Level

The overall SSC GD difficulty level has been updated on this page after the exam. Candidates can check SSC GD section-wise difficulty level to understand how the marking will be done. This will also help candidates prepare for future exams accordingly and create realistic goals. Here we have provided information about the difficulty level of each section in a precise manner in a tabulated form below.

According to the SSC GD Exam Analysis done on 10 January, it can be inferred that the exam was moderately difficult. Except for General Awareness, all the sections were easy in nature. We have provided below the overall and section-wise difficulty level of the SSC GD Exam held on 10th January 2023.

SectionNo. of QuestionsSSC GD Difficulty Level (Shift 3)SSC GD Difficulty Level (Shift 2)SSC GD Difficulty Level (Shift 1)
General Intelligence & Reasoning20Easy-ModerateEasy-ModerateEasy
Elementary Mathematics20Easy-ModerateEasyEasy
General Awareness20ModerateEasy-ModerateModerate

Previous Year SSC GD Constable Exam Analysis

The SSC GD 2019 Exam was conducted by the Commission, and the students who appeared for the exam described the difficulty level of the exam to be in the range of Easy-Moderate. Here are a few pointers to give an idea about the exam and the structure and nature of the question paper.

  • Good News: There was not any negative marking in SSC GD Constable.
  • Questions were arranged Section-wise.
  • Students had to choose the fourth optional section from the English/ Hindi subject.
  • The level of Maths was EASY.
  • There was a very less number of questions on the current affairs topic.

Let us now head towards the important topics asked in the SSC GD Constable exam and have a short SSC GD Analysis. As already informed, this exam will be conducted from 11 Feb to 11 March, and our article on sectional & overall paper review will help all the candidates yet to appear for the exam. Let us help you further by sharing the list of important topics from which questions were asked.

SubjectQuestionsMarks90 Minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning2525
General Knowledge and General Awareness2525
Elementary Mathematics2525
English/ Hindi2525

Note: SSC has pre-fixed the minimum cut-off marks for the computer-based examination.

  1. General/Ex-Servicemen: 35%
  2. OBC/ SC/ ST: 33%

Reasoning Level was Easy

The Reasoning section includes the following topics:


  • Number Series
  • Alphabet Series
  • Test of Direction Sense
  • Coding-Decoding (Odd One Out)
  • Ranking 
  • Arithmetical Reasoning 
  • Analogy
  • Decision Making
  • Statement & Conclusions
  • Miscellaneous


  • Mirror Images (ACE)
  • Embedded Figures etc

Elementary Maths level was Easy

This was a breakthrough as candidates always expect the Maths section to be difficult. Here are the topics from the Elementary Maths section:

  • Number System
  • HCF, LCM
  • Decimal Fractions (Simplification Based)
  • Ratio and Proportions
  • Percentage
  • Speed, Time, and Distance
  • Time and Work
  • Profit and Loss
  • Average
  • Compound Interest
  • Mensuration
  • Miscellaneous

GK section Level was Moderate

GK or General Awareness is the most scoring section, but sometimes the questions from this subject can be a bit tricky. In this exam, the GK section was moderately difficult. Here are the topics from GK:

  • Current Affairs (Less)
  • Economic News
  • Budget and Five-Year Plans
  • Sports
  • Books and Authors
  • Abbreviations
  • Indian Polity, Indian Constitution
  • Indian History, Culture 
  • Geography
  • Others

English Language/ Hindi Language was Moderate

The language comprehension section was also moderate, and candidates could score well in it and increase their overall marks.

SSC GD Analysis: Questions Asked

After discussing the topics asked in the first shift, let us now go through the actual questions asked in the exam and have an in-depth SSC GD Analysis. These questions will help you know the level & type of questions the board is framing. These questions will also help all the candidates yet to appear for the exam.

  • Longest Bone in Human Body? Femur (Thighs)
  • Question-related to the Area of Square.
  • If the selling price of an article is Rs. 225 & the discount is 15%. Find the Marked Price. 191.25 Rs
  • Who got the first silver medal (India) in Rio Olympics? PV Sindhu
  • India's Rank in Economy? 6th
  • Author of Light of  Asia- Sir Edwin Arnold
  • Full Form of GST- Good & Services Tax
  • Folk Dance of Tamil Nadu- Bharatnatyam
  • First Indian woman to swim the English Channel- Arati Saha
  • Chemical Name of Table Salt? Sodium Chloride
  • Smallest State in India? Goa
  • Which among the following is related to the Primary Sector? Agriculture
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau is related to which field? Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer. Born in Geneva, his political philosophy influenced the progress of the Enlightenment throughout Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the development of modern political and educational thought
  • Who wrote the Book India 2020? APJ Abdul Kalam
  • Full Form of DNA? Deoxyribonucleic acid
  • A person goes from A to B at the speed of 25km/hr and returns at the speed of 20km/hr. If the total time of travel is 9 hours, find the distance between A and B? 100 Km.
  • The color of leaves is gree due to a pigment called? Chlorophyll
  • When did the civil war end in Sri Lanka? 18 May 2009
  • Which monument was made from the Pietra Dura technique? Taj Mahal 
  • Origin of Narmada River? Amarkantak
  • Synonym of Appropriate?
  • Lavani dance is associated with which state? Maharashtra
  • Fundamental rights are included in which part of the Indian Constitution? Part III
  • नाच न जाने आँगन टेढ़ा मुहावरे का अर्थ
  • Mirror Image of ACE?
  • इंद्र का पर्यायवाची?
  • When was the Soviet Union dissolved? Dec 1991

FAQs on SSC GD Exam Analysis

  • We have updated the subject-wise SSC GD Analysis 2023 for Shit 1, 2 & 3. We have added all the important information about the nature and difficulty level of the exam. Additionally, we have also provided candidates with SSC GD section-wise analysis to help candidates gain an enhanced understanding of the exam.

  • The SSC GD Constable Exam Analysis is a tool to determine the difficulty level of the exam conducted by SSC. Aspirants preparing for the exam can refer to the SSC GD analysis of the previous year exam to get a better idea about the level of the exam and the nature of the questions, which helps them to create a better preparation strategy and attain a higher score in the upcoming exam.

  • You can find the SSC GD Analysis on this page as we have updated for SSC GD 2023 conducted by the Commission. Candidates can also find the previous year SSC GD Constable Exam analysis in this post and learn about the difficulty level of the exam and the nature of questions asked.

  • A simple yet effective way to learn about the exam pattern and difficulty level of the SSC GD Exam is to refer to the SSC GD Analysis for the previous year. The exam analysis is a tool that will give you a deeper understanding about the nature of the exam conducted by SSC, and you will have more insight into how to prepare for the exam to achieve a high score.

  • Good attempts refer to the number of questions attempted correctly by the maximum number of candidates in the SSC GD Exam. Hence, the number of good attempts in the SSC GD Analysis of the previous year determines the difficulty level of the exam and the expected cut-off.

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