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BYJU'S EXAM PREP is the most comprehensive preparation platform for all exams, loved by more than 30 million aspirants across the country. At our heart lies the belief that people prepare better when they prepare together; by questioning, helping & challenging each other. Hence at the very core of our company is togetherness in everything that we do as well. We're just one big happy family working towards achieving our goals. We work, eat, play and party together. At BYJU'S Exam Prep we’re constantly looking for young, inquisitive, like-minded go-getters who are innovative and would love to create an impact in the EdTech world, thus evolving students’ lives. If this idea excites you, then BYJU'S Exam Prep is the place for you.
Office Culture
A Start-up with a young, vibrant & super friendly crowdGrowth
Exponential Professional Growth & Learning OpportunitiesMentorship
Reflective Listeners & Teachers in Peers & LeadersIf you are unable to find a suitable opening please do not worry. We are always up to discover new talents, kindly mail us your resume to