The UPTET syllabus for Language 2 is based on the same fundamental concepts as Language 1. Language 2 will focus on language concepts and comprehension skills. Candidates choose one optional language (English, Sanskrit, or Urdu) for this section. Check out the UPTET syllabus for English, Urdu, and Sanskrit below.
UPTET Paper 1 Syllabus for English
Unseen Passage; The sentence - Subject and predicate, Kind of sentences; Parts of speech- Kinds of Noun, Pronoun, Adverb, Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Conjunction; Tenses-Present, Past, Future; Articles; Punctuation; Word formation; Active & Passive voice; Singular & Plural Gender
UPTET Urdu Syllabus for Paper 1
Unseen passage Meeting of the masters of the tongue Knowledge of the famous life and poetry of famous tribes and poets Mukhtalif Asnaaf Adab such as Maznoom, Afsana Murcia, Masnavi Dastan, etc. Praise to Ma, Amsal Masala of perfect tamarind and afflux Information about Ism, Jamir, Sifat, Mutzadalfaz, Wahid, Mojkkar, Moannas et cetera. Saints (Tasbeeh and Istaara, Talmih, Maraatunzir), etc Idioms, meeting JurbalAmsal Mukhtalif Samaj Musayal like the atmosphere of AloodgiNabrabari, TalimBaraa’mn, Adame, Tagazia To understand the social and Khaliq Akbar present in the beliefs, stories, Hikayatas, and memoirs
UPTET Syllabus for Sanskrit Paper 1
Unexplained masculine; Unseen passage; Nouns; Unexplained feminine; Unexplained neuter; Postpartum feminine; Postpartum masculine; Incessant; Sandhi – Treaty of simple words and their separation; Numbers – Knowledge of numbers in Sanskrit; Gender, vowel, vowel type, substitution, type of consonant, anusvara, and nasal consonant; Compositions of poets and writers; Introduction to Sanskrit names of household, family, surroundings, animals, birds, household use items; Pronouns; Verb; Use of Sanskrit words for major body parts.
Check: UPTET Exam Analysis