CAT Preparation 2023: Expert Strategies for Success in CAT Exam

CAT Preparation 2023: Expert Strategies for Success in CAT Exam

ByVijay Kumar  |  Updated on: May 31, 2023
Get all the details regarding CAT Preparation here. Know the expert tips, and month-wise tips to prepare for CAT 2023. Know CAT Preparation for GDPI round and TITA questions.

CAT Preparation: The most common question that every aspirant wants to know to be shortlisted for MBA admission to top colleges is "How to Prepare for CAT". As the upcoming exam approaches, it's crucial to follow a well-structured plan for CAT Preparation 2023, covering the syllabus, important topics, and chapters. The CAT exam, renowned for its competitiveness in India, attracts countless individuals aspiring to pursue an MBA at the prestigious IIMs. CAT Preparation involves a systematic study plan, consistent practice of chapters, and regular assessment through question-solving.

In this post, we will provide you with invaluable tips and strategies for effective CAT Preparation 2023. Discover how to prepare for CAT 2023 and gain access to interactive video sessions that facilitate an efficient learning experience.

CAT Score Predictor

CAT Preparation 2023

The candidates appearing in CAT Exam must check the latest exam pattern o know the changes in the test structure, sectional weightage and question types. Knowing the syllabus and test structure will help in making an effective CAT preparation plan for all the chapters and important topics. However, there is no official syllabus for CAT, so solving the CAT Previous Year Papers should be on your priority list to prepare for the exam.

Below, we have listed some experts' recommended tips on preparation, that you can follow to be prepared for the upcoming CAT 2023.

  • Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and devote yourself to CAT Preparation.
  • Make a study schedule and divide the time equally for all the exam sections.
  • Note that there is a sectional time limit in CAT. So while doing CAT Preparation, the candidates must work on their speed and accuracy to complete the questions on time.

CAT Preparation Study Materials

In order to follow an in-depth preparation for CAT, it is crucial to have a systematic study schedule, having all the important study materials. Here, we have listed some of our free CAT Preparation materials, tips and tricks to begin your exam preparation from scratch.

CAT Preparation Materials

CAT Sectional Preparation

CAT Preparation Tips

Reading Comprehension Book for CAT

How to Prepare Data Interpretation for CAT?

How to Clear CAT in 1st Attempt?

Verbal Ability Book for CAT

How to Prepare Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT?

How to Score 99 Percentile in CAT?

Quantitative Aptitude Books for CAT

How to Prepare Logical Reasoning for CAT?

How to Prepare for CAT at Home?

CAT Books

How to Prepare Quantitative Aptitude for CAT?

How to Prepare for CAT without Coaching?

How To Prepare for CAT 2023: Experts Tips

Below, we have shared some workable tips for your CAT Preparation. Follow these tips during your preparation days and score a good rank in the exam.

Follow Timetable

It is essential to follow a timetable while preparing for CAT. Aspirants must create CAT Preparation Daily Schedule to ensure that they complete the syllabus in time. It requires dedicated hours of concentrated studying. However, ensure not to set unrealistic goals and deadlines, as it will demotivate you.

Learn Shortcuts and Tricks

The shortcuts and tricks are the primary components of the CAT Preparation process. Many shortcut technique is being taught in the Aptitude and Quantitative part, using which a problem can be solved in lesser time.

Clear Your Concepts

Always start your preparation from scratch. It will help you to gain chapter-wise concepts and knowledge. Conceptual clarity is the most important thing that the candidates should work on during CAT Preparation.

Practice Makes a Man Perfect

Rigorous practice is required so that you know the types of questions you may face. A SWOT analysis is a must for each section during CAT Preparation. You must also regularly practice mock tests to identify your mistakes and improve accordingly.

Be Attentive during

Regularity is the key to success. It is one of the fundamental attributes which a student should inculcate at the time of CAT Preparation 2023. Being regular with anything accelerates efficiency and accuracy, and both are much-needed exam preparation.

CAT Preparation Road Map

The candidates should create a CAT study plan and road map to prepare for CAT 2023 effectively. CAT Preparation 2023 road map will help them to make consistent preparation for all the exam sections and important topics. Your study roadmap should include:

  • Make weekly study hours
  • Check weekly progress
  • Adjust for the non-negotiables
  • Think yourself
  • Divide study time for every chapter

CAT Preparation: Section-Wise Study Tips

As per the official CAT Exam Pattern, there are three exam sections in CAT. It includes

  • Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning
  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude

The candidates can expect a total of 66 questions, which includes both the MCQs and non-MCQs. So, proper strategic CAT Preparation is very much required to score 99 percentiles in each of these sections.

You can follow the below-mentioned tips to prepare these 3 sections in CAT effectively.




Read the newspaper daily to improve your reading skills and comprehensive knowledge.

Practice Vedic math again and again during CAT Preparation. It will help you to solve the questions quickly.

Learn all the associated chapters well, including Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, etc.

Focus on learning new words daily to enhance your vocabulary

Do not Assume. Always read the question carefully before answering.

Go through the important formulas and make a note of it.

Pick a section from any magazine, book, newspaper, or novel and note the places where you hesitate during CAT Preparation.

Pay close attention to the chapters Seating Arrangement, Blood Relation etc.

Work on your mental calculation skills while doing CAT Preparation to achieve a high CAT score.

Write the definitions of the tough words on your flashcards and take a quiz on yourself twice or three times using the vocabulary you've written on it

Attempt sectional CAT mocks at least 2-3 times a week to grab a better understanding.

Learn tables up to 40, squares up to 30, cubes up to 20, and percentage equivalents of fractions up to 25 during CAT Preparation.

CAT Online Preparation

The candidates can also join the CAT Preparation online classes for the upcoming Exam. Due to this pandemic situation, CAT online preparation become the first choice for every aspirant, as it is easily accessible from anywhere and anytime. If you are a final-year student, it will be quite difficult for you to manage time for offline classes. Thereby, these online classes are very helpful as you can access these classes at your convenience. To assist the candidates with the best CAT Preparation tips, BYJU'S Exam Prep offers the Best App for CAT Preparation. Candidates are advised to download it now to boost their preparation plan.

CAT Preparation: Important Topics to Study

The candidates must be aware of CAT important topics and section-wise chapters at the time of exam preparation. Knowing all the important chapters and topics will give value at the time of CAT preparation. Here we have listed some of the topics list that you can prepare well to score a good rank in the exam.

  • CAT DILR Questions: These questions test candidates' logical reasoning and analytical skills. Based on a number of criteria, connections, and assertions, you are supposed to draw a conclusion or make a deduction.
  • Blood Relation CAT Questions: It is one of the most important chapters. It throws questions on relations among the family members in different competitive exams.
  • CAT Profit and Loss Questions: The authority asks these questions to understand the candidate's ability to calculate mathematical equations in a shortcut way.

Apart from this, there are other important topics and chapters are there, which you need to be focused on while doing CAT preparation 2023. This includes:

Topics to be Studied during CAT Preparation

CAT Algebra Questions

Basics of Arithmetic Progression

CAT Irrational Numbers

CAT Geometry Mensuration Formulas

RC Questions for CAT

SI CI CAT Questions

Trigonometry CAT Questions

Probability CAT Questions

CAT Exam Preparation for TITA Questions

In CAT TITA Questions, the candidates will not get any options, rather they have to type the correct answers and complete them on time. There is no negative marking in this section but this section is highly tame-taking.

  • Daily practice of 1 hour is enough to prepare for the CAT 2023 TITA Questions.
  • First, solve the easy answers and then move on to the tough questions.
  • Avoid guessing the answers. If you are sure, only then answer the questions.
  • Attend BYJU'S Exam Prep CAT Online Coaching to prepare these questions in a scheduled way

CAT Preparation 2023: YouTube Video Analysis

Here, we have shared a detailed video analysis of the syllabus, test structure, eligibility, mock timelines and more. All these parameters are very important to do a complete CAT preparation on time. 

Below we have shared a video analysis on CAT Preparation tips for beginners. The candidates who are going to attempt this exam for the first time can follow this video to know how to start preparing for CAT 2023.

☛ Also Read: CAT Preparation Tips for Non-Engineers

How to Prepare for CAT 2023: Month-wise Study Tips

The candidates who are preparing for CAT must have a month-wise study plan to score well in the exam. You must make a month-wise CAT Preparation plan for every section so that you can easily score the required CAT Percentile to get admission to Top CAT Accepting Colleges in India. Note the table below to get an idea of the month-wise CAT Preparation 2023 plan, as per the expert's recommendation.

CAT Preparation: Solve Previous Year’s Papers

The previous years' question papers are the best study materials and it helps the candidates to do their CAT Preparation efficiently. It also helps the candidates to understand the latest exam pattern or any changes which have been made in the exam structure and syllabus. In the below section, we have provided the direct link to download the previous year's papers to assist you in your CAT Preparation 2023.

CAT Exam Preparation for GDPI

It is extremely important to do CAT Preparation for the GD round from the beginning of exam preparation. The candidates may know that in this round, candidates' personality is tested rather than their theoretical knowledge. Below we have listed some expert-recommended CAT Preparation Tips for GI PI Preparation to help you prepare for this final selection round.

  • Be attentive always while writing SOPs.
  • Stay updated with daily events and CA
  • Brush up your academic knowledge
  • Show some teamwork or internship experience

☛ Also Check: How much time is required to Prepare for CAT

CAT preparation must be done on a consistent to retain the concepts efficiently. Join BYJU'S Exam Prep online classes and start your journey to prepare for CAT 2023.

CAT Preparation Last Minute Guide

Here, our experts have suggested some important last-minute study tips for CAT 2023 aspirants.

  • Know Your Limitations: Instead of trying to extend your wings in all directions, strengthen the areas you have prepared and make the most of them. It is preferable to increase your speed and accuracy and practise on the subjects you have thoroughly prepared during CAT Preparation.
  • Avoid Unknown: Given the limited time, learning anything new won't be of any use. There is not enough time to thoroughly understand the challenging topics. Concentrate now on your CAT test-taking technique.
  • Cut Down on CAT's Role in Your Life: Keep your anxiety under control. Have confidence in yourself and remember that CAT is not the end of the world.

FAQs on CAT Preparation

  • Knowing the syllabus and carefully examining each of the topics are the first and most significant CAT Preparation Tips. This will assist you in determining which topics demand more preparation time so that you can plan accordingly.

  • Coaching institutes are not mandatory for CAT Preparation. In the past, several students have achieved a score of 99 percent or more by self-preparation. By performing self-study, you should also look into the CAT Preparation strategy given above for passing CAT 2023 on your first attempt.

  • According to the CAT Preparation 2023 strategy, there is no fixed time limit. A devoted and thorough preparation period of at least 5 months is essential to achieve a good CAT percentile.

  • The CAT assesses candidates' accuracy and speed. As a result, time management is essential for success in the exam. Remember not to spend too much time on one question, instead, start with the section you know best and leave time for revision.

  • The candidates must follow a scheduled study plan to prepare for CAT while working. They can watch short videos during the office break time. Additionally, 2-3 hours plan for the mock tests during the weekend will help to manage time for CAT Preparation.

  • First of all, try to understand the exam pattern and syllabus of the CAT Exam. Both of these are very important because these two things help you to know the exam in a better way.

  • As per analysis, BYJU'S Exam Prep is the top-rated and Best CAT Preparation app. The best thing about this app is its graphical representation without any technical glitches, which helps the students to get a clear video without any bugs.

  • Below are some CAT Preparation Tips for the GDPI round.

    • Be attentive always while writing SOPs.
    • Read newspapers regularly to stay updated with the current affairs
    • Brush up your academic knowledge
  • Yes, the candidates can do CAT Exam Preparation by Self Study also. For this, they need to be well-versed with the updated exam pattern and syllabus first. Attempting mock tests and online quizzes will be a plus point for you, as these will help you to analyze your mistakes, which are not accepted on exam day at all.

  • The candidates must stay motivated during CAT preparation 2023. Think positive and do exam preparation without making your study hours boring. Take necessary breaks in every 2 hours to reduce monotony.


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