RRB NTPC Vacancy 2022
RRB NTPC Level-Wise Vacancy 2022 was released by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) along with the official notification. However, later, the board had revised the ex-serviceman vacancies for the RRB NTPC exam (12th+Graduate) for Station Master, Goods Guard, CA/ TA, Sr Clerk & many other posts. There are 35000+ zone-wise for Undergraduate & Graduate posts. For your ease, we have formulated vacancy tables in accordance with the posts & zones. You can check out the RRB NTPC Vacancy Zone-wise in this post.
You can refer to the official notification PDF in order to verify the RRB NTPC post wise ex-serviceman vacancy:
Revised RRB NTPC Vacancy PDF

Initially, the Railway Recruitment Board had announced only 35,208 vacancies for all the regions. However, recently, the board revised the RRB NTPC Vacancy 2022 and the number of vacancies increased from 35,208 to 35,281. Check out the RRB NTPC Vacancy 2022 zone-wise below.
NOTE: RRB NTPC Vacancy Increased: Check RRB Kolkata Traffic Assistant Revised Vacancies
RRB NTPC Vacancy Post-wise
As per the notification released by the board, there are 10603 vacancies for 12th (10+2) & 24605 vacancies for graduate-level posts. Take a look at the breakdown of RRB NTPC post-wise vacancies:
Name of the post | Total Vacancies (All RRBs) |
Junior Clerk cum Typist | 4300 (REVISED) |
Accounts Clerk cum Typist | 760 |
Junior Time Keeper | 11 (REVISED) |
Trains Clerk | 592 |
Commercial cum Ticket Clerk | 4940 |
Traffic Assistant | 160 (Revised) |
Goods Guard | 5748 |
Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk | 5638 |
Senior Clerk cum Typist | 2854 (REVISED) |
Junior Account Assistant cum Typist | 3147 (REVISED) |
Senior Time Keeper | 6 (REVISED) |
Commercial Apprentice | 259 |
Station Master | 6865 |
Total | 35280 (REVISED) |
Please note that a student can apply from one zone only. Let us now go through the zone-wise vacancies offered by Railways Recruitment Board.
RRB NTPC Vacancy Notification
The Railway Recruitment Board has released the RRB NTPC Vacancy Notification along with the official recruitment notification PDF. However, later, the board revised the number of vacancies taking the toll from 35,208 to 35,281. The number of vacancies for Ex-Servicemen was revised to 10 per cent of total vacancies and PwBD vacancies were nullified for level 5 posts. Read the official RRB NTPC Vacancy Notification to know more about it.
RRB NTPC Vacancy 2022 Zone-wise
The RRB announces the RRB NTPC Vacancy zone-wise and this year too, the board has rolled out the vacancies for each zone separately. Check the below table to know zone-wise RRB NTPC Vacancy 2022.
Railway Board Zone | No of Vacancies |
RRB Allahabad | 4030 |
RRB Ajmer | 1773 |
RRB Ahmedabad | 1024 |
RRB Bhopal | 997 |
RRB Bangalore | 2470 |
RRB Bilaspur | 1207 |
RRB Bhubaneswar | 498 |
RRB Chandigarh | 2483 |
RRB Guwahati | 851 |
RRB Gorakhpur | 1298 |
RRB Jammu Srinagar | 898 |
RRB Kolkata | 2949 |
RRB Mumbai | 3665 |
RRB Malda | 1043 |
RRB Muzaffarpur | 329 |
RRB Ranchi | 1386 |
RRB Patna | 1039 |
RRB Siliguri | 443 |
RRB Secunderabad | 3234 |
RRB Thiruvananthapuram | 897 |
Total RRB NTPC Vacancy | 35281 |
RRB NTPC Vacancy 2022 in Hindi
आरआरबी एनटीपीसी रिक्ति 2022 आधिकारिक अधिसूचना के साथ रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) द्वारा जारी की गई थी। इससे पहले, बोर्ड ने सभी क्षेत्रों के लिए केवल 35,208 रिक्तियों की घोषणा की थी। हालांकि, हाल ही में, बोर्ड ने आरआरबी एनटीपीसी रिक्ति 2022 को संशोधित किया और रिक्तियों की संख्या 35,208 से बढ़कर 35,281 हो गई। इस पोस्ट में, आप विस्तृत तरीके से RRB NTPC Vacancy 2022 in Hindi में पाएंगे।