UPSC ESE 2023 Final result is released and uploaded here.UPSC ESE 2023 Interview exam was conducted in September-November 2023. UPSC ESE 2023 PMains exam was conducted on 25th June 2023 in two shifts. UPSC ESE 2023 Prelims exam was conducted on 19th February 2023. The UPSC has released the result on the official website of UPSC. Candidates who have attempted the ESE 2023 Interview exam can download the UPSC ESE 2023 result PDF by accessing the link in the article below or the official UPSC website. The result includes the list of qualified candidates with roll numbers and names.
IES Exam is a national-level exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to recruit engineering graduates. The commission conducts the ESE IES exam each year for major branches, namely Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronics Telecommunications.
Two stages (Prelims and Mains) of the UPSC ESE exam are conducted offline to shortlist the candidates for the interview session. The Preliminary exam is an objective paper, while the Mains is a conventional paper. Candidates who qualify for both Prelims and Mains will be eligible to participate in the final round. The last phase of the UPSC ESE/IES exam is followed by the interview process, which is the toughest stage due to the strict evaluation. Let us see the important
Latest Updates on UPSC ESE/IES Exam
Check out the latest updates on the UPSC ESE/IES exam as and when notified by the officials. Candidates are advised to not miss any updates on the IES exam so they can be prepared for each and every upcoming examination event.
- UPSC ESE 2023 Final Result has been released.
- UPSC ESE Mains exam schedule was released.
- IES 2023 Prelims results were released on 3 March 2023.
- UPSC ESE 2023 Prelims admit card was released.
- UPSC ESE 2022 Interview Dates announced.
- IES 2023 notification released.
- UPSC ESE Mains 2022 exam results declared.
UPSC ESE 2023 Notification
The Union Public Service Commission has released the IES 2023 notification on the official website. The UPSC ESE is a national-level recruitment examination held by the Union Public Service Commission to fill thousands of jobs in the railways, telecommunications, border roads, CPWD, CWC, CPES, NHAI, Naval Armaments, IDSE, MES, and ordnance factories, among other sectors. We have provided the IES 2023 notification PDF below.
Download UPSC ESE/IES 2023 Notification PDF
UPSC ESE 2023 Final Result
UPSC ESE 2023 final result is declared. The exam conducting authority has released the list of the recommended candidates for appointment. Candidates who have qualified successfully for the IES exam will be given Posts in the concerned Ministries of India. The ESE Personality Test (Interview) commenced during September to November 2023, and the last date for the interview was 15 December 2022. Check the ESE 2023 recommended candidates list according to the roll numbers given in the notification below.
Check Here for UPSC ESE 2023 Recommended Candidates
The officials declared UPSC ESE final 2023 result on 22 November 2023. The list of selected candidates for the interview process is provided. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Indian Engineering Service, often known as the Engineering Services Examination (ESE), to recruit engineers for different positions. The Union government appoints IES officials based on the Union Public Service Commission's recommendations (UPSC).
What is the IES Exam?
The IES exam is also known as Indian Engineering Services or Engineering Services Examination (ESE). Indian Engineering Services is considered the most competitive and respected job for aspirants selected as engineers under the various ministries and departments of Govt. of India. The appointed UPSC ESE engineers are given service in Group A departments to manage the technical and managerial functions under the Government of India. The ESE exam is conducted by UPSC every year to recruit engineers in 4 engineering branches which are:
The selection process for the IES exam comprises three stages, as given below:
- Stage 1:Preliminary Examination
- Stage 2:Mains Examination
- Stage 3:Interview
IES Exam Highlights
Before appearing for the examination, candidates are advised to go through the highlights of the IES exam to understand the upcoming exam. Further, we have provided the IES exam highlights in the table below.
Exam Name | IES - Engineering Services Examination (ESE) |
Conducting Authority | UPSC |
Vacancies 2023 | 327 |
Level of Exam | National |
Selection | Preliminary, Mains, and Interview |
Preliminary exam | Objective-type |
Mains exam | Conventional |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Frequency | Annually |
Qualifications | Engineering Branch |
Age limit | 21 to 30 years |
Application fee | Rs. 200 |
UPSC ESE 2023 Exam Date
Earlier, UPSC released the ESE 2023 notification. The Prelims exam will be conducted on 19 February 2023, while the ESE Mains will be conducted on 25 June 2023. The IES exam date schedule for both phases is given below:
IES Exam Events | Dates |
IES 2023 Notification Release Date | 14 September 2022 |
Online Application Release Date | 14 September 2022 |
Last Date of Online Application | 4 October 2022 |
UPSC ESE Prelims Admit Card Release Date | 27 January 2023 |
IES 2023 Preliminary Examination | 19 February 2023 |
IES 2023 Prelims Result | 3 March 2023 |
IES 2023 Mains Examination | 25 June 2023 |
IES 2023 Mains Result | 7 August 2023 |
IES 2023 Interview schedule | September to November 2023 |
IES 2023 Final Result | 22 November 2023 |
IES Vacancy 2023 (Branch-wise)
The IES Vacancy branch-wise has been notified in the official notification PDF. The total ESE vacancies for Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electronics Telecommunication Engineering are given in the table provided below:
Branch | Total Vacancy |
CE | 178 |
EC | 113 |
EE | 64 |
ME | 46 |
Total | 401 |
UPSC ESE 2023 Apply Online
If you fulfill the eligibility criteria, you can apply for the Engineering Services Examination (ESE) through the following steps.
Steps to Fill Online Application Form
- Step 1: Visit the official website of UPSC to apply online for the IES exam and click on the exam notifications tab.
- Step 2: Click on the apply online link for the UPSC ESE Prelims exam.
- Step 3: Click on Part I of the application form to obtain the registration number.
- Step 4: Log in with your Registration Number and date of birth to complete the ESE exam application form.
- Step 5: Upload the required documents.
- Step 6: Pay the required amount of the application fee as per your category.
- Step 7: Tick the declaration and submit the UPSC ESE online form.
- Step 8: Take a printout of the application form for further use.
IES Exam Fee
You can pay the application fee for the ESE IES exam by visiting any branch of the SBI. The application fee for the UPSC ESE exam is as follows:
- Other Candidates: Rs. 200/-
- Women, SC, ST, and PWD candidates: Exempted
Documents to Upload in UPSC ESE 2023 Application form
The documents required while submitting the UPSC ESE 2023 application form must be in JPG format, and the size of the documents must be 20 KB - 300 KB. The following documents must be uploaded in the correct format as given below to complete the application process for the ESE IES exam.
Document Required | Dimensions |
Photo | Minimum: 350 pixels (Height) x 350 pixels (Width) Maximum: 1000 pixels (Height) x 1000 pixels (Width) |
Signature | Minimum: 350 pixels (Height) x 350 pixels (Width) Maximum: 1000 pixels (Height)1000 pixels (Width) |
Mode of Payment
The modes of payment for the IES exam are mentioned below.
- Deposit the application fee as cash in any SBI Branch, or
- SBI Net banking facility, or
- Use any Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card
Here are a few important points related to the IES application form for candidates to note:
- UPSC has given the facility to withdraw the application form for the ESE 2023 exam from 12 October 2022 to 18 October 2022.
- You must apply for the IES exam before the last date, which is 4 October 2022. If you delay submitting the application form, then there are chances that you might not get the exam centre as per your choice.
- The final selection for the UPSC will be made through the marks scored by you in all three stages of the ESE IES exam, i.e., Prelims, Mains, and Interview.
Branch-wise Posts Name
Below is the list of all the UPSC ESE 2023 posts released for individual branches. Candidates who will successfully clear the IES exam will be appointed in the following profiles depending upon their performance in the examination.
Civil Engineering
- Indian Railway Service of Engineers.
- Indian Railway Stores Service (Civil Engineering Posts)
- Central Engineering Service
- Central Engineering Service (Roads), Group‐A (Civil Engineering Posts)
- Survey of India Group ‘A’ Service.
- AEE(Civil) in Border Road Engineering Service
- Indian Defence Service of Engineers
- AEE(QSC) in MES Surveyor Cadre
- Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service
- Indian Skill Development Service.
Mechanical Engineering
- Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers
- Indian Railway Stores Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
- AEE in GSI Engineering Service Grade A
- Indian Defence Service of Engineers
- Indian Naval Armament Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
- Assistant Naval Store Grade‐I Officer (Mechanical Engineering Posts) in the Indian Navy
- AEE(Electrical Mechanical) in Border Roads Engineering Service(Mechanical Engineering Posts)
- Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service
- Central Power Engineering Grade A Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
- Indian Skill Development Service
- Central Power Engineering Grade B Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
Electrical Engineering
- Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers
- Indian Railway Stores Service (Electrical Engineering Posts)
- Central Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Service (Electrical Engineering Posts)
- Indian Defence Service of Engineers
- Assistant Naval Store Grade‐I Officer (Electrical Engineering Posts)
- Central Power Engineering Grade A Service(Electrical Engineering Posts)
- Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO‐II (Electrical)
- Indian Skill Development Service
- Central Power Engineering Grade B Service (Electrical Engineering Posts)
Electronics Telecommunication Engineering
- Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers
- Indian Railway Stores Service (Telecommunication/Electronics Engineering Posts)
- Grade A Indian Radio Regulatory Service
- Indian Telecommunication Service Grade A.
- Indian Naval Armament Service (Telecom and Electronics Engineering Posts)
- Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade‐I (Electronics and Telecom Engg. Posts) in Indian Navy.
- Central Power Engineering Service Grade A (Electronics Telecom Engineering Posts).
- Indian Skill Development Service
- Junior Telecom Officer Grade B
- Central Power Engineering Service Grade B (Electronics Telecom Engineering Posts)
IES Exam Eligibility
To be eligible for the IES exam, candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and not have attained the age of 30 years on January 1, 2023. Candidates should not be born earlier than 2nd January 1993 and not later than 1st January 2002. The conducting authority, UPSC, has mentioned the detailed IES eligibility criteria requirements categorized under various sections like nationality, age, educational qualification, etc. in their official notification. Every aspirant must comply with the IES ESE eligibility criteria to avoid disqualification. Find the detailed requirements below:
UPSC ESE Nationality
To satisfy the IES eligibility, the candidate must fall into any one of the following categories.
- An Indian citizen
- Bhutan or Nepal Subject
- A refugee of Tibetan origin who migrated to India before 01 January 1962 to permanently settle in India
- A person of Indian origin came from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, or East African countries of Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zaire, Malawi, and Ethiopia, or from Vietnam to permanently settle in India.
Note: If you fall into categories b, c, or d, you must have an eligibility certificate issued by the Government of India.
IES 2023 Educational Qualification
To satisfy the IES 2023 eligibility, the candidate must have the following educational qualification. A candidate must have any of the following mentioned educational qualifications.
- Must hold an engineering degree from a recognized institute or university.
- A candidate holds a degree/diploma in Engineering from a foreign University and is recognized by the Government.
- Cleared both Sections A and B of the IEI.
- Cleared Graduate Membership Exam of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India).
- Passed Associate Membership Examination of the Aeronautical Society of India.
- Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers.
UPSC ESE Selection Process 2023
The selection process for the UPSC ESE Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering is as follows:
- ESE Prelims Exam/ Stage I: Objective Paper
- ESE Mains Exam/ Stage II: Conventional Paper
- ESE Interview/ Personality Test
You have to qualify for each stage to be eligible to move to the next stage of the selection process. Further, the final selection for each branch of the engineering discipline will be made based on the cutoff marks obtained in Stage I, Stage II, and Stage III.
IES Exam Pattern 2023
The exam pattern for the IES exam is given below in detail for the Prelims and Mains exams for CE, EE, ME, and EC.
UPSC ESE Prelims Exam Pattern
The ESE Prelims exam is the first stage of the selection process. The ESE Prelims Exam has two papers as tabulated below.
- It has only objective questions in paper-I and paper II.
- The total mark in the UPSC ESE exam is 500 marks.
- Paper I is common to all candidates, while paper II will have questions from the core engineering subject.
- The total duration of the ESE Prelims exam is 5 hours.
- ⅓ marks assigned to a question are deducted for an incorrect answer.
Paper | Marks | Duration |
Paper-I: General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper | 200 Marks | 2 Hours |
Paper-II: Core Engineering Paper | 300 Marks | 3 Hours |
Total | 500 Marks |
UPSC ESE Mains Exam Pattern
Candidates who qualify for the UPSC ESE Prelims exam will be called to appear for the Mains exam.
- The Mains exam of the IES exam will also have 2 papers. However, both papers will be conventional in nature.
- Further, both the papers will have subjects based on the core engineering subject chosen by you while filling the application form, i.e. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electronics Telecommunication Engineering.
- The commission has the right to deduct up to 5% of the total marks if your handwriting is illegible.
Paper | Questions | Marks | Duration |
Paper-I: Core Engineering subject | 6-8 Questions | 300 | 3 Hours |
Paper-II: Core Engineering subject | 6-8 Questions | 300 | 3 Hours |
IES Syllabus 2023
The IES syllabus carries a common GS and Engineering Aptitude syllabus and the individual engineering discipline they applied for. The following is the General Studies and Engineering Aptitude syllabus which is common for all the streams.
- Current affairs issues of Nationwide and International importance relating to Economic, Social, and Industrial development
- Basics of Material Science and Engineering
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering, such as Networking, E-Governance, and Technology-based education
- General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety
- Standards and Quality practices in construction, production, maintenance, and services
- Engineering Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
- Basics of Environment and Energy: Conservation, environmental pollution, and degradation, Climate Change, Environmental impact assessment
- Ethics and Values in the Engineering profession
- Engineering Aptitude covering Logical reasoning and Analytical ability
- Basics of Project Management
UPSC ESE/IES Previous Year Question Papers
UPSC conducted the Engineering Services Mains exam on 25 June 2023 which is the second phase of IES exam. The exam is highly important for final selections as the marks secured by students in Prelims, Mains and Interview are together calculated for the final selections in Engineering Services. Here we have provided the ESE 2023 Mains detailed solution pdf to help you understand the ESE 2023 paper pattern, types of questions to expect and the most accurate solution to the ESE mains problems.
Find the detailed ESE Mains 2023 detailed solution PDFs below. These cover the detailed solutions of ESE 2023 Mains Mechanical, Civil, Electronics & Telecommunication and Electrical paper.
You can download the UPSC IES previous year papers from the link below. We highly recommend you solve these papers to improve your speed and accuracy.
UPSC ESE Prelims Result 2023
Candidates can download the name-wise and roll number-wise list of the selected candidates for the Mains exam from the link provided below. A total of 3526 candidates have cleared the first stage of the IES recruitment process which is provided below:
UPSC ESE Prelims Result 2023
UPSC ESE Admit Card 2023
UPSC ESE Prelims admit card 2023 has been released on the official website. The UPSC releases the IES exam admit cards stage-wise. Thus, firstly, the ESE Prelims and Mains admit card will be released, followed by the UPSC Mains result, and the Interview process admits cards will be released. Candidates require a registration number and date of birth to download the admit card to appear for the examination. Candidates can download the UPSC ESE hall ticket from the link given below.

Follow the following steps to download the ESE admit card 2023 from the official website:
- Visit the UPSC official website.
- Click on the e-admit card link for the IES exam.
- Choose the IES exam 2023 to download the admit card.
- Submit the details required and download the IES admit card 2023.