Candidates preparing for IBPS SO 2021 exam can download the IBPS SO question paper pdf to enhance the exam preparation method. Moreover, know the difficulty level of the exam, the weightage of each section, and the types of questions asked from each section under the exam. Aspirants can download the IBPS SO question paper, the memory-based IBPS SO prelims questions paper, and IBPS SO Mains question papers prepared based on the feedback shared by the candidates who appeared for the exam.
If you are studying for the forthcoming IBPS SO exam, you must attempt the memory-based practice IBPS SO question papers from past years and double-check your responses using the solution pdf. As you prepare for the IBPS SO Exam, you can substantially benefit from these IBPS SO Previous Year Papers pdf with Answers. Start your revision right now by downloading the PDFs of the IBPS PO Previous Year Question Papers from the page below.
Solving IBPS SO previous year paper can be considered mandatory as they play an important role in boosting the IBPS preparation. Institute of Banking Personnel and Selection conducts the IBPS SO exam to select desired candidates for the specialist officer posts. We have provided the IBPS SO previous year question paper PDF in English and Hindi, which will be very helpful for all the candidates appearing in IBPS SO.
Aspirants can download IBPS SO Prelims question papers pdf along with the previous year papers. Candidates who are preparing for the exam must need to solve the IBPS SO previous year papers to boost up preparation. Also, Aspirants can refer to the post below for IBPS SO Prelims question papers pdf and download IBPS SO previous year paper PDF for 2020/19/18/17/16 along with some tips related to preparation.
IBPS SO Mains Question Papers pdf download link is made available by BYJU's Exam Prep team for prelims & mains. The IBPS SO question papers are based on the memory-based questions shared by the candidates who appeared for the exam to give a clear picture of the difficulty level and questions asked. Aspirants can download the IBPS SO Mains question papers pdf to know the types of questions asked in professional knowledge to get an estimated score.
IBPS SO Mains Questions Paper ; [30th January 2022]
Candidates must download IBPS SO previous year papers for the prelims exam to prepare for the exam and excel for better results. Candidates can download memory-based papers to know the detailed pattern and questions asked in the exam. Direct link to IBPS SO prelims question papers is provided below:
Candidates here can download both IBPS SO Prelims and Mains question papers. Previous year’s question papers for IBPS SO are available for Marketing, AFO & IT Officers along with the solutions. Most of the candidates preparing for the examination try to prepare for both IBPS SO Prelims and Mains together so that they can easily cover up the syllabus for the mains after the prelims are conducted. Refer to the table below to download the IBPS SO Previous Year papers:
IBPS SO Question Paper PDF | IBPS SO Question Paper PDF (Hindi) |
IBPS SO Question Paper [2020] | IBPS SO Question Paper in Hindi [202] |
IBPS SO Previous Year Question paper [2019] | |
IBPS SO Previous Year Question paper [2018] | |
IBPS SO IT Officer Question Paper [2017] | IBPS SO Previous Year IT Officers Papers with Solutions |
IBPS SO Question Paper 2016
IBPS SO Question Paper PDF (English) | IBPS SO Question Paper PDF (Hindi) | IBPS SO Solution PDF |
IBPS SO Marketing Officer Question Paper [2016] | - | IBPS SO Marketing Officer Solutions [2016] |
IBPS SO Agriculture Officer Field Question Paper [2016] | IBPS Agriculture Field Officer Question Paper in Hindi [2016] | Answer key & Solutions of IBPS Agriculture Officer Question Paper [2016] |
Candidates should solve mocks and previous year's papers for IBPS SO regularly. For previous years they can either solve sectional-wise or topic-wise after completing each topic. Solving the Previous Year Paper can be very helpful for the candidates while preparing for any competitive examination. However, many candidates choose not to refer to the question paper. Here are a few reasons which might able convenience aspirants why to solve IBPS SO Previous Year Paper:
Candidates can download the IBPS SO previous year's paper from the official and solve them to excel in the examination. With previous year question papers candidates can understand the exam level, pattern, syllabus and more.
Candidates, with the help of previous years’ IBPS SO question papers, have an idea of the IBPS SO Syllabus, and pattern along with the difficulty level of the paper. It also helps in time management and increases confidence for the exam.
Candidates will be able to work on their time management skills and other skills with the help of previous years' papers on IBPS SO, through which they are able to solve maximum questions in the minimum time possible.
The IBPS SO exam pattern is very easy to understand. Its prelims have 4 sections, and the mains have only one domain-specific question. IBPS SO will be a 2 Hour paper consisting of 150 questions divided into 3 sections which are listed below:
There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer.
Candidates need to solve question papers of IBPS SO in a time-bound manner and try to maximize the number of questions they can solve in a given time limit. This way, candidates face the exam hall's pressure and learn how to act in real exams.