DSSSB 2024 NTT TGT PGT Vacancy, Exam Date, Notification

DSSSB 2024 NTT TGT PGT Vacancy, Exam Date, Notification

ByAshish Kumar  |  Updated on: Jan 8, 2024
DSSSB PGT, TGT and NTT (Nursery Teacher) vacancies are announced by the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board. Candidates preparing for PGT, and NTT can apply for the vacancies released by DSSSB.
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DSSSB 2024 notification for NTT, TGT and PGT have been released. The online application process beguns from 9th January 2024 and last to fill application form is 7th February 2024. The exam dates are not announced yet but will be updated soon. Candidates who are eligible can apply for DSSSB NTT and PGT for advertisment number 07/23, and 08/23. Last year, DSSSB recruitment 2023 notification was released to fill 16,546 vacancies.

DSSSB has released notification to will the vacanct seats of nursery teacher amd PGT teacher for PGT Hindi, PGT Maths, PGT Physics, PGT Chemistry, PGT Biology, PGT Economics, PGT Commerece, PGT History, PGT Geography, PGT Political Science, PGT Sociology, PGT Physical Education and PGT Home Science. Candidates seeking to build their career in teaching can apply if they are meeting the eligibility criteria. More details concerned with the DSSSB NTT, PRT, TGT, PGT, and other non-teaching post vacancies have been presented below.

DSSSB Exam Date 2024

The exam dates for the DSSSB NTT PRT TGT PGT vacancy will be released along with the notification. Candidates should be aware of the important dates to keep a track of the important events. Check the DSSSB exam date 2024 and the dates of other events in the table given below.



Notification release date

To be released soon

Application form availability

To be announced

Last date to submit DSSSB online form

To be announced

Admit card availability

To be announced

DSSSB exam date

To be announced

Answer key release date

To be announced

Result declaration

To be announced


DSSSB Recruitment 2024

Candidates who are waiting for the DSSSB recruitment for teacher posts should fasten up their preparation now. The recruitment process is going to commence soon to fill more than 4000+ vacancies. DSSSB recruitment 2024 is a good opportunity for candidates who want to work as a teacher in Delhi. More details related to the DSSSB NTT, and PGT vacancies will be available after the release of the detailed notification.

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DSSSB Vacancy 2024

The vacancies in DSSSB for NTT, PRT, TGT, PGT, and other non-teaching posts have been notified by the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board. Check out the details on the DSSSB Vacancy 2024 for various posts in the table given below.

Name of the Posts

Total Vacant Posts

Assistant Teacher Primary (PRT)


Assistant Nursery Teacher (NTT)


Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)


Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) 




DSSSB Recruitment Overview

Candidates can check the highlights of DSSSB recruitment 2024 to get the information in brief in the table given below. 



DSSSB Full Form

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board

DSSSB official website


Total Vacancy


Vacant Posts

Nursery Teacher, PGT, and non-teaching staff








297 vacancies

Level of the Exam

State Level

Mode of Application


Mode of the exam


Marking Scheme

+1 for correct answer and -1 for incorrect answer

Medium of the question paper

English and Hindi

What is DSSSB Exam?

DSSSB recruitment is conducted by Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board (DSSSB). The exam is -conducted under the control of the Delhi government's departments (GNCT of Delhi). Its goal is to find qualified individuals for teaching and non-teaching positions in the Group "B" and Group "C" categories.

The exam includes several vacancies for DSSSB TGT exams for Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), DSSSB PRT exam for Primary Teacher (Primary), PGT exam for post graduate teacher, Assistant Teacher (Nursery) exams and exams for other posts including Jr. Secretariat Assistant (LDC), Counselor, Head Clerk, and Patwari. Candidates can check details about each exam here.

DSSSB Notification 2024

The notification for DSSSB online exam will be released on the official website of the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board. DSSSB recruitment notification shall encompass all the essential details concerned with the exam. Candidates must go through the DSSSB notification 2024to know about the eligibility criteria, exam date, application process, syllabus, exam pattern, and more. The notification PDF will be updated here as soon as it is available. Meanwhile, check the previous year's DSSSB notifi cation PDF to check for any relevant information.

DSSSB Eligibility Criteria 2024

Candidates who want to apply for the DSSSB recruitment must meet the eligibility criteria. They will be able to check the eligibility criteria in the detailed DSSSB notification 2024. The eligibility criteria comprise several parameters such as educational qualification, percentage, age limit, etc. An overview of the eligibility criteria for the DSSSB PGT TGT PRT NTT vacancy 2024 has been elaborated below.

DSSSB Educational Qualification 2024

The educational qualification required for NTT, PRT, TGT, and PGT has been mentioned in the following table.



DSSSB NTT Eligibility

- Senior Secondary School certificate or Intermediate or its equivalent with at least 45% marks from a recognized Board/University.

- Diploma/Certificate in Nursery Teacher Education programme ofnot less than two years or B. Ed.(Nursery) from a recognized Institute.

 -Should have passed Hindi at secondary level.

DSSSB PRT Eligibility

- Candidates must have passed Class 12 with at least 50% marks and a 2-year Diploma in elementary education OR 4-year Bachelor of elementary education (B.El.Ed).

- Should have a valid CTET certificate.

DSSSB TGT Eligibility

- A Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent with at least 45% marks from a recognized University in the concerned subject.

- B.Ed. from a recognized university.

- Should be a pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET).

DSSSB PGT Eligibility

- Master’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in concerned subjects.

- Degree / Diploma in Training /Education from a recognized university. 

DSSSB Age Limit 2024

Candidates must meet the age limit criteria for TGT, PGT, PRT and NTT prescribed in the DSSSB recruitment notification. The age limit criteria include minimum age and maximum age to apply for the DSSSB exam. Check the DSSSB age limit criteria in the below table.


Age Limit

TGT Age Limit

32 years (40 years for Women)

PGT Age Limit

36 years

PRT Age Limit And Nursery Teacher

30 years

DSSSB Application Form 2024

DSSSB Application Form will be released online for the eligible candidates to apply for the 4000+ vacancies. Candidates must check the detailed DSSSB notification prior to submitting the application form. The application process comprises various steps such as registration, filling out the application form, fee payment, uploading required documents, and final submission of the application form. While applying online for the DSSSB vacancy, candidates must fill in the correct details only.

  • Visit the website of DSSSB Online.
  • Look for the application form link.
  • Register yourself by providing the required details.
  • Fill in the personal details and academic details in the application form.
  • Pay the application fee.
  • Upload photo and signature.
  • Submit the application form and take a printout of it.

DSSSB Application Fees

To fill out the DSSSB PRT TGT PGT application form, candidates belonging to the General and other candidates will have to pay INR 100. The SC/ST/PwD/women need not pay any fee.


Application Fees


Not applicable

General and other Candidates

INR 100

DSSSB 2024 Exam Pattern

DSSSB exam pattern is different for NTT, PRT, TGT, PGT, and non-teaching posts. Candidates must be aware of the exam pattern so that they can draw the roadmap for preparation. It assists in understanding the total number of questions, marking scheme, difficulty level of the DSSSB exam, etc. Candidates who want to apply for the DSSSB PRT, TGT, PGT, and Nursery posts vacancies can check the exam pattern below.

DSSSB PRT and Nursery Exam Pattern

SectionsTotal QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
General Awareness20202 hours
General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability2020
Arithmetical & Numerical Ability2020
English Language2020
Hindi Language2020
Subject Concerned100100

DSSSB TGT Exam Pattern

SectionsTotal QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
General Awareness20202 hours
General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability2020
Arithmetical & Numerical Ability2020
English Language2020
Hindi Language2020
Subject Concerned100100

DSSSB PGT Exam Pattern

SectionsTotal QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
General Awareness20203 hours
General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability2020
Arithmetical & Numerical Ability2020
English Language2020
Hindi Language2020
Subject Concerned200200

DSSSB Syllabus 2024

Candidates must refer to the DSSSB syllabus to be aware of the topics that are important for the exam. The syllabus is an important aspect to prepare for DSSSB recruitment. Candidates should be well acquainted with the syllabus of NTT, PRT, TGT, PGT, etc. to devise a nice study plan. It is extremely important to cover all the topics mentioned in the syllabus to obtain maximum marks in the DSSSB exam.



General English

Tenses, Punctuation, Voice, Vocabulary, Articles, Modal Narration, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition, Idioms & phrases, Antonym & Synonyms

General Hindi

पर्यायवाची, विपरीपार्थक, अनेकार्थक, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, अलंकार, संज्ञा एवं संज्ञा के भेद, सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम के भेद, विशेषण एवं विशेषण के भेद, क्रिया एवं क्रिया के भेद, वचन, लिंग, उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय, वाक्य निर्माण (सरल, संयुक्त एवं मिश्रित वाक्य), समानार्थी शब्द, सन्धि, तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द, समास

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

Current Events, Everyday observation, Economics, History, Polity, Constitution, Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, Sports, Art & Culture, Geography, Everyday Science, etc.

Reasoning Ability

Problem-solving, Analysis, Judgment, Decision-Making, Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Space Visualization, Visual Memory, Verbal and Figure Classification, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship, Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, Arithmetical Number Series, etc.

Numerical Ability & Data Interpretation

Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Simplification, Decimals, Data Interpretation, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.

Subject Concerned

As per the post applied for

Books to Prepare for DSSSB PRT TGT PGT

A proper selection of the best books is required to pass the DSSSB exam 2024. There are various books for General Awareness, Mental Ability & Reasoning Ability, Numerical Aptitude & Data Interpretation, Hindi Language & Comprehension, English Language & Comprehension, and Subject Concerned (teaching methodology/post-graduation). Check out the best books to prepare for the DSSSB PRT, PGT, and TGT recruitment in the table given below.


Book Name 

Author/ Publication

General Awareness

General Knowledge

Lucent Publications

General Intelligence & Reasoning ability

Logical Reasoning

Dr. R.S Aggarwal

Arithmetical & Numerical Ability

Quantitative Aptitude 

Dr. R.S Aggarwal

Hindi Language & Comprehension

Samanya Hindi,

Arihant Publication

DSSSB Previous Year Question Papers

Solving previous years' question papers is the best way to boost the preparation for DSSSB recruitment 2023. Candidates can download the DSSSB previous year’s question papers so that they can practice as many questions as possible along with the preparation. Download the pdf of question papers for PRT, PGT, and TGT exams to kickstart DSSSB exam preparation.

DSSSB PRT Previous Years Question Papers

Candidates preparing for the primary teacher exam must check the previous year's question paper to gain knowledge of the types of questions asked in the DSSSB PRT exam. The direct link to download the previous year's question papers has been provided in the table below.

DSSSB TGT Previous Years Question Papers

It is important to check some of the TGT previous year's question papers while preparing for the DSSSB TGT vacancy. Candidates can download the last year's question paper PDF through the links provided below.

DSSSB PGT Previous Years Question Papers

Candidates preparing for the PGT exam should examine the DSSSB PGT previous year's question papers. It will give them an understanding of the difficulty level of the exam. Candidates preparing for the DSSSB PGT vacancy can download the previous year's question papers using the links provided below.

DSSSB Admit Card 2024

DSSSB admit card will be released after the successful completion of the application process. Candidates will be able to download the admit card for DSSSB recruitment 2024 by using their login credentials. It is an important document for appearing in the DSSSB exam. Without admit card, no candidate can enter the examination hall. The admit card contains key details such as candidate's name, roll number, registration number, date of birth, exam date, exam venue, etc. Candidates must the details printed on the admit card carefully. 

DSSSB Exam Analysis

Candidates should view the exam analysis so as to know about the pattern of the previous exam. The DSSSB PRT exam analysis 2022 can provide an idea of the PRT exams held before. The detailed exam review of the DSSSB exam 2023 will be provided to you once the exam has been conducted successfully. The analysis helps analyze the difficulty level of each subject as well as the good attempts made by students in the DSSSB exam.

DSSSB Answer Key 2024

The DSSSB answer key is released after the exam.  A separate answer key is released for separate exams. The answer key includes correct answers for each question included in the exam. Candidates can check the answer key for DSSSB PRT, PGT, and TGT to anticipate their marks in the exam. The direct link to download the DSSSB answer key will be updated here once it is released by the concerned authorities.

DSSSB Result 2024

The result for separate vacancies under DSSSB recruitment is released separately. Candidates can check the result for the post they have applied for a few days after the conclusion of the exam. DSSSB result is released online which can be accessed by logging into the account. Hence, candidates must keep their login details safe until the recruitment process is ongoing. The result comprises information like marks obtained, total marks, candidate's name, category, date of birth, etc. 

DSSSB Exam Cut Off Marks

It is important to have a proper understanding of the difficulty level of the exam to prepare for the DSSSB exam. By gaining knowledge of the cut-off marks, candidates can maximize their scores and beat the competition with ease. To proceed further with the DSSSB recruitment process, candidates must obtain the minimum DSSSB cut off marks. Candidates can check DSSSB PRT, PGT, and TGT cut-off for each exam below for reference:

DSSSB PRT (DOE) Final Cut-off 2019

The PRT cut off marks for various categories have been presented in the following table.

















DSSSB TGT Cut Off marks

Candidates can check the final TGT Cut off marks for DSSSB TGT recruitment below. This will provide a basic idea about the minimum marks required to pass the DSSSB exam. 

DSSSB TGT Maths (Male) Cut Off Marks Out 


TGT Mathematics(male) Cut-Off 













DSSSB TGT English (Female) Cut off 2021 Out


English Cut-Off (Female)















DSSSB TGT Deaf & Dumb Cut Off 2021 out


Deaf & Dumb Cut-Off













DSSSB TGT Cut off Sanskrit (Male)


Sanskrit Cut-Off (Male)













DSSSB PGT Cut Off marks

Check the previous year cut off marks for DSSSB PGT exam to gain knowledge about the minimum qualifying marks. It is essential to score the minimum cut off to pass the exam conducted to fill the DSSSB teacher vacancy.

DSSSB PRT Special Educator 2021: Cut-Off

Candidates can check the cut-off set by the DSSSB for the categories mentioned below:


Number of Candidates Selected













DSSSB (Assistant) Nursery Teacher Cut Off Marks 2019-20:

Candidates can check the cut-off set by the DSSSB for the Assistant Nursery Teacher in the table given below:


Cut Off

General (U.R.)




Scheduled Tribe






DSSSB Teacher Salary

DSSSB recruitment attracts a lot of attention from candidates because it provides excellent career opportunities and growth.  One important factor is the salary offered to the teachers recruited under the DSSSB board. The salary of teachers employed for different teaching levels varies depending on their level. Check the DSSSB salary details for teachers in the table given below.


Pay Scale

Net Salary (Approx.)

DSSSB TGT Teacher Salary

INR 9,300-34,800 + Pay Grade 4600

INR 49988

DSSSB PGT Teacher Salary

INR 9,300-34,800 + Pay Grade 4800

INR 52938

DSSSB PRT Teacher Salary

INR 9,300-34,800 + Pay Grade 4200

INR 39420

Assistant Teacher (Nursery) Salary

INR 9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4200

INR 46000


  • DSSSB exam is conducted to recruit candidates for the posts of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), Assistant Teacher (Primary), Assistant Teacher (Nursery), and various other non-teaching posts. DSSSB exam is conducted by Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board which is an exam-conducting body of the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCT of Delhi).

  • DSSSB PRT exam has six sections, five of which are common to all levels of teaching exams and one of which is subject-specific. The common sections of exam conducted for the DSSSB PRT vacancy are General Awareness, General Intelligence, & Reasoning Ability, Arithmetical & Numerical Ability, Hindi Language and Comprehension, and English Language & Comprehension.

  • Candidates who wish to apply for postgraduate teacher vacancies under DSSSB should start their preparation as soon as possible. DSSSB exam is conducted to recruit deserving candidates as teachers for PGT posts. To get recruited as a PGT teacher, it is important to understand its syllabus and exam pattern.

  • It is important to understand the DSSSB TGT syllabus and exam pattern. Candidates can prepare well for the exam by understanding the subjects and important topics for the exam. The syllabus and exam pattern for TGT are listed above.

  • DSSSB syllabus is different for PRT, TGT, and PGT exams. The syllabus is decided by the DSSSB board with varying difficulty levels. Candidates aspiring to clear the DSSSB exam must know the syllabus thoroughly.

  • Through DSSSB notification, a total of 4000+ vacancies has been announced for various posts such as NTT, PGT, and other non-teaching staff.,

  • Candidates must know the DSSSB 2022 eligibility criteria before they apply for the exam. The DSSSB eligibility parameters are different for PRT, TGT, and PGT teachers. A Master's Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks is required to be eligible for the DSSSB PGT vacancy. A Bachelor's Degree (Honours/Pass) or equivalent from a recognized University with 45% aggregate marks was required for TGT. A candidate for PRT must have passed Class 12 and possess a diploma in elementary education with a minimum of 50% marks.

  • Yes, CTET is compulsory to apply for the DSSSB teacher recruitment. Candidates have to clear the CTET exam before they apply for the DSSSB exam 2023. Those who have not qualified for the CTET are not eligible to submit the application form.

  • Candidates can prepare for the exam by following the best strategy and tips. Check some of the best DSSSB preparation tips below:

    • Create a perfect schedule to prepare for the exam. 
    • Know your strengths and work on your weaknesses
    • Know the syllabus and exam pattern well before starting your preparation
  • The maximum age limit for DSSSB recruitment is different for each post. Candidates applying for PRT, TGT, and PGT exams should check the respective age limit prior to submitting the online application form.

    • DSSSB TGT - 32 years
    • DSSSB PGT - 36 years
    • DSSSB PRT - 30 years
  • DSSSB exam date 2024 will be announced soon. The examination for NTT, PRT, TGT, and PGT recruitment will be held on separate dates. Candidates must take note of that so that they can write the exam on the prescribed date.

  • No, the DSSSB exam is not held twice a year. It is held only once as and when the requirement is raised in teaching departments. The exam is only conducted when there are vacancies released which might not be yearly. So the DSSSB exam is conducted only when there is a need for the recruitment of teachers.

  • The full form of DSSSB is Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board. It is a recruitment board that looks after the DSSSB recruitment process for various teaching posts as well as non-teaching posts. This is one of the most competitive exams and is taken by lakhs of candidates.

  • Candidates will be able to download the DSSSB admit card a few days prior to the exam date. Generally, the admit card for the DSSSB TGT PGT PRT NTT exam is released 15-20 days before the exam date.

  • Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board will release the DSSSB result once the exam is conducted successfully. The result will be available only in online mode and candidates can check the result on the official website as well as through the link provided on this page.

  • Candidates preparing for the DSSSB PGT, PRT and TGT exams must check some of the best books as suggested by the subject expert. Some of the DSSSB books have been mentioned below:

    • General Awareness: General Knowledge by Lucent Publications
    • Reasoning ability: Logical Reasoning by Dr. R.S Aggarwal
    • Numerical Ability: Quantitative Aptitude by Dr. R.S Aggarwal

PRT, TGT & PGT Exams