Since the SSC CPO Exam analysis 2022 has not been posted yet, you can go through the previous year exam analysis to prepare for the upcoming exam. We have provided the shift-wise and section-wise exam analysis for the previous year exam down below.
SSC CPO Exam Analysis of 2020- 23rd November (1st Shift): Major Highlights
The SSC CPO Exam Highlights for 23rd November 2020, 1st shift have been given below.
- The paper was divided into four sections in the order: || General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & English ||
- The duration of the examination was 2 hours.
- The correct response will fetch you 1 mark while an incorrect response by will you will have a penalty of 0.25 mark.
- The level of the examination was in the range of easy to moderate.
- Maths and Reasoning were difficult in comparison to the previous year.
- The most difficult section was the Quantitative Aptitude owing to the lengthy calculations.
- Most of the questions in General Awareness comprised of the events held over the last 10 months.
- English and Reasoning sections were of easy level.
SSC CPO Exam Analysis 2020: Section-Wise Analysis
Let us now have a look at the section-wise SSC CPO Exam Analysis for 23rd November 2020, 1st shift.
SSC CPO Exam Analysis For English Comprehension
- The level of difficulty for the English Comprehension paper was easy.
- The topic-wise level of questions for SSC CPO English Comprehension for 23rd November 2020 is as follows:
Topic | No of Questions | Level |
Sentence Improvement | 4-5 | Easy-Moderate |
Error Detection | 3-4 | Moderate |
Idioms/Phrases | 3 | Easy-Moderate |
Reading Comprehension | 6-7 | Easy-Moderate |
Antonym/ Synonym | 8-10 | Easy-Moderate |
One word substitution | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Spelling check | 5 | Easy |
Indirect Direct | – | – |
Cloze test | 5 | Moderate |
Misc | 4-5 | Easy-Moderate |
Total | 50 | Easy |
SSC CPO Exam Analysis For General Intelligence and Reasoning
- The level of difficulty for the General Intelligence & Reasoning paper was easy.
- The topic-wise level of questions for SSC CPO General Intelligence & Reasoning for 23rd November 2020 is as follows:
SSC CPO Exam Analysis For Quantitative Aptitude
- The level of difficulty for the Quantitative Aptitude paper was easy to moderate.
- The topic-wise level of questions for SSC CPO Quantitative Aptitude for 23rd November 2020 is as follows:
Topic | No of Questions | Level |
S.I, CI | 3 | Easy-Moderate |
Ratio & Proportion | 2 | Difficult |
Profit/Loss | 3-4 | Easy-Moderate |
Mensuration | 4-5 | Difficult |
Trigonometry | 5 | Moderate-Difficult |
Algebra | 4 | Difficult |
Time and Work/ Pipe & Cistern | 2 | Moderate |
Geometry | 4-5 | Moderate |
Speed and Distance | 5-6 | Easy-Moderate |
Average & Percentage | 4-5 | Moderate |
DI | 10 | Easy-Moderate |
Total | 50 | Easy-Moderate |
SSC CPO Exam Analysis For General Awareness
- The level of difficulty for the Quantitative Aptitude paper was easy to moderate.
- The topic-wise level of questions for SSC CPO Quantitative Aptitude for 23rd November 2020 is as follows:
Topic | No of Questions | Level |
History | 5-7 | Easy-Moderate |
Geography | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Polity | 3-4 | Moderate |
Economics | 4 | Easy-Moderate |
Current Affairs | 8-10 | Moderate |
Science | 10-12 | Moderate |
Miscellaneous | 10 | Moderate |
Total | 50 | Moderate |
SSC CPO Exam Analysis 2020, 23rd November, 1st Shift: Memory Based Questions
BYJU'S Exam Prep has listed down the following questions that were asked in the 1st shift on 23rd November 2020. The following are the memory-based questions that will help aspirants who will be appearing in subsequent shifts:
General Awareness
The following are a few questions that were asked in the General Awareness section of SSC CPO 1st shift, 23rd November 2020:
- On which date did Gandhiji return to India?
Ans. 9th January 1915
- Article 21 (A) is related to _____?
Ans. The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six to fourteen years in such manner as the State may, by law, determine.
- Who was India’s President when Rajiv Gandhi took oath as PM of India?
Ans. Zail Singh
English Comprehension
The following are a few questions that were asked in the English Comprehension section of SSC CPO 1st shift, 23rd November 2020.
- Reading Comprehension was based on the following:
“Why animals are kept in the zoo. They should not be kept in confinement. They are not meant for entertainment.”
- Cloze Test was based on the Earth
- Synonym of foundation, accurate
Quantitative Aptitude
The following are a few questions that were asked in the Quantitative Aptitude section of SSC CPO 1st shift, 23rd November 2020.
- The average age of A, B, C is 25 years. If their ages are in the ratio 3:5:7 respectively, then find A’s age?
- If A’s salary is first increased by 10% and then decreased by 10% then find the change in A’s salary.
- The ratio of Copper and Zinc in 100 kgs of Brass is 13:7. Calculate the quantity of zinc present in it.