
One lakh sixty thousand rupees, convert this into numbers.

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

One lakh sixty thousand rupees in numbers can be written as Rs. 1,60,000. Let’s use the place value chart to write “One lakh sixty thousand” rupees:

Ten Lakh Lakh Ten Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones
1 6 0 0 0 0 0

Hence, One lakh sixty thousand rupees can be written in numbers as Rs. 1, 60, 000


A number is an arithmetic value that is used to calculate and represent a quantity. Numerical symbols, such as 3, are written to represent numbers. A number system is a logical way of writing numbers that uses digits or symbols to represent them. the system of numbers

  1. a helpful collection of numbers
  2. that reflects the number’s algebraic and mathematical structure.
  3. offers a common depiction.

Special Numbers

Cardinal Numbers: A cardinal number, such as one, five, ten, etc., specifies how many of a particular item there are in a list.

Ordinal numbers, such as first, second, third, and so on, describe a specific item’s position in a list.

Nominal Numbers: Nominal numbers are only used to identify things. It does not indicate an actual value or a thing’s position.

Pi (π): Pi is a unique number that is roughly equivalent to 3.14159. The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter is known mathematically as pi (π).

(i.e.,) Circumference/ Diameter = π = 3.14159.

Euler’s Number (e): Euler’s number, which is roughly equivalent to 2.7182818, is one of the crucial figures in mathematics. It is the base of the natural logarithm and an irrational number.

Golden Ratio (φ): A particular number called the golden ratio is roughly 1.618. There is no pattern to the digits, and the number is illogical.


One lakh sixty thousand rupees, convert this into numbers.

One lakh sixty thousand rupees in numbers can be written as Rs. 1,60,000. Whole numbers are known as non-negative integers and it does not include any fractional or decimal part. It is denoted as “W”.

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