
Natural Language is Structured Data. True or False?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

The answer is False. Natural language is not structured data. Computer languages that are used for programming are structured languages as they are written in a binary form. On the contrary, natural language is informal, and we do not speak in a structured manner. Computer languages are structured so that the computer can understand them and act accordingly.


The answer is False as natural language is NOT structured language

Furthermore, the data that constitutes a natural language is not structured because our speech is not structured. Natural language does not use binary notation and is more casual in nature. Natural language will have to be processed and written in facts, numbers and figures to make it intelligible for the computer to interpret.


Natural Language is Structured Data. True or False?

False. Natural language is not structured data. Natural language is written and spoken in an informal manner, whereas computer languages are written in binary form. Since our speech is not structured and doesn’t use binary notation, natural language cannot be termed structured data.


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