CISF Syllabus 2023: Subject-wise Constable Syllabus PDF

CISF Syllabus 2023: Subject-wise Constable Syllabus PDF

ByAshwani Tyagi  |  Updated on: Feb 17, 2023
CISF Constable Syllabus 2023 is released by the Central Industrial Security Force. Check out the detailed subject-wise syllabus along with the CSIF Exam Pattern for the constable position.

CISF Syllabus 2023 is released by the Central Industrial Security Force on its official website along with the notification. For those candidates who intend to take the upcoming exam, it is of the utmost importance. Candidates must become familiar with the syllabus in order to get their preparation underway. After all, candidates must familiarize themselves with the subject-wise CISF Syllabus and note down the topics they are supposed to prepare. Candidates can check the CISF Constable Syllabus, which is broken down into four distinct subjects or areas in which they will be examined.

For effective preparation and boosting the score to the next level, knowledge of the most recent syllabus is essential. It covers subjects including English/Hindi, Math, General Knowledge, General Intelligence & Reasoning. The whole subject-by-subject syllabus is provided below for applicants to examine in order to facilitate preparation. The direct link provided below allows candidates to obtain the CISF Syllabus PDF in Hindi and English.

CISF Syllabus 2023

For those who wish to take the CISF Exam, a thorough understanding of the CISF Syllabus is required. Every time students begin their exam preparation, it's essential to double-check the syllabus. Each year, thousands of applicants take this exam. Therefore, students will have an advantage over other competitors if they have prior knowledge and sufficient understanding of the CISF Syllabus 2023. The exam is divided into four main sections that are:

  • General Knowledge
  • General Intelligence and Reasoning
  • Mathematical Ability
  • General English/Hindi

The CISF Syllabus is provided here so that candidates can use it to understand the important components of each subject and develop a successful study plan. Candidates must carefully examine the syllabus and the exam pattern in order to properly prepare for the exam. This will allow candidates to identify the key topics they need to focus on adjusting their study plan accordingly.

CISF Constable Syllabus PDF

CISF Syllabus PDF for Constable post must be downloaded by applicants who would take the exam this year. Candidates can download it to their devices and use it to efficiently prepare and quickly cover important material. Candidates can download the CISF Syllabus PDF subject-wise from the direct link provided below. By downloading the PDF, candidates can examine the list of topics and syllabus at any moment.

CISF Constable Syllabus PDF

CISF Syllabus PDF for Sub Inspector

CISF Syllabus for Reasoning

The General Intelligence and Reasoning section included in the CISF Constable Syllabus is one of the most crucial. Why? This is because this section is meant to test the candidates on their problem-solving and analytical skills, which play a huge role in the role of a CISF Constable. In this section, there are a total of 25 questions carrying 25 marks in total. Candidates can get all the information about the CISF Fireman Syllabus for reasoning in the table mentioned below. Candidates might come across at least 1-3 questions from these topics. Candidates must prepare the topics given below to score the maximum marks from this section.

CISF Syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning

Alphanumeric Series, Direction, Coding-Decoding, Ranking, Arithmetical Reasoning, Problem on Ages, Decision Making, Blood Relations, Analogy, and Miscellaneous

Non-Verbal Reasoning

Cubes and Dice, Mirror Images, Non-Verbal Series, Embedded Figures, Grouping Identical Figures, etc.

CISF Syllabus for General Knowledge

This section is designed to examine the candidates on their general awareness and knowledge about the current happenings around the world. Therefore, In addition to reading the topics included in the constable syllabus and the general awareness section of the CISF Fireman Syllabus, applicants must brush up on their current events knowledge. Candidates must note that general awareness is not something a candidate can master in a day; it needs continuous efforts and dedication. Candidates must take a look at the CISF Syllabus for General Awareness in the table below.


CISF Syllabus for General Awareness

Current Affairs

International & National Affairs

Economy & Finance

Economics, Features of the Indian Economy


Indian Geography


History of India and the world

Indian Polity & Constitution

Indian Polity & Constitution, Amendments in the constitution, Newly passed bills

Science & Technology

Biology, Physics, General Science, Chemistry, Computer, Discoveries & Inventions

Static GK

Honors & Awards, Important Days & Dates, Miscellaneous, National & International Organisations, Other Information, Sports, Art & Culture, Books & Authors

CISF Syllabus for Mathematics

Mathematics or Arithmetic ability is typically seen as the toughest subject in the CISF Syllabus by most candidates. However, if candidates prepare it well and start early, it can become a scoring subject too. Candidates must make sure that they practice enough by practicing the previous year's question papers and mock tests to increase their speed in solving mathematical problems. Candidates can check the list of topics prescribed in the CISF Constable Syllabus of Arithmetic that applicants must prepare to ace this section. Since the topics in this section are the same for both the fireman and constable exams, there shouldn't be any problems if applicants thoroughly practice the CISF Fireman Syllabus topics of Arithmetic.

Arithmetic Percentages
Ratio and Proportion
Time and Distance
Profit and Loss
Number System
Time and Work

CISF Syllabus for English & Hindi

Last but not least is the language proficiency section, where candidates can choose between the English and Hindi sections. The CISF Fireman Syllabus covers the same subjects as the constable curriculum. Candidates can perform well in this area of the CISF Syllabus, which covers topics including comprehension passages, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and more for the preferred language.

CISF Syllabus 2023 for General English/Hindi

General English

Comprehension Passage, Synonyms/Antonyms, Active/Passive Voice, Direct/Indirect Speech, Error spotting, Cloze Test, One word substitution, Fill in the Blanks, Idioms & Phrases, Sentence Improvement, Para jumbles

General Hindi

समास, लिंग, वचन, विलोम, गद्यांश आधारित प्रश्न, तत्सम-तध्दव, पर्यायवाची, मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ, शुद्ध -अशुद्ध वाक्य, संधि-विच्छेद, अलंकार, अनेकार्थी वाक्य, वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द

CISF Syllabus in Hindi

सीआईएसएफ परीक्षा हर साल आयोजित की जाती है और CISF Constable Syllabus आमतौर पर वही रहता है। उम्मीदवारों का चार प्रमुख क्षेत्रों में परीक्षण किया जाता है जिसमें सामान्य जागरूकता, गणितीय क्षमता, तार्किक तर्क और भाषा प्रवीणता शामिल है जिसमें अंग्रेजी या हिंदी विषय शामिल हैं। उम्मीदवार अंग्रेजी या हिंदी में राष्ट्रीय स्तर की परीक्षा देना चुन सकते हैं। और जो उम्मीदवार हिंदी का विकल्प चुनते हैं, वे अपनी तैयारी के लिए CISF Syllabus in Hindi में देख सकते हैं।

CISF Exam Pattern 2023

Along with the notification, the commission will also release the CISF Exam Pattern. They can plan their preparation more effectively if they are aware of every minute element of the exam pattern. Candidates studying for the exam for the constable position should be familiar with the CBT exam format used by the CISF, which is the initial stage of the CISF selection process. It will allow students to more effectively and methodical get ready for the exam. For more information, candidates can refer to the table below.

  • The written test will be either an OMR/computer-based test.
  • The CISF exam 2023 will have four sections and each section has 25 questions. 
  • The total marks of the CISF Fireman Constable written exam is of 100 marks, where each section is of 25 marks.
  • Candidates will also have a choice between General Hindi and General English sections.
  • The total duration of the CISF Constable exam 2023 is 2 hours.


Number of Questions

Total Marks

Time Duration

General Reasoning



2 Hours

General Knowledge and General Awareness


General Mathematics


General English/Hindi


Important Topics in CISF Syllabus

The important topics that applicants must study are listed below in case they don't have enough time to complete the CISF Constable Syllabus and are worried about it. As they are the most often asked questions in the CISF Exam, these topics from each subject will help candidates score the most possible marks on the exam. The important topics from each subject of the CISF Syllabus are listed below.

  • Mathematics: Percentage, Averages, Profit and Loss, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Ratio and Proportion, Trigonometry, Space Visualization, Mensuration, Tables and Graphs, etc.
  • Reasoning: Analogies, similarities, and differences, problem-solving, Age problems, coding-decoding, Blood relations, mirror problems.
  • General Knowledge: Current Affairs, Latest appointments, Indian History, Polity, War and neighbors, Constitution, Awards and authors, Basic Science, Geography, Sports, etc.
  • General English: Synonyms and Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Jumbled Sentences, Reading Comprehension, Spotting errors, One-word Substitution, etc.
  • General Hindi: पर्यायवाची, मुहावरे, शुद्ध -अशुद्ध वाक्य, विलोम, अनेकार्थी वाक्य, वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द |

How to Prepare CISF Syllabus 2023

It is essential that candidates create an effective preparation strategy when preparing for a CISF exam. Candidates will benefit from creating a comprehensive yet effective study plan because it will provide them with enough time to cover the CISF Constable Syllabus. The following preparation advice has been provided by professionals and top students to assist candidates to ace the exam and surpass their competitors.

  • Candidates must first familiarise themselves with the comprehensive syllabus and the most recent CISF Exam Pattern.
  • Create a study plan now, paying attention to the topics that are stated in the CISF Syllabus PDF for each subject, and make sure the candidate spends more time on the topics that carry maximum weightage.
  • Every few days, go over the subject again and solve papers from previous years to boost your confidence and accelerate overall learning.
  • As general awareness is the subject with the highest score, brush up on it daily by reading the news and current events.
  • Make sure the candidate gets adequate sleep so they can study effectively for the exam and can remember everything they learn.

Best Books for CISF Syllabus

If you want to be well-prepared, it's important to choose the right book for the CISF Syllabus 2023. Reading books can educate candidates a lot about a subject. Without being distracted by the internet or other things, candidates can take notes. These are the top books for the CISF Syllabus.



A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning

R S Agarwal

Objective General Knowledge

Sanjiv Kumar

Encyclopedia of General Science for General Competitions

Experts Compilation

Advance Maths for General Competitions

Rakesh Yadav

Study Guide CISF Head Constable Ministerial Written Test 

Arihant Expert

Objective General English

S.P Bakshi

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams

R S Agarwal

CISF Syllabus FAQs

  • The CISF Syllabus contains every subject that applicants need to learn in order to ace the exam. Candidates must refer to and understand the CISF Constable Syllabus in order to appear for the CISF Exam. The subjects covered under the curriculum are general knowledge, reasoning, mathematics, and general Hindi and English.

  • There are four sections in the CISF Syllabus that are meant to examine the candidates in different areas of study. These subjects include the following: General Knowledge and General Awareness, General Reasoning, General Mathematics, and lastly, General Hindi or English. Candidates must prepare all the subjects covered in CISF Syllabus to gain a high score in the CISF exam.

  • Candidates can download the CISF Syllabus PDF by clicking on the direct link provided below and saving it on their device. It contains a syllabus for all four subjects, namely, General Awareness, English, Quantitative Aptitude, Hindi, and Reasoning. 

    > CISF Constable Syllabus PDF

  • Yes, all the questions asked from the CISF Syllabus in the exam are objective in nature and will have multiple choices to choose from. This will help candidates finish their exam on time and attempt the maximum number of questions in the given time as the questions don't require lengthy answers.

  • According to the CISF Exam Pattern, the exam will contain a total of 100 marks for 100 questions. These questions will be objective in nature and have multiple choices from which the candidates must choose the correct option.

  • All the questions asked in the CISF Constable exam will be based on the 10+2 level. Candidates must prepare well to gain a high score and crack the exam on their first attempt. The subjects that are included in the CISF Syllabus are commonly asked in many other government exams and are meant to examine the candidates in various areas that are relevant to a CISF Constable.

  • In order to score well in the CISF Constable exam, candidates must go through the CISF Constable Syllabus a few times and prepare an effective study plan that will help them cover all the topics and work harder on the weaker sections. Simultaneously, candidates must solve the previous year's question papers and CISF Mock Test to take their preparation to a higher level.

  • Some of the important topics for the General English subject that are included in the CISF Syllabus are Synonyms/Antonyms, Active/Passive Voice, Sentence correction, word usage, etc. Preparing these topics well will fetch you good marks in the exam as they are frequently asked in the exam.

  • The CISF Syllabus for the General Hindi subject is given below. These topics are meant to test the candidate's proficiency in the language.

    • समास.
    • लिंग.
    • वचन.
    • विलोम.
    • गद्यांश आधारित प्रश्न.
    • तत्सम-तध्दव.
    • पर्यायवाची.
    • मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ.
    • शुद्ध -अशुद्ध वाक्य.
    • संधि-विच्छेद.
    • अलंकार.
    • अनेकार्थी वाक्य.
    • वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द.
  • In addition to the notification, the Central Industrial Security Force has released the CISF Exam Pattern on the official website. There are four sections of the exam, each with 25 questions. The exam will either be administered using OMR or CBT mode. Additionally, candidates will be given the option between the general hindi and general english sections. The total marks of the CISF Constable written exam are 100 marks, where each section is of 25 marks. The CISF exam takes two hours to complete.

  • Yes, General Mathematics is one of the four sections of the CISF Constable Syllabus. Candidates must prepare this section well to attain a decent score and not neglect it. This section would consist of Mathematical problems with a difficulty level of 10+2 or 12th standard.

  • The CISF Constable Syllabus includes four sections and one of them is a language section. Candidates can opt for either General English or General Hindi based on their preference. The syllabus for Hindi is mentioned in detail in the post above. Candidates can easily score well in the language subjects as they are very scoring.

  • The CISF Syllabus for General Awareness includes topics such as Current Affairs, Latest Appointments, Indian Nationalist Movement, Capitals and Currencies, History, Economics, Wars and Neighbors, Award and Authors, Geography, Sports, Scientific Development, and the Indian Constitution.

  • सीआईएसएफ परीक्षा हर साल आयोजित की जाती है और CISF Constable Syllabus आमतौर पर वही रहता है। उम्मीदवारों का चार प्रमुख क्षेत्रों में परीक्षण किया जाता है जिसमें सामान्य जागरूकता, गणितीय क्षमता, तार्किक तर्क और भाषा प्रवीणता शामिल है जिसमें अंग्रेजी या हिंदी विषय शामिल हैं। उम्मीदवार अंग्रेजी या हिंदी में राष्ट्रीय स्तर की परीक्षा देना चुन सकते हैं। और जो उम्मीदवार हिंदी का विकल्प चुनते हैं, वे अपनी तैयारी के लिए CISF Syllabus in Hindi में देख सकते हैं।

  • Yes, 6 months is sufficient time to properly cover the CISF Syllabus. The syllabus might be revised two to three times in this amount of time. To qualify for the exam with good scores, candidates must study for at least 10–11 hours every day.

  • A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R S Agarwal, Objective General Knowledge by Sanjiv Kumar, Encyclopedia of General Science for General Competitions of Experts Publication, Advance Maths for General Competitions by Rakesh Yadav are some of the best books for the CISF Syllabus preparation.

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