
Important Technical questions for ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

Important Technical questions for ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interviews are critical aspects that candidates must be well-prepared for in order to succeed in the selection process. These questions evaluate the candidate’s knowledge and expertise in the field of civil engineering, and their ability to apply that knowledge to real-world situations. As such, it is important for candidates to have a thorough understanding of the core concepts and principles of civil engineering, as well as their practical applications.

The ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview is a highly competitive selection process, and the interviewers will ask a range of Important Technical questions for ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interviews to assess the candidate’s technical proficiency, analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall understanding of the field. These questions may cover topics such as structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, water resources engineering, environmental engineering, and construction management, among others. It is therefore crucial for candidates to be familiar with these areas and to have a solid grasp of the underlying principles and theories. By preparing effectively for these important technical questions, candidates can greatly increase their chances of success in the ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview.

All About Engineering Services Examination

Overview of the ESE Civil Engineering (CE) Interview Process

The ESE (Engineering Services Exam) is a highly competitive exam in India that selects engineers for various technical posts in the Indian government. The interview process for ESE Civil Engineering (CE) is the final step in the selection process, and it aims to evaluate the technical competence and problem-solving skills of the candidates. The interview panel consists of subject experts and senior officials from the government. The interview is conducted for 200 marks, and candidates need to score a minimum of 100 marks to qualify for the selection. In this article, we will discuss important technical questions for ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interviews that candidates must be prepared for.

Key Technical Areas Covered in the Interview

The ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview panel aims to assess the candidate’s knowledge and expertise in various technical areas of civil engineering. The key technical areas covered in the interview are:

  1. Structural Engineering: This includes topics such as the design of structures, analysis of structures, and types of structures.

  2. Geotechnical Engineering: This area covers topics such as soil mechanics, foundation engineering, and slope stability analysis.

  3. Transportation Engineering: This area includes topics such as traffic engineering, transportation planning, and highway engineering.

  4. Water Resources Engineering: This includes topics such as hydrology, water supply engineering, and wastewater engineering.

  5. Environmental Engineering: This area covers topics such as air pollution control, water quality management, and solid waste management.

  6. Construction Management: This area includes topics such as project management, contracts management, and construction equipment and methods.

Candidates must be well-versed in these key technical areas to answer the questions effectively during the interview.

Tips for Preparing for Technical Questions in the Interview

Preparing for technical questions is crucial to succeed in the ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview. Here are some tips for candidates to help them prepare for technical questions:

Revise Core Concepts

Candidates must have a thorough understanding of the core concepts and principles of civil engineering. They should revise their textbooks and notes to refresh their memory.

Solve Previous Year’s Question Papers

Solving previous year’s question papers is an excellent way to understand the pattern of questions asked in the interview. It also helps in identifying areas where candidates need to improve.

Stay up-to-date with Current Developments

Candidates must stay updated with the latest developments in the field of civil engineering, such as new construction materials, emerging technologies, and innovative methods.

Practice Problem-Solving

Candidates should practice solving problems related to different technical areas of civil engineering. This helps in improving their problem-solving abilities and analytical skills.

Attend Mock Interviews

Mock interviews help candidates get a sense of the actual interview process and the types of questions asked. Candidates can also receive feedback from experts to improve their interview skills.

By following these tips, candidates can prepare effectively for technical questions and increase their chances of success in the ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview.

Strategies for Answering Technical Questions with Confidence

Answering technical questions with confidence is essential to make a good impression on the ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview panel. Here are some strategies that candidates can use to answer technical questions confidently:

  1. Listen Carefully: Candidates should listen carefully to the questions asked and clarify any doubts they have before answering.

  2. Organize Thoughts: Candidates should take a few moments to organize their thoughts before answering. They can structure their answers in a logical sequence and use diagrams or sketches to explain their points.

  3. Be Specific: Candidates should be specific and precise in their answers, using technical terms wherever applicable.

  4. Provide Examples: Candidates should provide examples to illustrate their answers, demonstrating their understanding of the practical application of concepts.

  5. Admit Limitations: If candidates do not know the answer to a question, they should admit their limitations honestly. They can offer to research and provide the answer later.

  6. Remain Calm: Candidates should remain calm and composed, even if they do not know the answer to a question. They can take a deep breath and focus on answering the remaining questions with confidence.

By following these strategies, candidates can answer technical questions confidently and make a positive impression on the ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview panel.

Examples of Common Technical Questions Asked in the Interview

Examples of Common Technical Questions Asked in the Interview can help candidates prepare for the ESE Civil Engineering (CE) interview effectively. These questions cover a range of technical areas and evaluate the candidate’s ability to apply their knowledge to practical situations.

  • Application of venturi meter?
  • Can you name some disasters that occur due to water?
  • Compositionof cement?
  • Define a flexibility matrix.
  • Define the curve between stress-strain for mild steel.
  • Define the terms porosity void ratio.
  • Describe various theories of failure.
  • Design data for continuous beam by working stress method?
  • Difference between cement mortar and concrete?
  • Difference between Concrete and steel bridges?
  • Difference between consolidation and compaction?
  • Difference between delta duty?
  • Difference between resource levelling and resource allocation?
  • Difference between rigid pavement and flexible pavement?
  • Difference between shallow and deep foundations?
  • Difference between an under a bridge road over the bridge?
  • The difference is between the ultimate stress philosophy and the working stress philosophy.
  • Do you know why the compressive strength of steel is more than the tensile strength of steel?
  • Do you know the flexural strength of concrete in the rigid pavement?
  • Draw the diagram explaining the difference.
  • Draw the shear force bending moment diagram for a fixed beam with UDL.
  • Draw a rough sketch of a culvert.
  • Explain Archimedes’ principle.
  • Explain bituminous mix design.
  • Explain hardy cross methods.
  • Explain the isohyetal method.
  • Explain the modulus of the subgrade reaction.
  • Explain the basic properties of steel.
  • Explain the phenomenon of liquefaction, boiling of sand quicksand.
  • Explain the working of a total station.
  • For what value of Reynolds’s number the flow is laminar in the pipe?
  • The function of railways sleeper, and ballast rail?
  • How a concrete mix is designed?
  • How can you measure the workability of concrete at the site?
  • How do you measure discharge in an open channel flow?
  • How does snow cause landslides?
  • How to decrease the thickness of atwo-wayslab?
  • Lacey’s Kennedy’s method of design of canal?
  • Method of irrigation?
  • Method of seepage control in the earthen dam?
  • Minimum cover for an RCC column a slab?
  • Name the constituents of cement.
  • Name the type of spillway gates that are used in the dam.
  • RCC column and footing design?
  • Tell me the definition of topography.
  • What are the various types of geosynthetics?
  • What are principle stresses?
  • What are river training works?
  • What are the causes of the failure of the barrage?
  • What are the various data required for the design of the aquifer?
  • What are the various factors to be considered in spillway design?
  • What are the various factors to be considered while designing an earthquake-resistance structure?
  • What are the various factors to be considered while lying out on a runway?
  • What are the various losses in a pipe flow?
  • What are the various types of surveying?
  • What are the various types of roads?
  • What are the types of plastering?
  • What are various Atterberg limits?
  • What are various energy methods?
  • What do you know about green building? Do you know any such building in India?
  • What do you know about the relative stiffness of concrete?
  • What do you understand by index properties of soil?
  • What do you understand by hydrostatic pressure?
  • What equipment is used to gauge the depth of the groundwater table?
  • What grade of steel is most commonly used in RCC work and why?
  • What is a framed structure and name some load-bearing kind of structure?
  • What is a pre-stressed pier?
  • What is a water hammer? How is it prevented?
  • What are active earth pressure and passive earth pressure?
  • What is anchorage length?
  • What is a bending moment diagram?
  • What is BOD COD?
  • What is broad crested weir?
  • What is Buoyancy?
  • What is a carbon credit?
  • What is the catchment area of a dam?
  • What is C soil?
  • What is column base?
  • What is a counterfort retaining wall?
  • What is cross drainage works?
  • What is the difference between fluid kinematics fluid statics?
  • What is the difference between hydraulic and hydrologic routing?
  • What is the difference between under-reinforced and over-reinforced sections?
  • What is the difference between WSM and LSM?
  • What is dragline?
  • What is a drop panel?
  • What is Euler’s law?
  • What is fibre-reinforced concrete?
  • What is the finite element method of design?
  • What is fly ash content in coal?
  • What is a gable frame? Show the reinforcement detailing for a gable frame
  • What is the indeterminacy of a structure?
  • What is an inter-river connection project?
  • What is a mechanical gauge?
  • What is negative super elevation?
  • What is our national water policy?
  • What is piping and how one can ensure safety against piping?
  • What is pre-stressed concrete?
  • What is project crashing resource levelling?
  • What is the reciprocating pump?
  • What is self-compacting concrete?
  • What is a shear force diagram?
  • What is the SPT number?
  • What is TBM (temporary benchmark)?
  • What is the application of a water hammer?
  • What is the degree of indeterminacy of a two-hinged arc?
  • What is the design philosophy of atwo-wayslab?
  • What is the difference between CPM and PERT?
  • What is the difference between an impulse reaction turbine?
  • What is the difference between gyros spurs?
  • What is the difference between watershed ridge alignment?
  • What is the distribution system of your local area?
  • What is the function of ballast?
  • What is the function of a weep hole?
  • What is the importance of the reinforced section?
  • What is the maximum level of water in a stream called?
  • What is the Method of measuring precipitation?
  • What is the relation between the strength of a cube strength of a cylinder?
  • What is the Role of torsional reinforcement in slabs?
  • What is the role of the transverse bar in a column?
  • What is the various method of alignment of the road?
  • What is the various method of canal layout?
  • What is the various method of tunnelling in hard rock?
  • What is the TMT bar how it is different from the HYSD bar?
  • What is the unique gauge policy in the railway?
  • What is a unit hydrograph?
  • What are various waterborne diseases?
  • What is water hammer pressure? How do we prevent it?
  • What is Weber’s number?
  • What is well logging?
  • What is a wind rose diagram?
  • What is the code of OPC for different grades?
  • What is a cone of depression?
  • What is the difference between a weir and a barrage?
  • What is the effect of fluoride in drinking water?
  • What is a factor of safety?
  • What is the heat of hydration and what is its role in the setting?
  • What is a landslide?
  • What is the problem with doing work with flexible pavement?
  • What is super elevation?
  • What kind of pump is commonly used in concrete pumping?
  • What kind of software is presently used in structural analysis?
  • What steps should we take when one of the spillway gates is rusted and is taken to the workshop for repair, to stop the overflow?
  • What types of members are constructed in pre-stressed concrete?
  • What will happen when the ballast is not laid below the railway track?
  • What are the various earth compacting instruments?
  • What are the various kind of connections used in steel structures?
  • What are the various kinds of soil?
  • What are various types of columns?
  • What are the various kinds of roofs?
  • What are the factors to be considered while designing a road on a curve?
  • Which kind of building do you live in? Is it a load-bearing kind or framed?
  • Which type of steel is used in an off-shore structure for making a column?
  • Why rail wagon have their opening at the bottom?
  • Whyballast has been used below the railway track?
  • Whyballast is not used in metro railway tracks?
  • Whycuring is done?
  • Whygypsum is added to cement?
  • Whymild steel commonly used in earthquake-resistant structures?
  • Whypre-stressed in sleepers?

We advised all of you to make a short note of the answers to the above questions and revise it as many times as possible before the ESE interview. This may also help you to score good marks in an interview for a Civil Engineering job.

Get complete information about the GATE exam pattern, cut-off, and all those related things on the BYJU’S Exam Prep official youtube channel.

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