Once concerned authorities evaluate the answers, the actual or raw marks obtained by a candidate are considered for calculating your GATE Mechanical Score. For multi-session papers or subjects like mechanical engineering, the candidates' raw marks in different sessions are converted to normalized marks based on already qualifying marks.
Calculation and Preparation of Normalized GATE ME Scorecard 2023
The mechanical engineering paper is mostly conducted in multi-session exams. Hence, for this paper, a suitable normalization method is applied to consider and acknowledge any variation in the mechanical engineering question papers' difficulty levels throughout different sessions. The fundamental assumption behind the normalization process in the GATE Mechanical Scorecard is that "in mechanical engineering GATE paper, the distribution of abilities and performance of appearing candidates is considered to be the same across all the sessions". Based on the above assumption, considering various normalization methods, the following formula is used for calculating the normalized marks for the mechanical engineering paper.
Candidates can check out the GATE ME Marks Calculation based on GATE 2023 Notification. (Picture depicted )

Qualifying Marks for GATE Mechanical Scorecard 2023
In GATE 2023, the qualifying marks (𝑴𝒒) for general category candidates in mechanical engineering will be (GATE 2023 ME Cutoff) marks (out of 100) or µ + σ, whichever is larger. Here σ is the standard deviation of marks, and µ is the mean of all the candidates who appeared in mechanical engineering.