BARC Work Assistant Syllabus 2022: Download Post-wise Syllabus

BARC Work Assistant Syllabus 2022: Download Post-wise Syllabus

ByMohit Uniyal  |  Updated on: Sep 29, 2022
The BARC Work Assistant syllabus 2022 has been released by the conducting authority. Know the subject wise important topics and sections needed to score marks in the BARC Work Assistant exam.

BARC Work Assistant Syllabus 2022 is essential for candidates preparing to be recruited into this prestigious organization. Candidates shall not miss any minute detail mentioned in the BARC syllabus 2022 so that the preparation for the exam is done explicitly.

BARC syllabus for Work assistants, Stenographers, and Drivers is provided here in detail. The syllabus for each post varies as the required academic knowledge differs. The downloadable PDF of the BARC Work Assistant Syllabus 2022 is provided here in detail. 

BARC Syllabus 2022 for Work Assistants, Stenographers, Drivers

BARC syllabus 2022 for Work Assistants, Stenographers, and Drivers carries the topics important for the Level 1 and Level 2 (if applicable) exams. The individual syllabus varies for each post as the skills required for them vary. A brief description of the BARC syllabus for all the posts is mentioned below:

BARC Syllabus for Stenographer (level 1) will carry the topics from the following sections: English, General Knowledge, General Intelligence Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude.

BARC Syllabus for Driver (level 1) will carry the topics from the following sections: English, General Knowledge, Arithmetic, and Motor Vehicle Act.

BARC Syllabus for Work Assistant carries the topics from the following sections:

  • Level 1: Preliminary Test includes Mathematics, Science, and General Awareness.
  • Level 2: Advance Test includes Mathematics, Science, General Awareness, and Basic English.

In the coming sections, we will explore the BARC syllabus for each post in detail.

BARC Work Assistant Syllabus 2022 Download PDF

BARC Syllabus 2022 for Work Assistant carries 4 different sections where Mathematics, Science, and General Awareness are in both levels of the exam. Basic English is the additional subject that will be asked in Level 2 of the exam along with mentioned subjects.

BARC Work Assistant Syllabus 2022 PDF

Let us explore each section in detail in the following table:



Mathematics (Level 1 and 2)

Number Series, HCF, LCM, Number system, Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, Speed Distance and Time, Probability, Work and Time, Average, Ratio, Proportion, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest (SI), Compound Interest (CI), Problems on Trains, Problem on Ages, etc.

Science (Level 1 and 2)

Physics - Heat, Sound, Light, and Electricity Magnetism

Chemistry- Atomic Structure, Acid, Base Salt, Properties of Gases, Periodic Classification of Elements, Metals Their Compounds, Non-Metals Their Compounds

Biology- Plant, Plant Tissue, Plant Diseases, Human, Animal Tissue, Health Disease Nutrition, Pollution, Scientists, Biodiversity Wild Life

General Awareness (Levels 1 and 2)

Geography- Our Universe, Interior of Earth, Mountain, Plateau Rock, River Lakes Falls, Salinity, Continent Continent Shelf, etc.

Indian Economy- Planning In India, Population of India, Natural Resources of India, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Industry, Foreign Trade, etc.

Indian History- Harappan/Indus Civilization, Vedic, Religious Movements, Maurya Period, Gupta Period, Early Medieval Period, etc.

Basic English (Level 2)

Grammar, Detecting Mis-spelt words, one-word substitutions, Shuffling of sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Synonyms/ Homonyms, Idioms and phrases, spellings, Fill in the blanks, Spot the error, Antonyms, Sentence structure, Vocabulary, etc.

BARC Stenographer Syllabus 2022

BARC Stenographer Syllabus will cover 4 topics: English, General Knowledge, General Intelligence Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude. Candidates will have to prepare each section thoroughly to be eligible for level 2 of the exam. Let us see the topics in each section of the syllabus for Stenographer:


The English section of the BARC Syllabus for Stenographers carries the following topics:


Sentence structure

One word substitutions


Shuffling of sentence parts

Fill in the blanks

Idioms and phrases

Spot the error

Shuffling of Sentences in a passage



Synonyms/ Homonyms

Detecting Mis-spelt words

General Knowledge

The General Knowledge section of the BARC Syllabus for Stenographers carries the following topics:


Indian Economy

Indian Polity

Indian History

Our Universe

Planning In India

Constitutional Development of India

Harappan/Indus Civilization

Interior of Earth

Population of India

Salient Feature of the Constitution


Mountain, Plateau Rock

Natural Resources of India.

Parts, Articles Schedules of the Constitution

Religious Movements

River Lakes Falls


Union the Territory

Maurya Period



Fundamental Rights

Gupta Period

Continent Continent Shelf


Policy Fundamental Duties

Early Medieval Period

Seas Ocean

Foreign Trade

The Union Legislature(Parliament/Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha and more....)

Mughal Period

Ocean Temperature

International Organisation

The Union Judiciary: Supreme Court

The Advent of the Europeans

Islands Lakes

The State Executive ( Governor/Chief Minister)

Expansion of British Power

River Water Falls

Jammu Kashmir Special Provision

Religious Movement

Atmospheric Composition

Center-state Relationship

Freedom Struggle


Official Language

The Gandhian Era

Southern Oscillation

Emergency Provisions

World History

Air Pressure

National Insignia/Symbol

General Intelligence Reasoning

The General Intelligence and reasoning section of the BARC Syllabus for Stenographers carries the following topics:


Syllogistic Reasoning

Arithmetic Number Series

Visual Memory

Similarities Differences

Problem Solving

Non-verbal Series


Space Visualization


Coding Decoding


Spatial Orientation


Statement Conclusion

Relationship Concepts

Arithmetical Reasoning Figural Classification

Decision making

Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative section carries the following topics:

Points, lines, and angles

Surds, Indices, Exponents, and Powers



Quadratic Equations


Surface area

Alligations and mixtures

Linear Equations

Ratio and Proportions

Profit and Loss

Time and Work



Remainder theorem and unit digit


Problems on Train

Problems on Age

Number theory

Sets and Venn Diagrams



Averages, Mean, Median and Mode

Number System – Fractions, Decimals

Simple and Compound Interest

Games and Races

Data Interpretation

Boat Problems


Simplification and Approximation

Heights and distances

Pipes and Cisterns

Chain rule


Speed, Distance and Time


Work and Wages


Permutation and Combinations

Stocks and shares

BARC Driver Syllabus 2022

BARC Driver syllabus 2022 carries 3 basic sections (i.e., English, General Knowledge, and Arithmetic) and 1 specific section (i.e., Motor Vehicle Act.). Each section is elaborated below:


Grammar, one-word substitutions, Shuffling of sentence parts, Idioms, and phrases, Spellings, Detecting Mis-spelt words, Fill in the blanks, Spot the error, Antonyms, and Sentence structure.

Vocabulary, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Synonyms/ Homonyms, etc.

General Knowledge

The general knowledge section will carry three sections: Geography, Indian Economy, and Indian History. Each section is elaborated below for the candidates:

  • Geography- Our Universe, Interior of Earth, Mountain, Plateau Rock, River Lakes Falls, Salinity, Continent Continent Shelf, Seas Ocean, Ocean Temperature, Islands Lakes, River Water Falls, Atmospheric Composition, etc
  • Indian Economy- Planning In India, Population of India, Natural Resources of India, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Industry, Foreign Trade, International Organisation, Constitutional Development of India, Salient, Feature of the Constitution, Parts, National Insignia/Symbol, etc.
  • Indian History- Harappan/Indus Civilization, Vedic, Religious Movements, Maurya Period, Gupta Period, Early Medieval Period, Mughal Period, The Advent of the Europeans, Expansion of British, Power, Religious Movement, Freedom Struggle, The Gandhian Era, World History, etc.


Points, lines and angles, Surds, Indices, Exponents, and Powers, Algebra, Probability, Surface area, Alligations and mixtures, Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Area, Progressions, Problems on Train, Problems on Age, Volumes, Trigonometry, Averages, Mean, Median and Mode, Games and Races, Boat Problems, Heights and distances, chain rule, inequalities, Work and Wages, Discount, Number Series, Data Sufficiency, Data Interpretation, etc.

Motor Vehicle Act

  • Bihar Motor Vehicles Rules, 1992
  • Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
  • Central Vehicle Rules 1989

BARC Syllabus FAQs

  • BARC Work Assistant Syllabus 2022 contains the topics from which the questions will be based on the upcoming exam. The BARC exam syllabus carries the following topics:

    • English,
    • General Knowledge,
    • General Intelligence Reasoning,
    • Quantitative Aptitude
    • General English
    • Arithmetic(for the post of driver)
    • Motor Vehicle Act(for the post drivers)
  • To qualify for the BARC exam, candidates must undergo two testing levels. Level 1 of the exam will carry CBT, and Level 2 will be the skill-testing for the job. Candidates will have to clear both the testing phases to get recruitment.

  • In the BARC examination, MCQ-based questions will be asked where 3 marks will be awarded for the correct answer, and 1 mark will be deducted for the incorrect answer. Candidates must be thorough with the BARC Work Assistant Syllabus 2022 to know the basis of questions asked in the exam.

  • There are 4 major sections in the BARC syllabus 2022 for stenographers. The list of the sections is mentioned below:

    • English,
    • General Knowledge,
    • General Intelligence Reasoning,
    • Quantitative Aptitude
  • The BARC syllabus for Driver will carry 4 major sections. Questions in the Level 1 exam for drivers will be based on these topics only:

    • English,
    • General Knowledge,
    • Arithmetic,
    • Motor Vehicle Act.
  • The preliminary Test for Work assistant will carry the following topics:

    • Mathematics
    • Science and
    • General Awareness

    Advance Test for the Work Assistant will carry the following topics:

    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • General Awareness and
    • Basic English