
IDBI Full Form – What is the full form of IDBI?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

The IDBI full form is the Industrial Development Bank of India. IDBI Bank is a financial services company that has its headquarters in Mumbai. IDBI was set up in 1964 to provide credit and other financial facilities for the development of Indian industries.

The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI full form) is one of the largest commercial banks in India. On 7 May 2008, IDBI Bank became IDBI Bank Limited. As the 10th largest bank in the world, IDBI has around 1602 branches and about 1013 centres. This includes two overseas centres in Singapore and Beijing. Here, we have discussed IDBI full form and other related details.

IDBI Full Form

The IDBI full form is the Industrial Development Bank of India. The head office of IDBI Bank is in Mumbai, and it has regional offices in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai. Some of the important facts related to the IDBI bank are given below.

  • IDBI has played a vital role in nation-building for the past 40 years.
  • Its strongest presence is in the agriculture sector.
  • It was responsible for devising industrial growth in India while keeping the national priorities of the country in mind. IDBI also regulates the working of several financial institutions, including ICICI, IFCI, UTI, LIC, commercial banks, and even SFC.
  • The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI full form) grants loans and advances to scheduled banks and other state cooperative banks. It also helps in advisory and consulting services to other merchant banks.
  • Employees who work at IDBI are considered central government employees because the central government owns IDBI.
  • Other shares of IDBI are owned either by the Bombay Stock Exchange or the National Stock Exchange.
  • IDBI has around 3000 ATMs and about 1746 branches all over the world. One of them is present in Dubai.
  • With the support of IDBI, a few financial institutes were built and some of them include Exim bank, Stock Holding Corporation of India, etc.

IDBI Full Form in Hindi

आईडीबीआई का पूर्ण रूप भारतीय औद्योगिक विकास बैंक है। आईडीबीआई बैंक एक वित्तीय सेवा कंपनी है जिसका मुख्यालय मुंबई में है। आईडीबीआई की स्थापना 1964 में भारतीय उद्योगों के विकास के लिए ऋण और अन्य वित्तीय सुविधाएं प्रदान करने के लिए की गई थी।

भारतीय औद्योगिक विकास बैंक (IDBI पूर्ण रूप) भारत के सबसे बड़े वाणिज्यिक बैंकों में से एक है। 7 मई 2008 को, आईडीबीआई बैंक आईडीबीआई बैंक लिमिटेड बन गया। दुनिया के 10वें सबसे बड़े बैंक के रूप में, IDBI की लगभग 1602 शाखाएँ और लगभग 1013 केंद्र हैं। इसमें सिंगापुर और बीजिंग में दो विदेशी केंद्र शामिल हैं। यहां, हमने आईडीबीआई फुल फॉर्म और अन्य संबंधित विवरणों पर चर्चा की है।

History of IDBI Bank

IDBI was started on July 1, 1964, under the Industrial Development Bank of India Act of 1964. Initially, IDBI was started as a Development Financial Institution. IDBI maintained its DFI status for about 40 years, and it was only in 2004 that it was transferred to become a bank.

IDBI transferred to become a bank from a financial institution mainly due to several commercial necessities. After that IDBI was transferred to IDBI Ltd. Ever since IDBI has performed as both a bank as well as a financial institution. After acquiring the United Western Bank Satara, IDBI increased its branches from 195 to 425 in the year 2006. In 2019, LIC acquired about 51% of IDBI’s controlling stake, re-categorizing IDBI as a private sector bank.

IDBI Full Form – Functions of IDBI

The primary goal of IDBI is to make a big long-term funding institution. The functions of the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI Bank full form) are given below.

  • Giving the industries financial support: Long-term financial aid, perhaps for 25 years.
  • Identify investment opportunities related to industrial development by doing market research and studies.
  • Encouraging organizations that support industrial development.
  • Supplying technical and administrative support for the development of industries.
  • Coordinating and monitoring the actions of the organizations engaged in the finance industry.
  • Encourage the balanced industrial growth of India.

IDBI Services And Products

IDBI offers a wide range of personal banking and agricultural banking services. We’ve listed some services and products offered by IDBI below.

Personal Banking Services

  • Loans
  • Savings A/C
  • Preferred Banking
  • Debit and Credit Cards
  • FDs and Lockers

Agricultural Banking Services

  • Allied Services
  • Agricultural Financing Services
  • Indirect financing services to agricultural units
  • Term loans to agricultural sectors

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