
Which of the following Data Structures is most suitable for evaluating Postfix Expressions?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: October 17th, 2023

  1. Stacks
  2. Queue
  3. Linked list
  4. Tree

Stacks are most suitable for evaluating postfix expressions. The top of the stack is the sole end from which pieces can be added or removed in this linear structure of data. It uses a procedure known as LIFO to insert the elements to the stack (Last in first out). Push, Pop, and Peek are actions that can be taken on a stack.

 Uses of Stacks

  • You can evaluate mathematical expressions using stack. (Postfix, prefix assessment)
  • We can apply it to convert between expressions.
  • Any expression can utilise it to check whether the parenthesis match.
  • We can utilise it to manage memory.
  • We can make a document editor or other comparable environment unusable.
  • It is applied when going backward.
  • It records a web user’s history of page visits.
  • Recursive methods are implemented using it.

Postfix expression evaluation rule:

1) Push the operand element into the stack when reading the expression from left to right.

2) If the element is an operator, pop the two operands and evaluate it from the stack.

3) Postpone the evaluation’s outcome. until the last part of the statement.


Which of the following Data Structures is most suitable for evaluating Postfix Expressions? 1. Stacks 2. Queue 3. Linked list 4. Tree

The most suitable for evaluating postfix expressions is stacks.

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