DBT JRF Exam Books 2023- Best Study Material for Preparation

DBT JRF Exam Books 2023- Best Study Material for Preparation

ByRenuka Miglani  |  Updated on: Aug 13, 2022
DBT JRF Books 2023 are suggested by experts for candidates who are preparing for exam can check the study material, Best reference DBT BET JRF Books for all subjects

Before starting the preparation, selecting the best DBT JRF Books should be a goal for the candidates. With the right book, you can clear all the concepts which will help in revision. Here we have provided the list of BET books for the exam suggested by many experts.

The list of the DBT BET JRF Books for the exam with the tips to select the best books for the exam. It will help you to build a solid preparation base and boost your scores in the exam. The DBT JRF books are given below for General Aptitude and Biotechnology sections. 

DBT BET JRF Books 2023

In this competitive world, it becomes necessary for students preparing for the DBT JRF BET exam to choose and refer to the best DBT JRF Books & study material. Everything is available online today, but this creates chaos in mind about which book is suitable from the exam point of view, which book will cover the whole syllabus, and which is best for the fast track preparation.

Below we have compiled all the essential DBT JRF books for Section - A and Section - B. These books will cover the whole syllabus of the DBT JRF exam. Check the most recommended books for preparation for the exam.

DBT JRF Books: Section-Wise Details

The DBT JRF BET question paper will consist of parts A (general aptitude and general biotechnology) and part B (sections specializing in biotechnology). We will list the best books for part A and part B topics. Check the detailed DBT JRF exam pattern for Paper 1 & 2

  • The DBT-JRF BET exam will have 200 questions, but the candidate will only need to answer only 100 questions.
  • Each question has 3 marks, meaning the total number of points for the DBT JRF exam is 300.
  • The duration of the DBT JRF exam is 180 minutes (3 hours).
  • There will also be a negative vote for each wrong answer.

Before starting the preparation for DBT-JRF, selecting the best books should be a goal for the candidates. After the selection, candidates can focus on their practice. Selection of the best books is also a great challenge for the students as several books are available in the market for the same subject. Do not worry; we will discuss the tips and tricks to select the books and share all the recommended books. These books will help you to build a strong foundation, and you can boost your scores in the exam.

Download DBT JRF Question Papers to check what kinds of questions are asked and the topics to be covered.

How to select the best DBT JRF Books?

To help candidates choose the best books for the DBT JRF, we have provided the must-follow points while you buy the books.

  • Check The Publication Date: Always select the latest edition of the book. It will give you up-to-date information about the exam. Always check the year of publication and edition of the book.
  • Recognizable Authors: Always choose reputable author's books so that the content doesn't mislead you.
  • Contents: Check if the book contains the complete DBT JRF Exam Syllabus. Choose books that include questions from the previous year or follow-up questions to practice, as practice makes a man perfect.
  • Compare: Always compare different sources and select the best compliant material.
  • Clarity: Choose books that help you understand the concepts clearly and easily. Choose books that help you understand the concepts clearly and easily.
  • Flow Charts: Candidates need to choose books that contain infographics images such as flow charts, diagrams, illustrations, tables, etc.

DBT JRF Books for General Aptitude/Biotechnology

We have listed the best books for part A and part B topics. Check out the list of the best DBT JRF books, which will surely guide you in your preparation and help you to secure a seat in the DBT JRF Examination.

DBT JRF General Aptitude Books

Name of the BooksAuthor/ Publication 
1. A New Approach to Reasoning - Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Analytical Sijwal /Arihant Publication
2. General Aptitude Theory and PracticeRam Mohan Pandey

DBT JRF General Biotechnology Books

TopicsBooksAuthor/ Publishers
Biomolecules Structure & Function Biochemistry by LehningerA.L.Lehninger
Biochemistry by StryerLubert Stryer
Methods in BiotechnologyBiophysical Chemistry Principles and TechniquesUpadhaya and Nath/ Himalaya Publishing House
Wilson and Walker’s Principles & techniques of biochemistry & molecular biologyHofmann A
Organization of structure & function of prokaryotic & eukaryotic cellsThe Cell-Molecular ApproachGeoffrey M. Cooper & Robert E. Hausman
Molecular Biology of the cell by Bruce Albert
Cellular ProcessesMolecular BiotechnologyBernhard Glick
Cell BiologyGerald Karp
Recombinant DNA TechnologyGene Cloning and DNA Analysis - An IntroductionT. A. Brown
Genetics, Phylogeny, and EvolutionIntroduction to Quantitative GeneticsDouglas S. Falconer
Genomics and ProteomicsDiscovering Genomics, Proteomics, and BioinformaticsCampbell

DBT JRF Books for Specialized Branches of Biotechnology

Check out our list of the best DBT JRF books, which will undoubtedly aid you in your Paper 2 preparation and assist you in your DBT JRF BET preparation

Agricultural BiotechnologyAgricultural BiotechnologyAshutosh Singh
Animal BiotechnologyTextbook of Animal BiotechnologyB. Singh & S. K. Gautam
Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyIntroduction to BioinformaticsArthur M. Lesk
Environmental BiotechnologyEnvironmental Biotechnology: Basic Concepts and ApplicationsIndu Shekar Thakur
Marine BiotechnologySpringer Handbook of Marine BiotechnologyKim Editor/ Springer Publications
Medical BiotechnologyMedical Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant Bernard R. Glick
Molecular and Human GeneticsHuman Genetics: concepts & applicationRicki Lewis
NeuroscienceSimple Approach to NeuroscienceAbhijeet Satani
Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyPharmaceutical Biotechnology - Concept and ApplicationsGary Walsh
Biotechnology, biochemical, Engineering, Industrial BiotechnologyBioprocess engineering principlesPauline M. Doran

Preparation Strategy for DBT JRF BET Exam

Here аre sоme tiрs whiсh will helр yоu tо рreраre well fоr the DBT JRF BET Exаm. Reаd these саrefully аnd try tо understаnd eасh аnd every роint.

  • Соlleсting Сruсiаl Resоurсes: The first аnd fоremоst steр fоr the рreраrаtiоn is thаt we shоuld соlleсt relevаnt оr сruсiаl resоurсes fоr the рreраrаtiоn. Withоut this, we саnnоt рreраre well fоr the exаm. We hаve mentiоned sоme best bооks аbоve fоr yоur referenсes.
  • Lаy а Time Tаble: Syllаbus fоr DBT JRF Exam is vаst аnd withоut аny sоlid strаtegy we саnnоt асe the exаm. Sо it is very imроrtаnt tо mаke а timetаble оr strаtegy tо соver the full syllаbus within the time рeriоd with рrорer revisiоn аs revisiоn рlаys аn imроrtаnt rоle.
  • Mаke Shоrt Nоtes: Try tо mаke shоrt nоtes during the рreраrаtiоn. It will help yоu аt the lаst mоment fоr the revisiоn раrt. If yоu will tаke the whоle syllаbus аgаin in the lаst few dаys, then it will beсоme very diffiсult tо revise the syllаbus рrорerly.
  • Sоlve Рreviоus Yeаr's Questiоns: Sоlve рreviоus yeаr's questiоns mоre аnd mоre. It will help yоu сleаr the рiсture thаt whiсh tyрe оf questiоns will be аsked in the exаm. It will sаve yоu time while соvering the syllаbus аs it will give yоu а brief ideа аbоut the mаrking sсheme frоm different tорiсs. Аs sооn аs yоu соmрlete аny сhарter, орen the рreviоus yeаr's questiоns оf thаt сhарter аnd аttemрt.
  • Set а Tаrget: Try to set a target fоr yоurself оn а dаily bаsis, аnd try tо асhieve it in а раrtiсulаr time frаme. Inсlude extrа роrtiоns in thаt tаrget араrt frоm yоur DBT JRF referenсe bооks.

DBT JRF Exam Books FAQs

  • The collection of all the books for general aptitude and biotechnology comprises the DBT JRF Books. Candidates who are preparing for the DBT JRF exam must go through the best books suggested by the experts and follow those books for a better result.

  • For the DBT JRF BET exam, you can refer to Environmental Biotechnology: Basic Concepts and Applications by Indu Shekar Thakur. Include these books to cover the DBT JRF Syllabus fully. 

  • Always select the latest edition of the DBT JRF books. It will give you up-to-date information about the exam. Always check the year of publication and edition of the book. This is very important for DBT JRF Preparation.

  • The candidates appearing for the exam should always select the DBT JRD book written by a reputable author so that the content doesn't mislead them. Select the books that contain the latest DBT JRF Questions Papers.

  • Books for any exam are an essential source of concepts, syllabus, and questions, which anyone can understand, and also, you can read DBT JRF books anytime during the preparation.