ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023: Download JRF, SRF Syllabus PDF

ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023: Download JRF, SRF Syllabus PDF

ByNikhil Verma  |  Updated on: May 25, 2023
The latest ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023 will be released by the National Testing Agency on the official portal. Candidates can check the unit-wise ICAR JRF Syllabus and download the syllabus PDF from the link provided.

ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023 is released by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) on the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA). To prepare for the upcoming ICAR JRF exam, it is essential to understand the detailed unit-wise syllabus. It is the first and foremost step that plays a pivotal role in driving candidates toward success.

Having a comprehensive understanding of the ICAR JRF syllabus 2023 will aid applicants in creating an effective plan of action and vision to tackle the exam. After all, it is important to have a strategy while preparing for any exam. Candidates can find the ICAR JRF Syllabus PDF on this page to assist them in their preparation. Lastly, to perform exceptionally well in the exam and outperform others, candidates must be fully prepared with the ICAR JRF syllabus.

ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023

It is essential for the candidates applying for the exam to have a thorough understanding of the entire ICAR syllabus 2023 to outperform their competitors in the exam. ICAR JRF is one of the national-level exams conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) to select the most eligible and deserving candidates for admission to the Doctoral Degree Programmes of Agricultural University (ICAR-AU). 

ICAR JRF Syllabus consists of topics from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and Agriculture. Candidates who wish to get JRF or SRF through the ICAR exam must be aware of the minute details of the syllabus. We have covered the detailed syllabus on this page to help candidates in their preparation journeys. To make a robust study plan for their targeted preparation, candidates must know the important topics to target and what to skip in the ICAR JRF Syllabus.


To crack this exam, applicants must be familiar with all aspects of the syllabus and prepare accordingly. A comprehensive understanding of all topics in the ICAR JRF syllabus will help candidates excel in the exam. To save aspirants from all the trouble, we have provided the direct link to the ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023 PDF.


Candidates should download the ICAR JRF syllabus PDF as it provides a comprehensive and organized overview of the topics and subtopics covered in the exam. Moreover, having the syllabus in a PDF format makes it easily accessible and portable, allowing candidates to refer to it anytime and anywhere.

Subject-wise ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023

The syllabus of ICAR JRF comprises topics like thermodynamics, motion, vector, algebra, hydrocarbons, genetics, cells, genetics and plant breeding, seed science and technology, plant pathology, nematology, sericulture, etc. The topics are included in the exam to test the candidate's knowledge of agriculture, physics, maths, chemistry, biology, and allied fields.

ICAR JRF Syllabus for Agriculture

The ICAR JRF Syllabus for Agriculture is designed to assess the knowledge and understanding of candidates in various aspects of agriculture. It comprises of different units and topics that are mentioned in detail below.

Genetics and Plant Breeding
Unit 1: General Genetics and Plant BreedingUnit 5: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnological Tools in Plant Breeding
Unit 2: Economics Botany and Plant Breeding MethodsUnit 6: Plant Breeding for Stress Resistance and Nutritional Quality
Unit 3: Genome Organization and Cytogenetics of Crop PlantsUnit 7: Plant Genetic Resources and their Regulatory System; Varietal Release and Seed Production
Unit 4: Quantitative and Biometrical GeneticsUnit 8: Statistical Methods and Field Plot Techniques
Seed Science and Technology
Unit 1: Seed BiologyUnit 5: Seed Storage
Unit 2: Seed ProductionUnit 6: Seed Health
Unit 3: Seed ProcessingUnit 7: Seed Industry Development and Marketing
Unit 4: Seed Quality ControlUnit 8: Protection of Plant Varieties
Economic Botany and Plant Genetic Resource
Unit 1: Biodiversity and Plant Genetic ResourcesUnit 6: Biotechnology in Plant Genetic Resource Management
Unit 2: Exploration and Germplasm CollectingUnit 7: Economic Botany
Unit 3: Germplasm Exchange and Plant QuarantineUnit 8: Information Management in Plant Genetic Resources
Unit 4: Principles and Methods of Germplasm ConservationUnit 9: Plant Taxonomy
Unit 5: Principles and Practices of Germplasm Regeneration and EvaluationUnit 10: Plant Biosecurity
Unit 11: Fundamentals of Molecular Biology for PGR Management
Plant Pathology
Unit 1: History and Principles of Plant PathologyUnit 6: Plant Virology
Unit 2: Laboratory and Analytical TechniqueUnit 7: Plant Disease Epidemiology
Unit 3: Physiological and Molecular Plant PathologyUnit 8: Phanerogamic Parasites and Non-parasitic Diseases
Unit 4: MycologyUnit 9: Fungal Diseases of Crop Plants
Unit 5: Plant BacteriologyUnit 10: Bacterial and Viral Diseases of Crop Plant
Unit 11: Management of Plant diseases
Unit 1: History and Economic ImportanceUnit 6: Nematode Physiology and Cytolog
Unit 2: Nematode Taxonomy and MorphologyUnit 7: Nematode pests of crops
Unit 3: Nematological TechniquesUnit 8: Nematode Management
Unit 4: Nematode EcologyUnit 9: Interactions of Nematodes with Soil Organisms
Agricultural Entomology
Unit 1: SystematicsUnit 6: Chemical Control and Toxicology
Unit 2: MorphologyUnit 2: MorphologyUnit 7: Host Plant Resistance
Unit 3: Embryology, Internal Anatomy, and PhysiologyUnit 8: Novel Approaches in Pest Control
Unit 4: EcologyUnit 9: Integrated Pest Management
Unit 5: Biological ControlUnit 10: Pesticide Application Equipment
Unit 11: Pests of Field Crops and their ManagementUnit 12: Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management
Unit 13: Pests of Stored Products and their ManagementUnit 14: Insect and mite vectors of Plant Diseases
Unit 15: Honey Bees and Bee-keepingUnit 16: Silkworms and Sericulture
Unit 17: Lac InsectUnit 18: Helpful and Useful Insects
Unit 19: Statistics and Computer Application
Unit 1: Mulberry Crop ProductionUnit 5: Silkworm Nutrition
Unit 2: Mulberry and Silkworm BreedingUnit 6: Non-Mulberry Sericulture
Unit 3: Silkworm BiologyUnit 7: Silk Reeling Technology
Unit 4: Silkworm ProtectionUnit 8: Silkworm Seed Cocoon and Egg Production
Plant Biochemistry
Unit 1: Basic Biochemistry and BiomoleculesUnit 6: Biochemistry of Food-grains, Fruits, and Vegetables
Unit 2: Intermediary MetabolismUnit 7: Photosynthesis
Unit 3: Enzymes, Vitamins, and HormonesUnit 8: Plant Metabolic Processes
Unit 4: Molecular BiologyUnit 9: Plant Molecular Biology
Unit 5: Techniques in BiochemistryUnit 10: Plant Biotechnology/Genetic Engineering
Plant Physiology
Unit 1: Cell Organelles and Water RelationsUnit 6: Mineral Nutrition
Unit 2: Metabolic Processes and Growth RegulationUnit 7: Climate and Climate Change
Unit 3: Crop Productivity and ModellingUnit 8: Seed Physiology
Unit 4: Abiotic Stress Responses in PlantsUnit 9: Physiology of Flowering and Reproduction
Unit 5: Plant Growth Regulators and Plant DevelopmentUnit 10: Physiology of Horticultural and Plantation Crop Species
Unit 11: Post-Harvest PhysiologyUnit 12: Morphogenesis, Tissue Culture, and Plant Transformation
Unit 13: Phenomics
Agricultural Biotechnology
Unit 1: Cell Structure and FunctionUnit 5: Gene Expression
Unit 2: Biomolecules and MetabolismUnit 6: Molecular Biology Techniques
Unit 3: EnzymologyUnit 7: Gene Cloning
Unit 4: Molecular GeneticsUnit 8: Molecular Biology
Unit 9: Plant Molecular BiologyUnit 10: Tissue Culture
Unit 11: Plant Genetic EngineeringUnit 12: Molecular Markers and Genomics

ICAR Syllabus 2023 for Physics

To prepare for one of the toughest subjects in the Science stream, candidates need to understand the important topics and make an ICAR preparation plan that covers all the topics thoroughly.

ICAR Physics Syllabus 2023
Physical World and MeasurementElectrostatics
KinematicsCurrent Electricity
Laws of MotionMagnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Work, Energy, and PowerElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
The motion of the System of Particles and Rigid BodyElectromagnetic waves
Properties of Bulk MatterDual Nature of Matter and Radiation
ThermodynamicsAtoms & Nuclei
The behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic TheoryElectronic Devices
Oscillations and WavesCommunication Systems

ICAR Chemistry Syllabus 2023

ICAR JRF syllabus for chemistry is broadly divided into three sections, i.e., Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. Candidates need to prepare all the topics thoroughly to ace this section. Check the best ICAR JRF Books for preparation.

ICAR Chemistry Syllabus 2023
Some Basic Concepts of ChemistryHydrocarbons (Classification of hydrocarbons)
Solid StateElectrochemistry
SolutionsChemical Kinetics
Structure of AtomSurface Chemistry
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesGeneral Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structurep-Block Elements (Group 15 elements)
States of Matter: Gases and LiquidsGroup 16 elements
ThermodynamicsGroup 17 elements
EquilibriumGroup 18 elements
Redox Reactionsd and f Block Elements
HydrogenCoordination Compounds
s-Block Elements
(Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Preparation and properties of some important compoundsAlcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Some p-Block Elements
(Group 13 elements)
Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
Group 14 elementsOrganic compounds containing Nitrogen
Organic Chemistry
(Some Basic Principles and Techniques)
PolymersEnvironmental Chemistry

ICAR Syllabus 2023 for Biology

Biology holds equal importance in the ICAR JRF syllabus. Candidates must thoroughly prepare all the conceptual topics, such as the living world, the unit of life, and more.

ICAR JRF Syllabus for Biology
Living WorldMulticellularity: Structure and Function - Animal Life
Unit of LifeContinuity of Life
Diversity of LifeOrigin and Evolution of Life
Organisms and EnvironmentApplication of Biology
Multicellularity: Structure and Function - Plant Life-

ICAR JRF Syllabus for Mathematics

Before preparing for the mathematics section, candidates must go through the ICAR JRF Mathematics syllabus. Candidates need to clear all the important concepts asked in the exam.

ICAR JRF Mathematics Syllabus
Sets and FunctionsLinear Programming
AlgebraMathematical Reasoning
Coordinate GeometryStatistics & Probability
Vectors and Three-Dimensional GeometryDynamics

Tips to Prepare ICAR JRF Syllabus

Candidates can cover the ICAR JRF Syllabus easily if they follow a planned approach. They must have a command of their basic concepts of agricultural subjects and must attempt questions and revise their topics regularly. Follow the ICAR JRF Preparation Tips suggested by experts to shape your preparation in the right direction. A few tips are as follows:

  • Go through the detailed syllabus and ICAR JRF paper pattern.
  • Attempt questions papers and point out the weak topics.
  • Work on both weak and strong topics as per the requirement.
  • Reattempt the mock tests and improve your score each time.
  • Take a healthy diet and rest.

ICAR JRF Marking Scheme

Саndidаtes whо аre рreраring fоr IСАR JRF Exаm shоuld hаve аn understаnding оf the lаtest аnd uрdаted exаm раttern. Check the detailed ICAR JRF Exam Pattern from the below-mentioned points. The total marks allotted as per the ICAR JRF Syllabus is 300 for all the sections.

  • The exam is completed online, i.e., Computer Based Test (CBT).
  • The tоtаl time durаtiоn оf the exаm will be 2 hours to complete the exam.
  • Each question carries +4 marks for every correct answer and a -1 for every wrong answer.
  • All the questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with 4 options.
  • The medium оf the exаm will be English оnly
  • The рарer will be соnsisting оf 3 seсtiоns, Seсtiоn А, Seсtiоn B аnd Seсtiоn С. Detаiled infоrmаtiоn fоr eасh seсtiоn саn be сheсked belоw.
    • Seсtiоn А (50 MСQs): The questiоns аre bаsed оn generаl knоwledge in the dоmаin оf Аgriсulture, Аnimаl Husbаndry, Dаirying, Fisheries, аnd Аllied Sсienсes, etс.
    • Seсtiоn B (50 MСQs): This seсtiоn questiоns аre bаsed оn the соre grоuр subjeсts in РhD.
    • Seсtiоn С (50 MСQs): The questions in this seсtiоn will be frоm sрeсiаlized Subjeсts орted by the саndidаte fоr рursuing а РhD
SectionsTopicsQuestions Marks
Section AGeneral Aptitude Questions in Agriculture, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Allied Science, etc.50200
Section BCore topics of the course opted for.50200
Section C Specialized subject opted for by the candidate50200

Best Books to Cover ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023

Candidates can follow these ICAR JRF books suggested by the experts for the exam. Check the books to cover the syllabus thoroughly.

  • General Agriculture For ICAR exam (J.R.F., Ph.D., S.R.F., and A.R.S.)
  • Complete Modern Agriculture Best Book For ICAR – JRF, Pre Pg, Ph.D. (Ag.), SRF, ASRB, NET, AO, UPSC, RPSC, PSCs, Banks Competition, and Other Agricultural Competitive Examinations
  • General Agriculture for I.C.A.R. Examinations (J.R.F., Ph.D., S.R.F. & A.R.S.) (29th edition)
  • Activision General Agriculture for ICARs, ARS, NET, JRF, SRF, Ph.D., PSCs, BHU-PET, RET, Pre PG, etc.

Important Topics in ICAR JRF Syllabus

If you have limited time to prepare for the ICAR JRF exam, it is recommended to focus on studying the essential topics first. Below is a list of critical topics from the ICAR JRF syllabus as per the four broad subjects:

  • Agriculture: Genetics and Plant Breeding, Economics Botany, Plant Breeding Methods, Seed Science and Technology, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Entomology, and Agricultural Biotechnology. 
  • Physics: Kinematics, Electromagnetic waves, Thermodynamics, Communication Systems, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation.
  • Mathematics: Linear Programming, Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, and Algebra.
  • Chemistry: Hydrocarbons, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Environmental Chemistry, Polymers, Structure of Atom.

With this, we come to the end of our information on ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023. We will keep this page updated with the latest developments and information to help candidates in their preparation journeys.

FAQs on ICAR JRF Syllabus

  • Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) has released the ICAR JRF Syllabus for the exam on the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA). The syllabus is divided into different topics of agriculture like genetics and plant breeding, seed science and technology, economics botany & plant genetic resource, etc. To prepare well for the exam, candidates must go through the detailed syllabus first.

  • No, The ICAR JRF syllabus contains important topics from the agriculture subject, whereas the CSIR NET Syllabus consists of science subjects only like physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. Both syllabi are way apart and there is no comparison in each other.

  • Interested aspirants can download the ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023 PDF from the official website of NTA or the ICAR official website. Candidates can download the PDF from the direct link provided here. It is important to keep the syllabus PDF on your device to access it anytime.

  • No, there is no change in the ICAR JRF Syllabus in the past few years. The research institute may add or eliminate a few topics from the syllabus, which will be updated on this page. However, overall the syllabus remains the same. Candidates can check the latest syllabus here.

  • Candidates can cover the ICAR AICE JRF/ SRF Syllabus in 6 months easily. Candidates who had command of their basic concept of agricultural subjects need to attempt questions and revise their topics. Follow the ICAR JRF Syllabus Preparation Tips suggested by experts to shape your preparation in the right direction.

  • The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) prescribes the ICAR JRF syllabus for the national-level exam.  They formulate the comprehensive syllabus to assess the candidates based on their intellect, and knowledge in the field of agriculture, which is critical for the research field.

  • Yes, mathematics is added in the ICAR JRF Syllabus. The subject contains topics such as Sets and Functions, Linear Programming, Mathematical Reasoning, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus, Algebra, Statistics and Probability, and more. In order to score well in the exam, candidates must cover the entire ICAR JRF Syllabus 2023.

  • The ICAR JRF Syllabus for Physics subject includes units like Physical World and Measurement, Current Electricity, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Electromagnetic waves, Properties of Bulk Matter, Gravitation, and Communication Systems.