Best Books for ICAR JRF 2023 Preparation, Download PDF

Best Books for ICAR JRF 2023 Preparation, Download PDF

ByNikhil Verma  |  Updated on: Oct 3, 2022
ICAR JRF Books 2023 are provided by the experts to help candidates in JRF and SRF preparation. Check best material for ICAR JRF Booklist of Agriculture Preparation with advantage of books and how to select books

ICAR JRF Books play an essential part in preparation for the exam. Selecting the best ICAR book to outperform the competitors and get the fellowship for the exam is vital. Candidates can check the expert's recommended subject-wise books for their preparation. ICAR JRF books are a pivotal source of knowledge to clarify all the important topics.

Experts provide ICAR JRF Books to help all candidates ace the exam. The best preparation begins with the best choices of the study material. The candidates must go through the best ICAR JRF Books for horticulture, plant science, and social science to understand every concept and topic well.

ICAR JRF Books 2023

Scroll down the full article to acknowledge the best ICAR JRF Books, how to choose the best reference books for the examination, and the advantages of preparing from the best reference books for the exam. ICAR is the toughest exam for candidates who want to get a fellowship in the agriculture field. These ICAR JRF books will help all the candidates in their preparation.

Candidates must go through the ICAR JRF Eligibility before starting their preparation with horticulture, social science, and plant science books. NTA conducts the ICAR JRF exam to select the most deserving candidates for the research purpose in agriculture in both junior and senior fellowships.

ICAR JRF 2023 Overview

The table below contains the important highlights for the ICAR JRF.

Name Of The ExaminationICAR AICE JRF/SRF Exam 2023
Exam Conducting BodyNational Testing Agency
Name Of The OrganisationIndian Council Of Agricultural Research
Frequency Of The ExaminationAnnual
Mode Of ExaminationOnline
Level Of The ExaminationNational

How To Choose The Best ICAR JRF Books 2023?

The candidates can review the points below to acknowledge the strategy and the best books for the ICAR JRF Exam. These points will help you get the best study material available.

  • Check The Publication Date: It is essential to check the publication date before buying any ICAR JRF book. The books published long ago may not be based on the updated ICAR JRF Exam Pattern. Hence the candidate must end up with the missing concepts and topics they need to prepare for the examination. Prefer selecting the books with the recent publication year.
  • Go Through The Contents Given: The candidate must always check the topics mentioned in the content section of the book. The candidate must check if the content of the book contains all the issues that they need to prepare for the examination before buying the ICAR JRF Books.
  • Acknowledge The Authors: The authors of the books that you are considering buying play an essential role in the authenticity of the contents given in the books. The candidates must always research the authors who have written the books they are considering buying to select the best reference ICAR JRF books for the exam.
  • Look For The Books With Extra Content Than Topics: One of the most important things to consider while selecting the best reference books for the ICAR JRF. The candidates must always look for ICAR JRF books that contain more content than topics such as quizzes and ICAR JRF previous year's question papers. This will not only check them to prepare well for the examination but will also help them test their knowledge.
  • Consult With Experienced Students Or Experts: The students who have already been preparing for the ICAR JRF have a broad idea about the best reference books to prepare for the ICAR JRF Exam. The expert in the field can also help you with suggestions on which readers to buy to get you ready for the examination.

List of The Best ICAR JRF Books 2023

The candidate can check the list of best reference ICAR JRF Books in the table below and their authors. All the experts in agriculture suggest these books. With these books, candidates can ace the exam with a good rank. We have suggested horticulture, social science, and plant science books here.

Name Of The BooksName Of The Authors

Dr. B.B. Singh

Dictionary of the Social SciencesCRAIG CALHOUN
General Agriculture for ICARJain Brothers
BSc Agriculture Entrance Exam 2020Arihant
Principles of AgronomyS. R. Reddy
Weed ScienceT. K. Das
Irrigation AgronomySr Reddy
Agronomy TreatiseP.D. Chaudhary

How to Prepare With ICAR JRF Books?

Preparing the best reference books for the ICAR JRF exam benefits you in many ways. You must include the reference books in the ICAR JRF preparation. Some of the advantages are as follows-

  • Authentic Preparation: Preparing from the best reference books For The ICAR JRF allows you to grasp the authentic knowledge for the examination, making your preparation more productive.
  • Easy Preparation: Best books always contain language that is easy to grasp and understand. The candidates using the best reference books for ICAR JRF Preparation can prepare themselves without struggling with the language mode that is given in the books.
  • Clarity On The Concepts: The best reference books always contain clarity in how they define the concepts. This helps the students understand the concepts and definitions of the ICAR JRF Syllabus without struggling with the unclear content.
  • Variety In The Preparation: It is not enough to just acknowledge the concepts important for the examination. The books contain ICAR JRF question papers and other testing materials for students to test their gained knowledge by solving them.

ICAR JRF Exam Books FAQs

  • Below is a list of some of the best reference books for the ICAR JRF. Experts recommend these books.

    • ICAR JRF/SRF - PG by Dr. B.B. Singh,
    • Dictionary of the Social Sciences by CRAIG CALHOUN, and
    • General Agriculture for ICAR by Jain Brothers
  • Preparing from the Best Reference Books For The ICAR JRF Exam 2023 allows you to grasp the authentic knowledge for the examination, making your ICAR JRF Preparation more productive.

  • It is imperative to check the publication date before buying any ICAR JRF Book. The books that got published a long time ago may not contain the updated ICAR JRF Syllabus. Hence the candidate must end up with the missing concepts and topics they need to prepare for the exam. Always prefer selecting the books with the recent publication year. 

  • It is one of the most important things to consider while selecting the best reference books for the ICAR JRF Exam. The candidates must always look for books that contain more content than topics such as quizzes and previous year's question papers. This will not only check them to prepare well for the examination but will also help them test their knowledge.