Sections | Topics |
Genetics and Plant Breeding | Economics Botany and Plant Breeding Methods, Genome Organization and Cytogenetics of Crop Plants, General Genetics and Plant Breeding, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnological Tools in Plant Breeding, etc. |
Seed Science & Technology | Seed Biology, Seed Health, Seed Industry Development and Marketing, Seed Processing, etc |
Economic Botany & Plant Genetic Resources | Biodiversity and Plant Genetic Resources, Biotechnology in Plant Genetic Resource Management, Economic Botany, Exploration and Germplasm Collecting, etc. |
Plant Pathology | Bacterial and Viral Diseases of Crop Plant, Fungal Diseases of Crop Plants, History and Principles of Plant Pathology, Laboratory and Analytical Techniques, Mycology, Management of Plant diseases, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, etc |
Agricultural Entomology | Biological Control, Chemical Control and Toxicology, Embryology, Internal Anatomy, and Physiology, Ecology, Host Plant Resistance, Honey Bees and Bee-keeping, Helpful and Useful Insects, etc |
Sericulture | Mulberry and Silkworm Breeding, Mulberry Crop Production, Non-Mulberry Sericulture, Silkworm Biology, Silkworm Nutrition, Silkworm Protection, Silk Reeling Technology, etc |
Plant Physiology | Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants, Cell Organelles and Water Relations, Crop Productivity and Modelling, Climate, and Climate Change, Mineral Nutrition, Metabolic Processes, and Growth Regulation, etc |
Agricultural Biotechnology | Biomolecules and Metabolism, Cell Structure and Function, Enzymology, Gene Cloning, Gene Expression, Molecular Biology Techniques, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Biology, Molecular Markers, Genomics, etc |