Vector Spaces
1-Space (ℜ) = {x | x is a real number};
2-Space (ℜ2) = {(x, y) | x, y are real numbers};
3-Space (ℜ3) = {(x, y, z) | x, y, z are real numbers};
4-Space (ℜ4) ={(x1,x2,x3,x4) | x1,x2,x3,x4 are real numbers};
n-Space (ℜn) ={(x1,x2,…,xn) | x1,x2,…,xn are real numbers}
The elements of are called points or vectors. They are usually denoted by boldface letters as
The ith entry of the vector x=(x1,x2,...xi,…xn) is called its ith coordinate or its ith component.
The zero vector in ℜn is
0 = (0, 0,…,0).
If x=(x1,x2,…xn) and y=(y1,y2,…,yn) are vectors in ℜn, then their sum is defined as the vector
x + y = (x1+y1,x2+y2,…,xn+yn).
If c is a scalar (a real number), then the scalar multiple of the vector x by the scalar c, denoted by cx, is the vector
(-1)x = -x = (-x1,-x2,…,-xn)
Vector Space: Let V be a set vectors in which the operations of sum of vectors and of scalar multiplication are defined (that is, given vectors x and y in V and a scalar c, the vectors x + y and cx are also in V - in this case V is said to be closed under vector addition and multiplication by scalars). Then with these operations V is called a vector space provided that - given any vectors x, y, and z in V and any scalars a and b - the following properties are true:
- x + y = y + x (commutativity)
- x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z (associativity)
- x + 0 = 0 + x = x (zero element)
- x + (-x) = (-x) + x = 0 (additive inverse)
- a(x + y) = ax + ay (distributivity)
- (a + b)x = ax + bx
- a(bx) = (ab)x
- (1)x = x
Theorem: The n-space ℜn is a vector space.
Let W be a nonempty subset of the vector space V. If W is a vector space with the operations of addition and scalar multiplication as defined in V, then W is a subspace of V.
- W = {0} is a subspace of ℜn (called the zero subspace).
- W = ℜn is a subspace of ℜn (also called the improper subspace).
(all other subspaces of ℜn are called proper subspaces)
Theorem: (Conditions for a subspace)
The nonempty subset W of the vector space V is a subspace of V if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:
- 0 is in W;
- If x and y are vectors in W, then x + y is also in W;
- If x is in W and c is a scalar, then the vector cx is also in W.
Theorem: (Solution subspaces)
If A is an m x n matrix of constants, then the solution set of the homogeneous linear system
Ax = 0
is a subspace of ℜn.
Example: Find two solution vectors u and v for the following homogeneous system such that the solution space is the set of all linear combinations of the form au + bv:
We reduce the coefficient matrix to echelon form by applying the following sequence of EROs:
-3R1+2R2, -5R1+2R3, -3R2+R3
The echelon matrix we obtain is
Hence x and z are the leading variables, and y and w are the free variables. Back substitution yields the general solution
y = a, w = b, z = b, x = -2a + b
Thus the general solution vector of the system has the form
where u = (-2, 1, 0, 0) and v = (1, 0, 1, 1).
The solution space of the system is completely determined by the vectors u and v by the formula x = au + bv.
The vector y is called a linear combination of the vectors x1,x2,…,xn provided that there exists scalars c1,c2,…,cn such that
Let S ={x1,x2,…,xn} be a set of vectors in the vector space V. The set of all linear combinations of x1,x2,…,xn is called the span of the set S, denoted by span(S) or span (x1,x2,…,xn).
Theorem: span(S) is a subspace of V.
The set S = {x1,x2,…,xn} of vectors in the vector space V is a spanning set for V provided that every vector in V is a linear combination of the vectors in S.
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