Random Variable
1. Random variables X: Let S be the sample space of an experiment. A real-valued function X:S→R is called a random variable of the experiment if, for each interval I⊆R, {s:X(s)∈I} is an event.
2. Probability function pX(x):
(a) pX(x)=0 if x∉ range RX;
(b) PX(x)≥0 if x∈RX
Example: If a coin is tossed three times, the number of heads obtained can be 0, 1, 2 or 3. The probabilities of each of these possibilities can be tabulated as shown:
In this example, the number of heads can only take 4 values (0, 1, 2, 3) and so the variable is discrete. The variable is said to be random if the sum of the probabilities is one.
Distribution Functions
1. Cumulative Distribution Functions (cafe): FX(t) = P(X ≤ t), -∞<t<∞.
If a die is thrown repeatedly, let’s work out P(X ≤ t) for some values of t.
P(X ≤ 1) is the probability that the number of throws until we get a 6 is less than or equal to 1. So it is either 0 or 1.
P(X = 0) = 0 and P(X = 1) = 1/6. Hence P(X ≤ 1) = 1/6
Similarly, P(X ≤ 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) = 0 + 1/6 + 5/36 = 11/36
2. FX(t) is non-decreasing; 0≤FX(t)≤1;
3. If c<d, then FX(c)≤FX(d); P(c<X≤d) = FX(d) – FX(c); P(X>c) = 1-FX(c).
4. The cdf of a discrete random variable: a step function.
Mean and Variance of Random Variables
The mean of a discrete random variable X is a weighted average of the possible values that the random variable can take. Unlike the sample mean of a group of observations, which gives each observation equal weight, the mean of a random variable weights each outcome xi according to its probability, pi. The common symbol for the mean (also known as the expected value of X) is μ, formally defined by
μx = x1p1 + x2p2 +…+ xkpk
= ∑xipi
The mean of a random variable provides the long-run average of the variable, or the expected average outcome over many observations.
The variance of a discrete random variable X measures the spread, or variability, of the distribution, and is defined by
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance.
Expectations of Discrete Random Variables
1. Expected value (mean value or average value or expectation) for a random variable
2. Let g be a real-valued function. Then g(X) is a random variable with
3. Let g1, g2, …, gn be real-valued functions, and let α1, α2, …, αn be real number. Then E[α1g1(X) + α2g2(X) +…+ αngn(X)] = α1E[g1(X)] + α2E[g2(X)] +…+ αnE[gn(X)].
Variances of Discrete Random Variables
1. The variance of a random variable: the average square distance between X and its mean μX
2. Standard deviation:
3. Let X be a discrete random variable, then Var[X]=0 if and only if X is a constant with probability 1.
4. Let X be a discrete random variable, then for constants a and b: Var[αX+b] = a2Var[X], σaX+b = |a|σX.
Example 1:
Which of the following holds true for any probability density function (symbols have their usual meaning):-
(A). V(x) = [E(x)]2 - [E(x2)]
(B). V(x) =[E(x2)] - [E(x)]2
(C). V(x) = [E(x2)] + [E(x)]2
(D). V(x) = (E(x2) - E(x))2
Correct Answer: 2
Example 2: Let f(x) = k x (1-x), for 0<=x<=1 then k is
(A). ½ (B). 1/3
(C). 1/6 (D). 6
Correct Answer: 4
Example 3: Let f(x) = k x (1-x), for 0<=x<=1 then mean is
(A). 1/6 (B). 1/2
(C). 3/10 (D). 1/3
Correct Answer: 2
Example 4: Let f(x) = k x (1-x), for 0<=x<=1 then variance is
(A). 3/10 (B). 1/10
(C). 1/20 (D). 1/2
Correct Answer: 3
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