How to Prepare Quantitative Aptitude for NIACL Assistant Pre 2018?

By Kanika Ralhan|Updated : August 29th, 2018

The NIACL Assistant Prelims exam is all set to schedule on 8th September 2018. The exam is just around the corner, it is important to ensure that you go to the exam hall with full preparation and avoid the slightest mistake in the exam. You have to qualify all the three section in Pre Exam to get call letter for NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 2018.

Quantitative Aptitude Prepararation Strategy for NIACL Assistant Pre 2018

Quant has always been the most difficult section in the Banking exams. Most of you may be comfortable in Quant section but never be overconfident as we have seen a varying number of trends in the bank exams. So, to crack the Prelims exam and to achieve the good score in Quant Section below we are providing #1 preparation strategy for NIACL Assistant Prelims 2018 exam that you can follow:-

1. Time Management: This is the crucial part and becomes your way to success. You have some weak and some strong areas so plan and manage your time accordingly. This time, like other banking exams, NIACL has also introduced the sectional time limit and so, you should be very accurate in attempting questions according to your weaker and stronger section.

2. The speed with Accuracy: As far as quant is concern speed matters a lot but don’t forget that should be with 100% accuracy that will enhance your marks and save time.

Important Tips to Qualify the Quant Sectional Cutoff

The Quantitative Aptitude section of the NICL Assistant Prelims exam consists of questions such as Number Series, Simplification / Approximation, Data Interpretation, Quadratic Equation and Miscellaneous questions which includes – Profit Loss, Average, Simple & Compound Interest, Age, Ratio & Proportion, Time and Speed, etc.

1. If you are weak and average in Quant section than it is always preferable to be very accurate with question selection. If you know your strong and weak areas, then you can attempt maximum questions and manage to clear the sectional cutoff. Try to attempt 25+ questions with accuracy in the time span of 20 minutes. 

2. The exam does not expect that you attempt the entire question. They want a smart candidate, so choose those questions in which you have the confidence or possess good command.

Here is the analysis of the previous year’s Quant section of NIACL Assistant Exam.

  • Data Interpretation – 5 Questions
  • Simplification &Approximation – 10 Questions
  • Series – 5 Questions
  • Miscellaneous – 15 Questions

With this, you must prepare the following topics as they were asked in the recently held banking exams: 

  • Data Sufficiency – 5 Questions
  • Quadratic Equations – 5 Questions
  • Inequalities or Quantity based questions

So let us see the type of questions that can be asked from these topics:

1. Simplification/ Approximation – In this questions you need to you have to find the value which will come in place of the question mark in the questions.

Tips to solve this type of Question in the exam

(i) Basic Rules of Simplification – BODMAS Rule

It defines the correct sequence in which operations are to be performed in a given mathematical expression to find the correct value. This means that to simplify an expression, the following order must be followed –

B = Bracket, O = Order (Powers, Square Roots, etc.) D = Division

M = Multiplication   = Addition    S = Subtraction

(ii) Solving these questions needs a good calculation speed and a logical approach.

(iii) Generally, these questions are very easy and can be solved very fast using various shortcut techniques.

(iv) Basic calculation and approximation concepts should be strong as they can directly drive you to pick the right option.

(v) Skip those questions, which require complex and large calculations.

Approximation – You have to find the approximate value which will come in place of the question mark in the questions.

(i) Conversion of decimal numbers to the nearest number – To solve such questions, first convert the decimal to the nearest value. Then simplify the given equation using the new values that you have obtained.

How to solve Approximation

Simplification Study Notes

2. Number Series – Number series tests present numerical sequences that follow a logical rule which is based on elementary arithmetic. You are then asked to predict the next number that obeys the rule.

Tips to solve this type of Question in an exam –

 (i) Try looking for patterns in simple things, like, a difference between different squares and cubes of numbers + various multiplication and divisions associated + the importance of prime numbers. You can easily solve 3 questions from 5 questions.

How to solve Number Series

3.Quadratic Equation – The questions from this topic consist of a single variety of questions generally. One quadratic equation in variable x and another quadratic equation in variable y is given. We have to solve the equations individually to find out the value of x and y both. After finding the values, we have to choose one option out of given options which consist of the relationship between both variables i.e.





x=y or relation can’t be established.

How to solve Quadratic Equations

4. Data Interpretation: From this topic 5-10 questions (1-2 Set/s) is/are expected in NIACL Assistant Prelims exam. It is assumed that Table Charts and Bar Charts types of Data Interpretation questions can be asked.

 Tips to solve this type of Question in an exam

(i) Data interpretation questions that are relatively short, should be attempted first like – Ratio, Average type questions.

(ii) Always try to solve 3 out 5 questions. If 2 questions are of lengthy and needed much calculation then just skip it and move forward to other questions.

(iii) If you read and understand the questions carefully, Data Interpretation problems can be solved with little ease.

D.I BasicsPie ChartTable Chart, Bar GraphLine GraphMixed GraphMissing D.I

5. Miscellaneous Questions: From this topic 10-15questions are expected in NIACL Assistant Prelims exam.

(i) Always try to attempt these types of questions at last.

(ii) It is better to skip lengthy and confusing questions in the exam.

(iii) You should know the basic rules applied in each chapter.

(iv) Prepare all important Arithmetic topics like Profit and Loss, Percentage, Time Speed and Distance, Time & Work, S.I, C.I, etc.

Link to all miscellaneous topic Study Notes:




Simple Interest


Compound Interest


Mixture & Alligation






Pipes & Cisterns


Age-based problemsAge-Based Previous Year Questions


Profit, Loss & Discount


Ratio & Proportion


Time, Speed & Distance


Time & WorkTime & Work Previous Year Questions





6. Data Sufficiency :

In the quantitative aptitude section, Data Sufficiency is an important topic which is widely asked in the banking and other competitive exams. This topic requires your understanding of the various arithmetic topics. The beauty of this topic lies in the part "you do not have to solve to complete question". Also, as the name suggests, you just have to figure out what statements is/are required to answer the given question. Now, let's have a look at the approach you should follow while solving these questions. 

Data Sufficiency Study Notes

After completing all the study notes, you must practice quizzes of different topics from the given link given.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz

Essential points:

  • Learning shortcut tricks like remembering squares, cubes and common fraction to decimals can be of great assistance in solving the questions.
  • If there is a chance that an error can occur or it is taking much time, you may leave such questions and spend that precious time in solving other types of questions.
  • Always keep this note in your mind that the question to time ratio is less than 1 and hence try to attempt at least 25-30 questions in accordance with the time.
  • It is advised to devote around 2 hours to the Quant section so that you can attempt maximum questions with accuracy in 20 minutes. 

Thoroughly read the above-mentioned tips to prepare for NIACL Assistant exam in an efficient manner. Try as many mock tests as you can to improve your speed, accuracy and time management. 

For better practice and analysis of your performance, attempt daily Mini Mocks of NIACL Assistant Prelims exam on the updated pattern. 

Read here: Reasoning Preparation Strategy for NIACL Assistant Pre 2018


NIACL Assistant Combo Test Series 2018

All the best for your exams.

Team Grade up..!!


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