Today we will be covering a very important topic from the Physics part of the General Knowledge section that is – Important Scientific Instruments and their Usage. The post is very helpful for the upcoming Railway Exam 2019.
Scientific Instruments and their Usage
Accumulator | It is used to store electrical energy |
Altimeter | It measures altitudes and is used in aircrafts. |
Ammeter | It measures strength of electric current (in amperes). |
Anemometer | It measures force and velocity of wind. |
Audiometer | It measures intensity of sound. |
Audiphones | It is used for improving imperfect sense of hearing. |
Barograph | It is used for continuous recording of atmospheric pressure. |
Barometer | It measures atmospheric pressure. |
Binocular | It is used to view distant objects |
Bolometer | It measures heat radiation |
Calorimeter | It measures quantity of heat. |
Carburettor | It is used in an internal combustion engine for charging air with petrol vapour. |
Cardiogram | It traces movements of the heart, recorded on a cardiograph. |
Chronometer | It determines the longitude of a place kept onboard ship. |
Cinematography | It is an instrument used in cinema making to throw on screen and enlarged image of photograph. |
Colorimeter | An instrument for comparing intensities of colour. |
Commutator | An instrument to change or remove the direction of an electric current, in dynamo used to convert alternating current into direct current. |
Cresco graph | It measures the growth in plants. |
Cyclotron | A charged particle accelerator which can accelerate charged particles to high energies. |
Dynamo | It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy |
Dynamometer | It measures force, torque and power |
Electroscope | It detects presence of an electric charge. |
Endoscope | It examines internal parts of the body. |
Eudiometer | A glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions between gases. |
Fathometer | It measures the depth of the ocean. |
Galvanometer | It measures the electric current of low magnitude. |
Hydrometer | It measures the specific gravity of liquids. |
Hydrophone | It measures sound under water. |
Hygrometer | It measures humidity in air. |
Kymograph | It graphically records physiological movements (Blood pressure and heart beat). |
Lactometer | It determines the purity of milk. |
Manometer | It measures the pressure of gases. |
Mariner’s compass | It is an instrument used by the sailors to determine the direction. |
Microphone | It converts the sound waves into electrical vibrations and to magnify the sound. |
Microscope | It is used to obtain magnified view of small objects. |
Odometer | An instrument by which the distance covered by wheeled vehicles is measured. |
Periscope | It is used to view objects above sea level (used in sub-marines) |
Phonograph | An instrument for producing sound. |
Photometer | The instrument compares the luminous intensity of the source of light |
Potentiometer | It is used for comparing electromotive force of cells. |
Pyrometer | It measures very high temperature. |
Quartz Clock | A highly accurate clock used in astronomical observations and other precision work |
Radar | Radio, angle, detection and range is used to detect the direction and range of an approaching aeroplane by means of radio micro waves |
Radiometer | It measures the emission of radiant energy. |
Rain Gauge | An apparatus for recording rainfall at a particular place. |
Rectifier | An instrument used for the conversion of AC into DC. |
Refractometer | It measures refractive index. |
Saccharimeter | It measures the amount of sugar in the solution. |
Salinometer | It determines salinity of solution. |
Seismograph | It measures the intensity of earthquake shocks. |
Sextant | This is used by navigators to find the latitude of a place by measuring the elevation above the horizon of the sun or another star. |
Spectrometer | It is an instrument for measuring the energy distribution of a particular type of radiation. |
Spectroscope | An instrument used for spectrum analysis |
Speedometer | It is an instrument placed in a vehicle to record its speed. |
Spherometer | It measures the curvatures of surfaces. |
Sphygmomanometer | It measures blood pressure. |
Stereoscope | It is used to view two dimensional pictures. |
Stethoscope | An instrument which is used by the doctors to hear and analyse heart and lung sounds. |
Stroboscope | It is used to view rapidly moving objects. |
Tachometer | An instrument used in measuring speeds of aero planes and motor boats. |
Teleprinter | This instrument receives and sends typed messages from one place to another. |
Telescope | It views distant objects in space. |
Theodolite | It measures horizontal and vertical angles. |
Thermometer | This instrument is used for the measurement of temperatures. |
Thermostat | It regulates the temperature at a particular point. |
Transistor | A small device which may be used to amplify currents and perform other functions usually performed by a thermionic valve |
Udometer | It is used to measure the amount of liquid precipitation over a set period of time. It is also called Rain Gauge. |
Vernier | An adjustable scale for measuring small subdivisions of scale |
Viscometer | It measures the viscosity of liquids. |
Voltmeter | It measures the electric potential difference between two points. |
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