Still confused about how to prepare for the exam effectively? No need to panic. We will discuss important tips and tricks based on experience and expert opinion to help you ace your exam. Check all the preparation tips mentioned below:
Collect the Syllabus Wisely
Aspiring candidates need to collect the CSIR GATE JRF Syllabus 2023 wisely for preparation. There is no need to cover the complete syllabus. Instead, note down the important topics and complete them first. This will help you in saving your time for practice. Knowing this, you will decide how many units/topics need to be covered in this time frame. Some topics/units will be there that you have already studied during your graduation. Skip these topics for revision only.
Make a Proper TimeTable
Some topics take time, and others take less time to study. First, review your topics and create a suitable schedule to organize your time. Then, plan your time to use it more efficiently. For example, what time of day is it best to revise the concepts: morning, afternoon, or evening? Can you read the study material or practice well at this time? By organizing this, you will be able to understand what you want to do. Allot more time for tougher sections and less time for easy topics.
Do Not Panic
Try to remain confident and not panic at the last moment. It will create only disturbance in your mind. It will definitely help you during the examination if you remain confident. The candidate should remain calm and relaxed during the examination. Students know the correct answer but sometimes mark it wrong during the examination due to panic.
Say A Big Yes to Superfoods/ Antioxidants
Your mind requires a lot of energy while studying, and it is necessary tо tаke suрerfооds like сereаls, green vegetаbles, аnd аntiоxidаnts, giving роwer tо yоur brаin аnd аllоwing yоur brаin tо funсtiоn mоre effeсtively. It will not only help your body to remain fit, but it will allow your brain to work more efficiently. It is also advised to do some regular exercise to detoxify the body and keep the brain healthy.
Practice More
It is suggested to practice more questions before attempting the final examination. Check GATE JRF 2023 Pattern and Prepare more for the sections that you think will take more time. It also allows you to build your confidence and time management skills. The best method to analyze yourself is to practice a mock test. You can easily know your strength and weaknesses by attempting a mock test. Try to do some GATE JRF previous year questions as it will help you understand the types of questions asked previously and the difficulty level of the examination.
Make Quick Notes
Try to make some quick short notes to revise the important concepts in one go at the last moment. Then, there will be no need to go through the whole syllabus again to check one concept. You can also write some important formulas, tips, and tricks to revise them on CSIR GATE JRF Books.
Take Regular Breaks During Study
Our body requires some rest after doing hard work in the same way our mind also needs some break after continuous study. There is no point in studying for 6-7 hours continuously if you cannot capture things; instead of this, make short intervals and take regular breaks after each interval. You can make 3 hours intervals for a perfect setting. 2 hours of full concentration study is far better than 8 hours of distracted study.
Take Help from Your Seniors
If you are stuck anywhere, try to get help from your seniors and experts. They will guide you in a better manner. Try to consult with candidates or seniors who have qualified for the exam to guide you on the hurdles they faced during their preparation time. It will help you to build your confidence also.