Recently IIT Delhi announced the GATE 2020 result. Approximately 8,58,890 candidates registered for the exam out of which 6,85,088 appeared and only 18-19% could qualify. GATE exam has always been the pathway to achieve the desired goals for most of the engineers who aim for higher studies in the prestigious institutes such as IISc, IIT's, NIT and other Centrally funded institutes. Once the candidates are successful in cracking GATE exam, they can opt for the desired specialization in these institutes. The only hindrance which the candidates may face before their admission is the Interview conducted for M.Tech/ME/M.S courses by various IIT's/IIsc.
As the interviews is one of the most important round and will start soon in many institutes. So here we providing more than 1000 Interview questions which will help you to get through these interviews and build your confidence. These questions are compiled and provided by various Toppers and IITians who have appeared for these interviews. These questions are also helpful in various PSU's interview.
Schedule for the Interview Questions of various Technical Subjects:
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