Best Books for Analog Communications for GATE EC

By Himanshu Verma|Updated : December 26th, 2017

In this article, The Candidates can find the best books for Analog Communication for GATE ESE preparation. Based on popularity and Standard, the following books are recommended, which are easy to understand and covers all required topics for GATE, ESE, and other exams.

Best Book for Communication Systems for GATE 

1. Analog Communication Book by V. Chandra Sekar


Highlights of the book:

  • bottom-up approach by building up the basic concepts of conventional modulation.
  • coverage on the fundamental concepts and recent developments in communication theory.
  • Written in a lucid manner, the book includes a large number of circuit diagrams, worked out examples, important formulae, and graded questions for practice.

2. Analog Communication Paperback by P Rao


Highlights of the book:

  • Kennedy’s Electronic Communication Systems is a classic literature on Communications
  • the original flavour of the text has been maintained while the old technology has been updated with the more latest ones.

3. An Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications, by Michael Moher & Simon Haykin


Highlights of the book:

  • functional blocks that constitute the transmitter and receiver of a communication system.


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