
What is National Integration?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: November 9th, 2023

National Integration is the solidarity and bond of citizens of a country regardless of caste, religion, and creed. This means that even though we may belong to different communities and speak different languages, we recognize the fact that we are all one. National unity helps in maintaining the oneness of the country in a strong form despite the diversity.

National Integration Meaning

The spirit of unity holds people together in a nation. In simple words, this feeling of unity is known as National Integration. It is the unity of people in a country who are from different castes, religions, and communities. There is no partiality, bias, or hatred among people due to caste, color, or religion.

A nation that remains integrated will always move ahead on the path of prosperity and development. It advocates the principle of unity which makes a country stronger and prosperous. National integration plays an important role in making the country one.

Objectives of National Integration

The objective of national integration is to unite every section of society and to provide equal opportunities to every citizen and a common platform in terms of cultural, social, and economic development.

  • It also helps to unite the minorities of a country and gives them the freedom to live their life in the best possible way.
  • National Integration reduces discrimination, promotes brotherhood, supports national growth and development, and decreases crime on a larger level.

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