
Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States: Federal Structure, Functions of State Government

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: November 14th, 2023

The Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States are noticeably different. India’s union and state governments have been granted constitutional authority over the country’s politics. India’s legal system may appear to be a federal one. The system, though, tends more toward a unitary one.

The article here discusses the various Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, along with the federal structure of the Indian government. The topic is relevant and important and is covered under the Indian Polity section of the UPSC Syllabus.

Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States: Overview

Since India’s political authority and administration qualify for the unitary and federal government structures, the Indian power system is called the quasi-federal system. The Indian Constitution also declares that “India, that is, Bharat, shall be a union of states.”

The constitutional power division between the state and the union was diplomatic. The state governments are never descendants of the central power and do not need the centre’s approval to exist.

Who Described the Indian Constitution as Quasi-Federal?

However, the centre has been assigned the power to rule the territory by the constitution. Three lists specify the functions and responsibilities of the union and states across the country.

  • The union list pinpoints the responsibilities of the union government.
  • The state list identifies the state’s functions and responsibilities.
  • The third list is the concurrent list, which applies to both governments.

The power of the Constitution has delegated the Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States. The union government’s functions and responsibilities include forming and implementing public policies and reviewing their outcome. Union governments also prepare and supervise the policy agenda, which uses statutory enactments to implement the government’s policies.

Functions and Responsibilities of the Union

The union government also establishes coordination among the different ministries, ensuring smooth system flow. Executive control over administration, rule-making to run the country, natural and political crises and disasters, financial management by fiscal supervision, and budget presentation also fall under the union’s responsibilities.

Union Executive

Functions of State Government

The state government is entitled to ensure the proper implementation of law and order within the territory. The police and public order ensure that the state runs internal security. The state government runs the educational and agricultural sectors and adopts strategic goals to boost the country’s overall growth.

Economic Growth and Development

In conclusion, properly executing the Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States is crucial to ensuring the optimal growth of the country.

7th Schedule of the Indian Constitution

The division of powers between the union and the states is addressed in the Seventh Schedule of Article 246 of the constitution. Union List, State List, and Concurrent List are the three lists that are included.

  • The union list outlines the topics that Parliament may legislate on.
  • The individuals covered by state legislatures are listed by state.
  • On the other hand, the concurrent list includes topics within the purview of the state legislatures and the Parliament. However, in a conflict, the Constitution grants federal supremacy to Parliament on concurrent list items.

It is evident from the preceding system that the Union List includes matters of national importance and those that call for national legislation to be uniform. In the State List, issues of regional and local significance are mentioned as that allow for diverse interests. The concurrent list includes the topics where having uniform laws across the nation is desired but unnecessary. As a result, it supports both consistency and diversity.

Federal System of Government

A federal government is one in which the Constitution divides the Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, each of which is in charge of its territory. The Dual Polity, Division of Powers, Written Constitution, Independent Judiciary, and Supremacy of the Constitution are the federal elements of the Indian Constitution.

However, because of a power lean toward the centre in the Indian federal form of government.

Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States UPSC

The functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States are covered under the Indian Polity section of the UPSC Syllabus. The topic is important, specifically for the UPSC Prelims. One can refer to the Polity Books for UPSC to study more about the topic.

Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States UPSC Questions

Question: In a Unitary form of government:

  1. All the power is divided between the center/union and the state provincial government.
  2. All the power is with the citizens.
  3. State Government has all the powers
  4. Power is concentrated with the Central Government.

Answer: Option D

Question: Who has special power in administering the Union Territories in India?

  1. Central Government
  2. Chief Minister
  3. President
  4. Governor

Answer: Option A

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