
Co-Prime Numbers from 1 to 100

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

From 1 to 100, the coprime numbers are (2,3), (3,5), (5,7), (11,13), (13,14), (17,19), (21,22), (28,57), (29,31), (41,43), (59,61), (71,73), (87,88), and (99,100). Co-prime numbers are the pair of numbers that share only 1 as their common factor. For a set of co-prime numbers, there must be at least two different numbers. There is only one common factor among such numbers, which is 1.

Co-Prime Numbers Between 1 and 100

According to the definition of a co-prime number, two numbers are considered co-prime if their Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is 1. A and B are co-prime numbers if the only factor they have in common is 1. In this instance, it is said that (a, b) form a co-prime pair. Relatively prime numbers are another name for co-prime numbers.

We first determine the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of any two numbers in order to determine if they are co-prime. We can say that they are co-prime if their GCF is 1.

  • A pair of coprime numbers’ Highest Common Factor (HCF) is always 1. 
  • A pair of co-primes’ products is always their Least Common Multiple (LCM).
  • With each number, 1 creates a pair of co-prime numbers.
  • Since two even numbers always have 2 in common, they cannot both be co-prime numbers.


Co-Prime Numbers from 1 to 100

(2,3), (3,5), (5,7), (11,13), (13,14), (17,19), (21,22), (28,57), (29,31), (41,43), (59,61), (71,73), (87,88), and (99,100) are the co-prime numbers between 1 and 100. The pair of numbers known as co-prime numbers which have only 1 in common.

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