Best Website for UPSC Preparation: List of Current Affairs Websites for IAS Exam
By BYJU'S Exam Prep
Updated on: November 14th, 2023
Navigating through the Best Website for UPSC Preparation proves beneficial at all stages of the exam preparation. Over the years, the way of preparing for the UPSC exam has changed a lot. The exam is now more dynamic than ever and covers almost everything under the sun. Following just the conventional methods or mugging up the NCERTs or UPSC Books won’t help in the long run. Aspirants preparing for the exam ought to be updated with each and everything happening around them.
For this, the internet is most useful. The best Current Affairs website for UPSC Preparation makes the whole CSE preparation full-fledged. The article has tried to cover all the major websites one should cover while preparing for the UPSC Exam.
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Best Website for UPSC Preparation
Online UPSC materials have become significantly more available in recent years. This has resulted in aspirants becoming lost in or overwhelmed by the vast amount of information available on the internet. Hence, in order to avoid wasting time, it is crucial to narrow down and select the finest online platform for UPSC preparation.
The top online UPSC exam preparation resource, like BYJU’S Exam Prep, will offer articles with information that is pertinent to the IAS Exam. Additionally, thorough coverage of daily news, significant articles from publications like Yojana, Kurukshetra, EPW, etc., RSTV Updates, and AIR Updates are also provided.
Best Current Affairs Website for UPSC
Current Affairs are an integral part of the preparation journey. It plays a major role in the UPSC Prelims, where the questions are objective in nature. BYJU’S Exam Prep provides a one-stop solution to all the UPSC preparation requirements of the students. Our site offers the best resources and guidance concerning the UPSC Exam, and other competitive exams as well.
Before you proceed with selecting the best study material for yourself, have a look at the following services provided by the best website for current affairs for UPSC Preparation:
- Expert advice
- Subject-specific approaches
- News and dates for UPSC Exam
- Added subject-matter coverage
- Expert instructor lectures in video format
- Daily news analysis (Current Affairs Video)
- UPSC Previous Year Question Papers
- UPSC Answer Writing Practice Techniques
- Daily motivational videos
- UPSC Syllabus
Top Free Websites for UPSC Preparation
Your preparation plan for the UPSC CSE is heavily influenced by the types of resources you refer to. In addition to traditional books and materials, there are tons of internet resources available nowadays. Therefore, a candidate should constantly be cautious of the validity and calibre of such materials. The appropriate study material choice will provide you with an advantage throughout your preparation.
A complete list of all significant and trustworthy websites that will aid in your UPSC preparation has been provided below:
- is the national portal of India for all government-related information;
- Current affairs can be found on the Press Information Bureau‘s official website at;
- The Ministry of External Affairs’ main website,, provides news and updates on global affairs;
- is the Ministry of Home Affairs’ official website, where you can find news and reports on politics, security, and government;
- For news on science and technology, visit, the official website of “The National Association of Software and Services Companies” in India;
- The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances’ official website,, tables ARC reports on ethics and governance;
- For information about governance, visit the Governance Knowledge Centre’s official website at, which is sponsored by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances;
- is the Law Ministry’s official website for polity-related information, which can be quite beneficial for candidates;
- is the Reserve Bank of India‘s official website for economic reporting and policies is located here;
- For updates and news on social issues, see the ministry of social justice’s official website at;
- For updates and news on culture, see the Ministry of Culture’s official website at;
- For news and updates on climate change, see the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s official website at;
- For news and information on the environment and forestry, see the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change’s official website at
Tips to Read Important Websites for UPSC
The Union Public Service Commission just measures how effectively a person is taking in the details and going beyond the content, not how well they can memorize things. Candidates must have an excellent study plan if they want to succeed on this exam. The tips to follow while navigating through the websites for UPSC preparation are:
- Try to filter down the relevant content that would be useful during the preparation phase. Reading a lot on a specific topic will leave you confused;
- Segregate your websites according to Prelims and Mains’ perspectives.
- Prelims check on the factual knowledge of the candidate, whereas, in UPSC Mains, a well-read critical analysis is required.
- Refer to the previous year’s UPSC Toppers blog post, to see what and how they referred to some of the best Current Affairs websites for UPSC preparation.