
Give Some Examples of Each Monocot and Dicot Seed

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: September 25th, 2023

Coconut, Orchids, Daffodils, Corn, Wheat, Maize, Rice, Ginger, etc. are some examples of of Monocot whereas the exam examples of Dicot are Tomatoes, Mint, Oak, Lettuce, Rose, Lentils, Peanuts, Peas, Beans, Daisy, etc. Monocotyledons, also known as monocots, are flowering plants that resemble grass and typically have only one cotyledon, or embryonic leaf, in their seeds. All flowering plants were once divided into two groups, the second being dicots, also called dicotyledons.

Examples of Monocot and Dicot Seed

Monocot seeds are those produced from a single (mono) cotyledon or embryonic leaf. The most basic characteristics that distinguish monocots and dicots are the number of cotyledons and the structure of the seed that are present in the seed.

Dicot seeds have two embryonic leaves and cotyledons, and they are also referred to as dicotyledon seeds. All blooming plants have been divided into one of two classes. Bitter gourd seeds, Neem seeds, Castor seeds, Night Jasmine seeds, Mango seeds, Papaya seeds, and Tamarind seeds are all examples of dicot seeds.

  • An embryo from a monocotyledonous seed has just one sizable cotyledon, known as the scutellum. 
  • The scutellum typically has a shield-like shape. Laterally, it is situated to the side of the embryonic axis. 
  • The embryo axis of monocotyledons has a shoot tip known as the plumule, just like dicotyledons do. 
  • It is protected by a covering known as the coleoptile. Additionally, it has a radicle, a root tip covered in coleorhiza. 
  • The aleurone layer envelops the endosperm in a monocotyledonous seed.


Give Some Examples of Each Monocot and Dicot Seed

The examples of monocot seeds are Coconut, Orchids, Daffodils, Corn, Wheat, Maize, Rice, Ginger, etc. whereas Tomatoes, Mint, Oak, Lettuce, Rose, Lentils, Peanuts, Peas, Beans, Daisy, etc. are the examples of dicot seeds. Monocotyledons, or seeds made from single (mono) cotyledon or embryonic leaf, are known as monocots. Cotyledons and two embryonic leaves are present in dicot seeds.

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