Soil Stabilization and Soil Exploration

By Sachin Singh|Updated : October 26th, 2016

The article contains fundamental notes on the "Soil Stabilization and Soil Exploration"  topic of the "Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering" subject. Also useful for the preparation of various upcoming exams like GATE Civil Engineering(CE)/ IES/ BARC/ ISRO/ SSC-JE /State Engineering Services exams and other important upcoming competitive exams.

Soil Stabilization

Stabilization of Soils

Stabilization is the process by which the strength and stability of a soil mass is improved and increased

Test on Expansive Soil

(i) Free Swell Soil


(ii) Differential Free Soil test




Soil Exploration

Soil Sample and Samplers

The soil samples can be of two types: distributed and undisturbed. A disturbed sample is that in which the natural structure of soils get partly or fully modified and destroyed, although with suitable precautions the natural water content may be preserved. Such a sample should, however, be representative of the natural soil by maintaining the original proportional of the various soil particles intact. An undisturbed sample is that in which the natural structure and properties remain preserved.

(i) Inside Clearance


1 < Ci <3

(ii) Outside Clearance


1 < C0 <2

(iii) Area Ratio (Ar)


Ar < 20% for stiff formation,

Ar < 10% for soft clays


(iv) Recovery Ratio (Lr)


Lr = 1 → Good recovery

Lr < 1 → Compressed

Lr > 1 → Swelled

where, D3 = Inner dia of sampling tube

D4 = Outer dia of sampling tube

1 = Inner dia of cutting edge

D2 = Outer dia of cutting edge

Seismic Method


where, d is distance between two stations

D is depth of strata

V1 is velocity of direct wave

V2 is velocity of refracted wave


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