Sewage Characteristics Study Notes for Civil Engineering

By Ashutosh Yadav|Updated : October 9th, 2021

Through Champion Study Plan for GATE Civil Engineering(CE) 2022, we are providing very useful basic notes and other important resources on every topic of each subject. These topic-wise notes are useful for the preparation of various upcoming exams like GATE Civil Engineering(CE)/ IES/ BARC/ ISRO/ VIZAG/ DMRC/ SSC-JE/ State Engineering Services examinations and other important upcoming competitive exams.

The article contains fundamental notes on the "Sewage Characteristics"  topic of the "Environmental Engineering" subject.

Through Champion Study Plan for GATE Civil Engineering(CE) 2022, we are providing very useful basic notes and other important resources on every topic of each subject. These topic-wise notes are useful for the preparation of various upcoming exams like GATE Civil Engineering(CE)/ IES/ BARC/ ISRO/ VIZAG/ DMRC/ SSC-JE/ State Engineering Services examinations and other important upcoming competitive exams.

The article contains fundamental notes on the "Sewage Characteristics"  topic of the "Environmental Engineering" subject.

Characteristics of Sewage

Aerobic Decomposition

(i) Nitrogenous organic matter



(ii) Carbonaceous organic matter


 Carbon dioxide

(iii) Sulphurous organic matter



Nitrogen Cycle under Aerobic Decomposition



Anaerobic Decomposition

(i) Nitrogenous organic matter


(ii) Carbonaceous organic matter


(iii) Sulphurous organic matter


(iv) Organic acids


Threshold Odour Number (TON)


 byjusexamprep The volume of the sewage

byjusexamprep The volume of distilled water or odourless water.


Total Solids, Suspended Solids and Settleable Solids

(i) byjusexamprep 


byjusexamprep Dissolved solids plus colloidal or filterable solids in mg/lit

byjusexamprep Non-filterable solids in mg/lit

byjusexamprep The total amount of solids in mg/lit

byjusexamprep Volatile suspended solids, in (mg/lit.)

byjusexamprep Fixed solids

(ii) byjusexamprep 


Total Solids

50% Dissolved

25% Suspended

25% Settlable

Chemical Oxygen Demand

 (i) Biodegradable + non Biodegrable O.M.

 (ii) byjusexamprep added and used is measured.

Theoretical Oxygen Demand







Biochemical Oxygen Demand




Biochemical oxygen demand in ppm or mg/lit.

Initial dissolved oxygen in mg/lit.

Final dissolved oxygen in mg/lit.

·               byjusexamprep 


(i) byjusexamprep 


k = Rate constant signifying the rate of oxidation of organic matter and it depends upon the nature of organic matter and temperature. Its unit is per day.

byjusexamprep   the equivalent of organic matter present after t days.

(ii) byjusexamprep 


 byjusexamprep Deoxygenation constant.

 byjusexamprep Organic matter present at byjusexamprep 

(iii) byjusexamprep 

(iv) byjusexamprep 


byjusexamprep The total amount of organic matter oxidized int days i.e. BOD.

(v) byjusexamprep

(vi) byjusexamprep 


 byjusexamprep Ultimate B.O.D of byjusexamprep days.

(vii) byjusexamprep 






(viii) Laboratory Estimations of byjusexamprep and L values

 (Thomas Method)




 m = Slope of the line

 C = Intercept of the line on the y-axis.



Relative Stability (s)



 byjusexamprep time in days at 20oC.

 byjusexamprep time in days at 37oC.


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