Important Formulas for Engineering Hydrology and Irrigation for GATE Exam
Engineering hydrology and Irrigation is an important civil engineering subject for competitive exams. It has a variety of practical applications in designing various hydraulic structures and irrigation facilities. With the help of the concept of engineering hydrology, various hydraulic structures are designed to control the flood conditions in a river basin. And the concept of Irrigation engineering is used to facilitate the irrigation facility in terms of designing canals, etc. So, the concept of engineering hydrology and irrigation must be strong. The formula sheet will be very useful for candidates to revise all the formulas for engineering hydrology and irrigation. Get a look at the Engineering hydrology formula sheet below.
Engineering Hydrology Formula Sheet
Candidates can view the Important formulas for Engineering Hydrology for the GATE, ESE PSUs and SSC JE, and State AE exams. This formula sheet will help candidates to know how the formula PDF will look once they download it for their learning purposes.
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