Important Formulas for Engineering Hydrology and Irrigation - Download PDF

By Mukul Yadav|Updated : February 23rd, 2023

Important formulas for engineering hydrology and Irrigation will be useful for competitive exams like GATE and ESE examinations. The subject plays an important role in civil engineering with many aspects during designing an irrigation facility or designing different hydraulic structures. Engineering hydrology and Irrigation subject are also very much useful to get good scores in the GATE examinations because they have a good weightage in the GATE examination.

We are providing an Important Formula sheet for Engineering Hydrology and Irrigation. These notes will assist the candidates in revising the important formulas and related concepts from time to time, and they can review them in the last few hours before the examination.

Important Formulas for Engineering Hydrology and Irrigation for GATE Exam

Engineering hydrology and Irrigation is an important civil engineering subject for competitive exams. It has a variety of practical applications in designing various hydraulic structures and irrigation facilities. With the help of the concept of engineering hydrology, various hydraulic structures are designed to control the flood conditions in a river basin. And the concept of Irrigation engineering is used to facilitate the irrigation facility in terms of designing canals, etc. So, the concept of engineering hydrology and irrigation must be strong. The formula sheet will be very useful for candidates to revise all the formulas for engineering hydrology and irrigation. Get a look at the Engineering hydrology formula sheet below.

Engineering Hydrology Formula Sheet

Candidates can view the Important formulas for Engineering Hydrology for the GATE, ESE PSUs and SSC JE, and State AE exams. This formula sheet will help candidates to know how the formula PDF will look once they download it for their learning purposes.

Engineering hydrology Formulas

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FAQs about Important Formulas for Engineering Hydrology and Irrigation

  • Important formulas for engineering hydrology and Irrigation is useful for the revision of subjects during the last stage of the preparation for competitive exams. The formula sheet for engineering hydrology contains all the important formulas for competitive exams.

  • Engineering hydrology and Irrigation is one of the subjects of civil engineering. It has a variety of practical applications in designing hydraulic structures and providing a suitable irrigation facility for irrigation.

  • The formula sheet for engineering hydrology and irrigation covers all the related formulas for various competitive exams. These formulas will be very useful for the revision of hydrology and irrigation subjects before any of the competitive exams.

  • The engineering hydrology formula sheet contains all the basic formulas for this subject. The basic formula of engineering hydrology and irrigation includes finding the mean precipitation, the number of rain gauges, and different indexes for the precipitation.

  • The aridity index is the parameter which denotes the soil properties for the infiltration capacity. It can be defined as the difference between potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotranspiration with respect to potential evapotranspiration.

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