Important Vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial: 25th January, 2023
1. Word: Reconciliation (मिलान)
- Pronunciation: rek-uh n-sil-ee-ey-shuh-n
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the restoration of friendly relations.
- Synonyms: reunion, accord, compromise
- Antonyms: conflict, breakup, feud, estrangement
- Usage in a sentence: There was little hope of reconciliation between the two groups.
2. Word: Feud (कलह)
- Pronunciation: fyood
- Part of speech: noun
- Meaning: a state of long-standing mutual hostility
- Synonyms: quarrel, squabble, dispute, conflict, hostility
- Antonyms: agreement, friendship, accord, harmony, comradeship
- Usage in a sentence: My grandfather once had a feud with the mayor of his city and they settled it with a duel.
3. Word: Impose (लागू देना)
- Pronunciation: im-pohz
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning:
a. force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone.
b. take advantage of someone by demanding their attention or commitment. - Synonyms: enforce, inflict, levy
- Antonyms: agreeable, coax
- Usage in a Sentence: The court can impose a fine or a prison sentence.
4. Word: Sever (विच्छेद कर लेना)
- Pronunciation: sev-er
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning:
a. to separate (a part) from the whole, as by cutting or the like.
b. to divide into parts, especially forcibly; cleave.
c. to break off or dissolve (ties, relations, etc.).
d. Law. to divide into parts; disunite (an estate, titles of a statute, etc.).
e. to distinguish; discriminate between. - Synonyms: separate, rupture, split, disunite, detach
- Antonyms: attach, unite, conjoin
- Usage in a sentence: The dispute led to the sisters severing all ties with one another.
5. Word: Concession (रियायत में दी गई वस्तु)
- Pronunciation: kuh n-sesh-uh-n
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands
- Synonyms: allowance, grant, privilege, permission, exemption
- Antonyms: denial, difference, fighting, protest
- Usage in a Sentence: As a concession to her inexperience they allowed her to have some help.
6. Word: Rift (मनमुटाव/ फाड़ना)
- Pronunciation: rift
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Meaning:
a crack, split, or break in something. [Noun]
b. a serious break in friendly relations. [Noun]
c. form fissures or breaks, especially through large-scale faulting; move apart. [Verb] - Synonyms: split, break, rupture, breach
- Antonyms: closure, blend
- Usage in a sentence: Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed.
7. Word: Scuttle (बिगाड़ना/तीव्र गति)
- Pronunciation: skuht-l
- Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
- Meaning:
a. run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps. [Verb]
b. to abandon, withdraw from, or cause to be abandoned or destroyed (as plans, hopes, rumors, etc.). [Verb]
c. a metal container with a handle used to fetch and store coal for a domestic fire. [Noun] - Synonyms: dash, scurry, scamper, hasten, wreck
- Antonyms: decelerate, dawdle, linger, creep
- Use in a Sentence: Scuttling the peace process will do neither country any good.
8. Word: Reel under (भार तले दबना)
- Pronunciation: reel uhn-der
- Meaning: to suffer because of a burden/to stagger under the weight of something
- Synonyms: stagger under, suffer, keel
- Antonyms: stabilize, steady, comforting
- Usage in a Sentence: Gary reeled under the responsibilities he had been given.
9. Word: Ill-thought-out (बिना अधिक सोच समझकर)
- Pronunciation: il-thawt-out
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. not carefully considered and planned. - Synonyms: absurd, cockamamie, impractical, foolhardy
- Antonyms: accountable, practical, responsible
- Usage in a sentence: The ill-thought-out planning resulted in the teacher losing control of her students on the field trip.
10. Word: Coercion (ज़बरदस्ती)
- Pronunciation: koh-ur-shun
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
- Synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression
- Antonyms: liberty , option , choice
- Usage in a sentence: The restaurant owner said that it wasn't slavery by the little boy because no coercion was used.
The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Based Exercises: 25th January, 2023
Based on the description of the words, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!
Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences.
Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!
- reconciliation
- feud
- impose
- sever
- concession
Exercise 2: Match the columns.
SR No. | Word | Synonym |
1 | rift | scamper |
2 | scuttle | duress |
3 | ill-thought-out | keel |
4 | coercion | cockamamie |
5 | reel under | rupture |
Share your answers in the comment section.
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You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below: Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 24th January, 2023
That was your Vocabulary dose for the day.
from BYJU'S Exam Prep
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