Important Vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial: 22nd February, 2022
1. Word: Tardiness (शिथिलता)
- Pronunciation: tahr-dee-ness/टार्डीनस
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. the quality of being late or slow - Synonyms: delay, lateness, slowness, sluggishness
- Antonyms: preparedness, promptness, alacrity
- Usage in a sentence: Tardiness will result in a detention.
2. Word: Missive (राजनीतिक संदेश)
- Pronunciation: mis-iv/ मिसिव
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. a written message; letter.
b. sent or about to be sent, especially of a letter from an official source. - Synonyms: note, message, epistle
- Usage in a sentence: The missive from central government was directed towards the state governments.
3. Word: Realm (विभाग/क्षेत्र)
- Pronunciation: relm/रेल्म
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. a royal domain; kingdom
b. the region, sphere, or domain within which anything occurs, prevails, or dominates
c. the special province or field of something or someone - Synonyms: domain, province, sphere, world, extent, range
- Antonyms: infinity
- Usage in a sentence: Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.
4. Word: Erosion (कटाव)
- Pronunciation: ih-roh-zhuhn/इरोश़न
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. the act or state of eroding; state of being eroded
b. the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc.
c. the gradual decline or disintegration of something - Synonyms: corrosion, abrasion, attrition
- Antonyms: construction, building, strengthening
- Usage in a sentence: The survey reveals a gradual erosion of the president's popularity and support.
5. Word: Ensue (परिणामस्वरूप होना)
- Pronunciation: en-soo/ इन्सू
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: happen or occur afterwards or as a result.
- Synonyms: result, follow, succeed
- Antonyms: precede
- Usage in a sentence: It was feared that a severe liquidity crisis might ensue and that the world economy would then be plunged into economic recession.
6. Word: Voyeuristic(दृश्यरतिक)
- Pronunciation: vwah-yuh-ris-tik/वॉइयरिस्टिक
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. relating to or typical of a voyeur - Synonyms: prurient, nosing, salacious
- Antonyms: apathetic, boring, chaste
- Usage in a sentence: The project is designed to play on the public's voyeuristic tendencies.
7. Word: Inexplicable (अकथनीय)
- Pronunciation: in-ek-spli-kuh-buhl/इनेक्स्प्लकबल
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. unable to be explained or understood - Synonyms: incomprehensible, unaccountable, unfathomable
- Antonyms: explainable, answerable
- Usage in a sentence: For some inexplicable reason, he's decided to cancel the project.
8. Word: Adjudicate (न्यायनिर्णय करना)
- Pronunciation: uh-joo-di-keyt/अजूडकेट
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning:
a. to act as judge in a competition or argument, or to make a formal decision about something
b. to settle or determine (an issue or dispute) judicially. - Synonyms: judge, decide, arbitrate
- Antonyms: defer, not judge, dodge
- Usage in a sentence: He has adjudicated many labor disputes.
9. Word: Abominate (बहुत नफ़रत करना)
- Pronunciation: uh-bom-uh-neyt/अबामनेट
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning:
a. to regard with intense aversion or loathing; abhor
b. to dislike strongly - Synonyms: loathe, abhor, hate, detest
- Antonyms: love, desire, cherish
- Usage in a sentence: He abominates cruelty of all kinds.
10. Word: Hobble (लड़खड़ाना)
- Pronunciation: hob-uhl/ हाबल
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning:
a. to walk lamely; limp.
b. to proceed irregularly and haltingly: - Synonyms: limp, fetter, falter
- Antonyms: stride, accelerate, advance
- Usage in a sentence: The old woman hobbles down to the store every day.
Practice here Daily Wordlist Quiz
The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Based Exercises: 22nd February, 2022
Based on the description of the words, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!
Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences.
Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!
- Adjudicate
- Tardiness
- Inexplicable
- Missive
- Voyeuristic
Exercise 2: Match the columns.
SR No. | Word | Synonym |
1 | Realm | abhor |
2 | Erosion | fetter |
3 | Ensue | abrasion |
4 | Abominate | extent |
5 | Hobble | follow |
Share your answers in the comment section.
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You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below: Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 19th February, 2022
That was your Vocabulary dose for the day.
from BYJU'S Exam Prep
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