He functions as a front line Manager in various cadres. He must, therefore, apprise himself of the job contents, manual provisions, procedures, policy of FCI/Government of India, periodicity of prescribed returns/reports to be received from field offices or to be submitted to higher authorities in relation to his assigned work in the offices or depots.
(ii) He would allocate work to his subordinates and act as their guide and mentor for proper coordination of the work and frequently check registers and records and should be aware of the micro-level details of work he handles.
(iii) He must submit files to the superiors with meticulous scrutiny of data, rule position, precedents, facts and apply his mind for alternatives etc. in the overall interest of FCI to help his superiors in decision making.
(iv) He would maximize the use of computers in his daily work.
(v) He would not merely act as statistics collector but would monitor as well to ensure disposal of cases related to his area of work. To illustrate it, Assistant Manager(Legal) would monitor the legal cases and analyse the nature of cases and make efforts for withdrawal of cases for out of court settlements, filling applications for expediting the cases etc.
While posted in a depot he would
(i) Function as a good Store Keeper and take all precautions and actions to maintain the stocks in coordination with QC/Engg./Labour etc. and would also prioritise the issue of stocks for various schemes i.e. TPDS/OWS/SGRY etc.
(ii) Maximize the delivery of stocks ex. Rail head to State Governments to avoid double handling and to reduce losses.
(iii) Interact with Agricultural Universities/Institutions/Govt.authorities to seek guidance in related work. He must conduct frequent inspections and bring out discrepancies, pitfalls, high trend of losses, deterioration of stocks etc. in the knowledge of his superiors indicating remedial measures taken by him.
(iv) Be responsible for the performance of assignments he handles in office or in field.
So this was all regarding the Salary and Job Profile of FCI Manager. For any other feedback or query, you may ask in comment section below.
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