Happy Reading!
What has changed post-Balakot?
Important Words from the Article
1. Word: Punitive (दण्डकर)
- Pronunciation: pyoo-ni-tiv/प्यूनिटिव
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: inflicting or intended as punishment.
- Synonyms: harsh, corrective
- Antonyms: rehabilitative, rewarding
- Usage in a Sentence: The government is expected to take punitive steps against offenders.
2. Word: Pre-emptive (प्रथम)
- Pronunciation: pree-emp-tiv/
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: a. serving or intended to pre-empt or forestall something, especially to prevent attack by disabling the enemy.
- Synonyms: proactive, early
- Antonyms: reactive, permissive
- Usage in a Sentence: They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike.
3. Word: Scramble (संघर्ष)
- Pronunciation: es-cram-bal/
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Meaning: a. an eager or uncontrolled and undignified struggle with others to obtain or achieve something/a disordered mixture of things. [Noun]
b. move hurriedly or clumsily from or into a particular place or position/struggle or compete with others for something in an eager or uncontrolled and undignified way [Verb] - Synonyms: struggle, hurry, rush, race, scurry
- Antonyms: classify, order, unscramble
- Usage in a Sentence: When the manager retired, there was a scramble for his job.
4. Word: Exaggerate (बढ़ाकर कहना)
- Pronunciation: ig-zaj-uh-reyt/इग्ज़ैजरैट
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: a. represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is.
b. enlarged or altered beyond normal proportions. - Synonyms: aggrandizes, magnifies, heightens
- Antonyms: devalues, alleviates, weakens
- Usage in a Sentence: Everyone exaggerates his/her natural tendency under tension.
5. Word: Amplify (बढ़ाना)
- Pronunciation: am-pluh-fahy/ऐम्प्लफाइ
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: enlarge upon or add detail to (a story or statement)
- Synonyms: expand, magnify, augment
- Antonyms: reduce, shorten, abridge
- Usage in a Sentence: You must amplify your effort by working a lot harder.
6. Word: Intrusion (अतिक्रमण)
- Pronunciation: in-troo-zhuh n/ इन्ट्रूश़न
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the action of intruding.
- Synonyms: interference, trespass, encroachment
- Antonyms: consideration, connection, nexus
- Usage in a Sentence: Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.
7. Word: Ordnance (तोपखाना)
- Pronunciation: awrd-nuh ns/ ऑर्ड्नन्स
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: mounted guns; artillery.
- Synonyms: weapon artillery, munition
- Antonyms: disarm, neutralize, deactivate
- Usage in a Sentence: Robert Shadley, commander of the ordnance center and school.
8. Word: Ratchet (शाफ़्ट)
- Pronunciation: rach-it/ रैचट
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Meaning: a. a situation or process that is perceived to be changing in a series of irreversible steps. [Noun]
b. cause something to rise (or fall) as a step in what is perceived as an irreversible process. [Verb] - Synonyms: pawl, detent, cog
- Antonyms: lessen, blushing, moderate
- Usage in a Sentence: Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general.
9. Word: Strangulate (दबाना)
- Pronunciation: strang-gyuh-leyt/ स्ट्रैंगग्यलेट
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: prevent circulation of the blood supply through (a part of the body, especially a hernia) by constriction.
- Synonyms: strangle, throttle, choke
- Antonyms: breathe, unconstrict
- Usage in a Sentence: Clearly terrified, he let out a strangulated whimper.
10. Word: Glide (फिसलन, उतरना)
- Pronunciation: glahyd/ ग्लाइड
- Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
- Meaning: a. move with a smooth, quiet continuous motion. [Verb]
b. a gliding movement. [Noun] - Synonyms: slide, slip, fly
- Antonyms: flounder, lumber, struggle
- Usage in a Sentence: Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta.
'Practice Corner'
Based on the words description, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!
Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences!
Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!
- Glide
- Strangulate
- Amplify
- Scramble
- Intrusion
Exercise 2: Match the columns!
S No. | Words | Antonyms |
1 | Punitive | Nexus |
2 | Scramble | Blushing |
3 | Intrusion | Rewarding |
4 | Ratchet | Neutralize |
5 | Ordnance | Classify |
6 | Glide | Lumber |
Exercise 3: Identify the words from the graphics!
Pictures are one of the best ways to enhance your memory. Four sets of words, each followed by an image, is given below. The images represent one word from the given words. Identify the correct answer and post them in the comment section.
A. Glide
B. Amplify
C. Scramble
D. Ordnance
A. Ratchet
B. Pre-emptive
C. Punitive
D. Scramble
A. Intrusion
B. Strangulate
C. Glide
D. Amplify
A. Scramble
B. Punitive
C. Pre-emptive
D. Glide
Answer in the comment section.
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