A prayer for our times
Important Words from the Article
1. Word: Carnage (नाश)
- Pronunciation: kahr-nij/ कार्निज
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the killing of a large number of people.
- Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, butchery
- Antonyms: friendliness, hospitality, civility
- Usage in a Sentence: Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland.
2. Word: Hinterland (परिक्षेत्र)
- Pronunciation: hin-ter-land/ हिन्टर्लैन्ड
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the area around or beyond a major town or port.
- Synonyms: boondocks, backwoods, country
- Antonyms: urban area, metropolis
- Usage in a Sentence: A century ago, eastern Germany was an agricultural hinterland.
3. Word: Beget (उपजाना)
- Pronunciation: bih-get/ बिगेट
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: (especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.
- Synonyms: engender, generate, produce
- Antonyms: abolish, destroy, demolish
- Usage in a Sentence: On some planets orbiting these stellar furnaces skies beget clouds, oceans fill with water and, sometimes, life begins.
4. Word: Monger (विक्रयी)
- Pronunciation: muhng-ger/ मंगगर
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Meaning: a. a person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way (usually used in combination). [Noun]
b. to sell; hawk. [Verb] - Synonyms: trader, dealer, merchant
- Antonyms: customer, payer
- Usage in a Sentence: Coalition mongering is the only plausible explanation.
5. Word: Bravado (अक्खड़पन)
- Pronunciation: bruh-vah-doh/ ब्रवाडो
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
- Synonyms: boast, bluster, brag
- Antonyms: modesty, cowardice, fear
- Usage in a Sentence: Take no notice of his threats they're sheer bravado.
6. Word: Retrospective (भूतापेक्ष)
- Pronunciation: re-truh-spek-tiv/ रेट्रस्पेक्टिव
- Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
- Meaning: a. looking back on or dealing with past events or situations. [Adjective]
b. an exhibition or compilation showing the development of an artist's work over a period of time. [Noun] - Synonyms: retroactive, remunerative, backward
- Antonyms: prospective, future, likely
- Usage in a Sentence: Afterwards, retrospective fear of the responsibility would make her feel almost faint.
7. Word: Sway (अधिकार/हिलाना)
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Pronunciation: swey/स्वै
- Meaning: a. a rhythmical movement from side to side.
b. control or influence (a person or course of action). - Synonyms: authority, command, swing
- Antonyms: stay, dissuade
- Usage in a Sentence: Traditional values still hold sway among some people.
8. Word: Hysteria (उन्माद)
- Pronunciation: hi-ster-ee-uh/ हिस्टीरीअ
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement.
- Synonyms: frenzy, hysterics, insanity
- Antonyms: calm, serenity, peace
- Usage in a Sentence: Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.
9. Word: Monotheism (एकेश्वरवाद)
- Pronunciation: mon-uh-thee-iz-uh m/ मानथीइज़म
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.
- Synonyms: belief, unification, uniformity
- Antonyms: polytheism, pantheism
- Usage in a Sentence: Pure monotheism was by then securely established in the Second Temple of Jerusalem, but remained shaky elsewhere.
10. Word: Semantic (शब्दार्थ विज्ञान)
- Pronunciation: si-man-tik/ सिमैन्टिक
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: relating to meaning in language or logic.
- Synonyms: indicative, linguistic, iconic
- Antonyms: jejune, solecistic
- Usage in a Sentence: Humans perform both syntactic and semantic processing when reading.
'Writer's Corner'
Based on the words description, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!
Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences!
Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!
- Semantic
- Hinterland
- Beget
- Hysteria
- Sway
Exercise 2: Match the columns.
S No. | Words | Synonyms |
1 | Carnage | Merchant |
2 | Monger | Massacre |
3 | Beget | Backward |
4 | Retrospective | Brag |
5 | Monotheism | Generate |
6 | Bravado | Unification |
Answer in the comment section.
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