
Why is India so densely Populated?

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: November 14th, 2023

India is so densely populated because most places in India have natural resources that sustain agriculture and industries. The availability of water and the number of cities have also contributed to population growth. India currently lags behind China as the world’s second most populous country, although India will overtake China by 2024. The issue of a high population is an issue that previous governments have been cognizant of and efforts are being made to reduce it.

High Population Density in India

India accounts for about 16% of the global population, yet it only makes up 2.4% of the total surface area of ​​the planet, giving us an idea of ​​how serious the issue is. Because population growth consumes a small increase in national income under economic development, its main effect is on economic development. As a result, the country’s per capita income does not rise, contributing to a low standard of living.

  • In 1900, India had a population of approximately 238 million people. From 1950 to 1951, India had 361 million people.
  • There were 1,027 million people according to the 2001 Census. The 1950s saw the start of the population boom, with the 1960s and 1970s seeing the highest decadal growth rates (24.8 and 24.7 percent, respectively).
  • Decadal growth has been declining since the 1980s, with a significant drop in the 1990s.
  • In India, a woman has 2.3 children on average during her lifetime, down from 5.9 in 1951.
  • This is referred to as the total fertility rate. The fertility rate has been declining as a result of population plans and other efforts, but it is still very high when compared to other countries.
  • This indicates that, while the birth rate has decreased, the population has increased due to significant advances in medical research.
  • Early marriages, ignorance, poverty, illiteracy, and illegal immigration are all contributing factors to high birth rates.

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