
Order of Convergence of Regula Falsi Method is

By BYJU'S Exam Prep

Updated on: November 9th, 2023

The order of convergence of the Regula Falsi method is 1.618. An approximate solution to the equation f(x) = 0 on a finite interval [a, b] can be found using the Regula Falsi, often known as the method of false position. Here, f is a real-valued continuous function on [a, b] that meets the condition f(a) f(b) 0. Previous research demonstrated the convergence of this approach under the conditions that the first and second derivatives of the function f do not change the sign on the interval [a, b].

Order of Convergence of Regula Falsi Method

The Regula Falsi, also known as the method of false position or the false position method, is a very old and still-used approach to solving equations with a single unknown in mathematics. The regula falsi method, often known as the false position method, has an order of convergence greater than 1.

The false position method, also known as the regula falsi method, is a traditional approach to solving one-variable equations in mathematics. Using “false” or “test” values for the variable and then changing the test value in response to the outcome is how the method is best expressed in plain English.

When we compare the power of the two sides, we have p=1+1/p, which results in p = 1 root(5). By ignoring the negative sign, we arrive at P = 1.618 as the Secant method’s convergence rate.


Order of Convergence of Regula Falsi Method is

The order of convergence of Regula Falsi, or the method of false position, is 1.618. This is the oldest method for computing the real roots of an algebraic equation. A nonlinear equation of form f(x) = 0 can have roots using an iterative process called the false position method. With the use of this technique, we can more accurately estimate the equation’s roots. It is a traditional method or approach to solving one-variable equations in mathematics.

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