National Income Estimates in India is Prepared By
By BYJU'S Exam Prep
Updated on: November 9th, 2023
The national income estimates in India are prepared bythe Central Statistical Office (CSO). It is an Indian government agency that reports to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. On May 2, 1951, the Central Statistical Office (CSO) was established. It is based in New Delhi and is in charge of various departments’ statistical data.
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Estimation of National Income in India
The department is led by the Director General, supported by 5 additional Director Generals. It has various divisions to look after the different matters The key details pertaining to the Central Statistical Office (CSO) are:
- The national accounts, which include Government and Private Final Consumption Expenditure, Gross Domestic Product, Fixed Capital Formation, and other macroeconomic aggregates are prepared by the National Accounts Division (NAD).
- Statistical monitoring of the Millennium Development Goals, Environmental-Economic Accounting, Grant-in-aid for research, workshops/seminars/conferences in Official/Applied Statistics, National/International awards for Statisticians, etc. are the responsibility of the Social Statistics Division (SSD).
- The National Product Classification (NPC) and National Industrial Classification (NIC) are developed by the Economic Statistics Division (ESD), which also conducts economic censuses, and compiles the All India Index of Industrial Production (IIP), energy statistics, and infrastructure statistics.
- The Training Division educates future statisticians in theoretical and practical methods for gathering, organizing, analyzing, and disseminating data.
- The Coordination and Publications Division (CAP) is in charge of handling statistical coordination tasks both within CSO and with the line Ministries and State/UT Governments.
National Income Estimates in India – Functions of the CSO
The Central Statistics Office director post is responsible for a wide range of duties. The CSO is in charge of coordinating statistical activities and upholding statistical standards. Aside from that, the CSO is responsible for the following:
- The compilation of National Accounts Statistics (NAS).
- Playing an advisory role in statistical matters.
- Attend statistical work relating to the five-year plans in collaboration with the planning commission.
- To provide national statistics to the UN.
- Compilation and publication of national income statistics.
- Apart from this, National Accounts and other annual financial surveys were done by this government organization.
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