But Pangaea has broken up and fragments have spread apart to their present locations. Scientists have been very interested in the study of this displacement of the various fragments out from Pangaea.
Before going back in the chronological order of development of various continents from a single supercontinent ‘Pangaea’, let us try to understand the basic structure of earth and reason of breaking and movement of any plate.
Earth’s structure
Earth is like a sphere having core at its center and various layers made up of different materials arranged around the core according to their density.
Earth has highest density material at its center and lowest density material at the outer layer which is also known as crust.
Let us discuss all the parts of earth structure in brief:
1. Inner core: This is the densest part of earth. It is solid and consists primarily of iron and nickel.
2. Outer core: This is the liquid part of core.
3. Mantle: This part surrounds the core of earth and consists of the materials barely half in density as compared to core’s materials. Much of the deeper mantle that generally appears solid, is also thought to be capable of flowing very slowly. The ability to flow is a critically important factor in the tectonic processes shaping the earth’s surface.
4. Lithosphere (Tectonic plates): This is the outermost layer of earth. This is very less dense and floats on top of plastic like mantle.
Processes that occur where the plates collide, where they move apart or where plates slide each other are the principal processes that create the mountains and other surface features of the continents and the ocean floor.
The processes that occur beneath the lithosphere plates are very difficult to study because they occur deep within the earth beneath kilometers of crystal rocks and upper mantle.
The movements of the lithospheric plates are thought to be driven by heat energy transferred through the mantle by convection.
The movement of plates is extremely slow, just a few centimeters per year, or about the rate at which human fingernails grow.
Seven major lithospheric plates are generally recognized:
- Pacific
- Eurasian
- African
- North American
- South American
- Indo-Australian
- Antarctic
All these plates are continuously in motion and both the direction and speed of movements of these plates may vary.
As they move, collide, separate or slide past each other, and sometimes they fracture to form smaller parts. At plate edges, the motion is very rough and when this continuous short and sharp movement takes place, we feel earthquakes.
Most major mountain ranges, both on land and under sea, and all deep-ocean trenches are aligned along the edge of plates.
Breaking apart ‘PANGAEA’
Initially, the landmasses which are now famous as ‘Eurasia’ and ‘North America’ broke away as a single block from ‘Pangaea’.
Later on, ‘North America’ broke away from ‘Eurasia’.
Similarly, South America and Africa separated from Antarctica, Australia and India.
After certain period of time, North America and South America joined.
Similarly, Africa and Eurasia joined.
Following the initial break-up of Pangaea, India and later Australia broke away from Antarctica.
After breaking away from Antarctica, India moved northward to collide with Asia.
The largest piece of Pangaea, called ‘Gondwanaland’, appears to have remained intact for more than a billion years.
Laurasia was comprised of what we know today as the northern hemisphere continents (Europe, Asia and North America), whereas Gondwana was comprised of the continents of Australia, Antarctica, South America and Africa as well as India.
Effect on climate
Plate tectonics have a major impact on climate. For example, let us assume that a volcano has erupted. It will shoot up ash into the surrounding’s air.
Earth’s temperature has changed a lot over past few years. Earlier the temperature used to be around 10 degree lesser as compared to today’s temperature. The time during which the temperature used to be 10 degree lesser was known as ice age. Over this period, Earth’s climate has varied a lot.
The horizontal and vertical displacements associated with plate tectonics play a fundamental role in climate change over a wide range of timescales. The solid-earth surface is in direct contact with the atmosphere and oceans and its evolving character affects balances of incoming and outgoing radiation, atmospheric circulation, ocean currents, and the location of elevated terrain suitable for glaciers and ice sheets. Tectonic processes also have important indirect climatic effects through their control on geochemical cycling and the composition of the atmosphere and ocean. This entry provides an introduction to the more direct, physical effects of tectonics on the climate system.
Effect in general
- It would have been completely different if the Pangaea would not have been broken apart.
- The changes that are seen today exist because of the movement of tectonic plates.
- If the tectonic plates would not have been moved then there will be no volcanic eruptions or other natural disasters like earthquake.
- Language, culture, currency would have been same throughout the world.
- There would have been no mountains if no tectonic plates movement would have taken place. And no mountains clearly mean that we will be more prone to natural disaster.
- As we know that necessity is the mother of invention so many inventions like aero plane would have been delayed or probably would not have taken place.
- There would have been no diversity because of no difference in culture and language.
- There would have been almost negligible competency.
- There would have been a great chance of identity crisis of world, reason being no development of mountains and hills, leading to water caused erosion of land eventually shrinking Pangaea deep underwater.
- The mammals and several other creatures would have been died because of their habitat merely depending on the land and its fertility.
Effect on Economy
When the continential collision occurred between India and Asia around 50 million years ago, the northern crust of India met with the southern crust of Asia. This collision was the biggest thing for India. Because of this collision, Himalyas and Mount Averest came into existence and that is the only thing that has kept India apart from Asian area.
Now as we all know that Himalya region separated India from Asia. This new location of India on earth surrounded by ocean on three sides and by Himalyas on one side has affected India in a great way. So let us try to figure out this impact.
- Impact on Climate: The Himalayas prevent dry winds from blowing south which has direct effect in keeping South Asia warm. It also prevents monsoon winds to move northwards. We can now clearly see that Himalayas play a vital role in deciding the rainfall and various other climate changes.
- The Himalayas are assumed to have a variety of medicinal resources. Issues varying from simple cough to snake bite have been procured by the resources available from the Himalayas. For example: Abies Pindrow tree’s bark has been used as a remedy for cough. Similarly, Arachne Cordifolia’s leaf and stem paste is helpful to curb snake bite. The development of Himalayas has been a major evolution in history of India. Many of the medicinal plants are found in this region which makes a great part of Indian economy.
- Himalayas are famous for greenery. A lot of trees in this region are used as a resource for wood which is finally used as a fuel in various industries.
- A variety of raw material is available in Himalayas which is used in industries for different works.
- Many pastures are available in this region which enables it to become a habitat for animals.
- A wide range of minerals can be found in this region i.e. gold, silver, copper, zinc and mineral oils.
- The Himalayas are the source for many of the major rivers of India. Ganga-Brahmaputra is one of those rivers which are originated because of Himalaya’s development.
- Indus river is one of the major water resources for Punjab & Sindh region. Indus Basin project was a very good initiation in which two dams were constructed to supply water in the regions of Bahawalpur and Multan. These dam projects provide the basis for large production of crops i.e. Sugarcane, wheat and cotton. These dams generate electricity for urban centers and heavy industries.
- The Ganga and its tributaries, especially the Yamuna, have been used for irrigation since ancient times. Dams and canals were common in gangetic plain by fourth century BCE. The Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin has a huge hydroelectric potential, on the order of 200,000 to 250,000 megawatts, nearly half of which could be easily harnessed. As of 1999, India tapped about 12% of the hydroelectric potential of the Ganga and just 1% of the vast potential of the Brahmaputra.
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