SBI PO 2019 Success Story of a BYJU'S Exam Prep User: Ashutosh Jha! In this post, we will be sharing the success story of Ashutosh Jha who has become a Probationary Officer in the State Bank Of India this year. Let us hear that directly from Ashutosh Jha-
Success Story of SBI PO Ashutosh Jha
Hello friends,
This is Ashutosh Jha, going to share my success story (still not the destination), about how I was able to get this prestigious job in the third attempt
My Past attempts:
- Failed in IBPS mains in 2016, 2017
- Failed in RRB PO, was not able to get my name in final list after interview
- Got selected in IBPS 2018
- My first attempt at SBI PO was in 2017, failed
- In Intelligence Bureau I was not able to present required confidence in an interview even after knowing all the interview answers
Now I'm going to answer some common questions of Aspirants for Prelims and main exam:
1. For subjects my strategy was simple, I started to prepare Quant by solving Mr.Rajesh Yadav sir book on arithmetic, especially focused on very frequent topics like work wages, SI/CI, Profit & loss, boat n stream, time and distance, just determined to complete one book ten times rather than trying to do ten books one time.
2. My weakest area was GA, what I did was, I read all the banking awareness including history and banking terms in detail once from BYJU'S Exam Prep banking awareness capsule with 2-3 times revision, about current affairs, I always prefer daily+weekly+monthly+tornado quizzes, it gives you enough no. Of probable questions that can be asked in exams.
My strongest area was English, actually, it was once average, but daily practice made it easy for me.
3. The difficulty I faced during the examination was simply not able to give time for preparation due to joining in bank of India, but I still managed to do continuous preparation.
4. I managed to handle pressure during preparation by always thinking about my exam and apart from this always busy in singing that is my hobby, with very less interction with friends.
5. The last two weeks' strategy was just to revise GK tornado of BYJU'S Exam Prep as much as possible, and revision of Quant important formulas especially for topics mensuration, I think limited study in the last two weeks is the key to be fully focused in mains exam.
6. My strategy to attempt exam was very clear before attempting it, as I already gave SBI PO mains and IBPS PO mains in 2017, 2019, I knew that I didn't have to attempt all questions, its always better to look each and every question of Quant first before attempting, just mark the questions that you are sure that you will definitely able to solve, then do it one by one, because what happens is just because of our bad habit of starting to solve from question first (that may work in prelims), we get ourselves in trouble by unnecessarily facing non doable questions which wastes time and confidence in mains exam
In reasoning try to solve small puzzles with 2-3 questions attached first, then try to solve other miscellaneous questions like blood relation, coding-decoding, than Logical reasoning (only where you are 100% sure), then if time permits try to do hard and lengthy puzzles.
For English do all fill in the blanks, then grammatical error, then small comprehension's with only 2-3 questions attached with it with 2-3 paragraph in it, nowadays English use to be easy in mains, so if you take your time and patience, you will be able to get very good marks in English that can be decider in final selection.
7. Interview preparation was started right from mains result, I was very clear about it, as I already faced IBPS PO, IBPS RRB PO, INTELLIGENCE BUREAU, so my startegy was just to take glimpses of all very easy and basics of banking awareness, current hot topics (like Chandrayan - II, J&K Bifurcation, Howdy Mody etc.)

Now I'm going to share my Personal interview-
How did my Interview go:
I entered in the room, greeted everyone but firstly to women interviewer, they told me to sit down, I sited on chair with full comfort(actually it helps you to feel better and comfortable while answering), then the first question was
I - What are your hobbies?
Answer- My hobby is to sing and listening to music
They asked what songs you listening
I replied old as well as new songs, especially songs of Kishore Kumar Sahab, Muhammad Rafi Sahab, Kumar Sanu sir, etc.
They asked any song you can tell which is your favorite
I replied 'Mere Sapno ki rani kab ayegi tu', some member from panel laughed very slowly, but I was fully confident and didn't shiver my hands and feet even a single time (Someone from panel continuously focusing on my body posture, if you shiver your body) it implies low confidence.
Then they asked the movie name and cast, I relied immediately, and their face expression showed that they were satisfied, that was relief for me, because Hobby is very important in any interview, so during filling of bio-data form, only put that hobby which is really your hobby and dot copy, then only you can see realistic about your hobby.
Then they asked what are RBI function's, Governor name,
What would we see the changes in the Banking sector after 20 years
Do you believe in Lord Ram, I said yes, then asked what comes in your mind when you listen name 'Maithali'
I was not aware of any person by that name at that time, I relied Maithali Sharan Gupt, it was not appropriate (actually they want to listen Sitaji whose other name was Maithali) but they said ok ok, then they told me that Sitaji's other name was Maithali, than again they asked any other name you could remember, I relied Janaki (it was correct, their face expression told everything, then I felt relief),
Then other questions were related to my banking profile that what kind of work you do in bank (bank of India)
They asked note security features.
The last question was about my MECHANICAL ENGINEERING sector, like what is Numetic and Hydraulic, What is the function of CNC machine and full form of it(I didn't remember full form), they said you engineer you should know full form, I told humbly and confidently that 'I don't know sir'.

Interview tip as per my experience:
You should wear a proper formal dress, shoes should be polished and Top button of shirt should be tied up, you shouldn't shiver your body posture, that should be straight and you should sit very comfortably with full attention, doesn't matter whether you know the answer or not, don't waste their time in questions where you are not sure and better is to reply that 'I don't about', I assure you they will not cut even a single marks for this, always give detailed answers with full confidence and proper eye to eye contact, they are not there to check your knowledge (you already proved but cracking mains exam), they just try to see how you respond to any questions, so just treat interview like professional meeting only, your pitch should also be good
Try to do mock interviews with friends that are very helpful, keep all info about your home town, Member of parliament, your state CM and Governor and of course about India.

Finally, I want to conclude here by having some important words to share here.
BYJU'S Exam Prep is great learning app, only if you use it properly, like try to attempt quizzes of mentors only, I think wasting time in useless posts can decrease your interest here, or sometimes demotivating also, so be careful and try to do daily and weekly quizzes here with full scrutiny after mock results.
If you want success, only one thing can't work, you have to tick every box to get over the line, for example, if you get good marks in mains and not able to do better in interviews you may not get final selection, it was my experience only after attempting numerous banking exams that helped me a lot in every stage like in prelims, mains as well as in interview.
So be cool, chilled and dedicated towards goal.
'Life is full journey and different stages, no stage can be your destination, because its human nature that is always asking for something better'.
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