- Hetvabhasa is a Sanskrit word for fallacies.
- A fallacy is called Hetvabhasa, which means the middle term appears to be a reason but not a valid reason.
Types of Hetvabhasa
1. AsidhdhaḥSavyabhicāraḥ
2. Savyabhicara Virudhaḥ
3. Virudhaḥ Satpratipakshaḥ
4. Satpratipakshaḥ Asidhdhaḥ
5. Badhitaḥ
- Sidhdhiḥ means certainty i.e the state of being completely sure, however, asidhdhiḥ is its opposite i.e the state of being not sure.
- In the Hetvabhasa, the uncertainty of either Hetu (The proof by which we are inferring something.) or Pakshah(The particular place where something occurs and which an object is inferred) or Vyapti(The invariable relationship between the proof and the object which is going to be inferred) is considered a flaw.
It is of three types:
1. Ashraya Siddha
- It is related to the particular place where something occurs and which an object is inferred.
- It doesn't have properties of its own.
- It can be explained by the Sky Flower which smells good because it is a flower. But this is partly true.
- Both can exist separately but a flower will not grow in the sky.
2. Svarupasiddha
- It arises when the Hetu or the reason is not physically present in the place where something is occurring.
- Example: Sound cannot be seen, it can only be heard.
- So the absence of ground on which sound is not seen is clear.
3. Vyapvyatvasiddha
- It occurs when vyapti instead of being unconditional is conditional.
- Example: Whenever there is fire there is smoke. In this,the vyapti is conditional in nature because there are instances where there is fire without smoke-like 'melting of iron'
- A reason or argument that is locally incompatible with the conclusion to be drawn from it; a Hetu that is too general.
- Example, if one wants to prove smoke by showing fire as proof, then we could assume that the proof shown is having a fault. One cannot know smoke by the knowledge of fire because it is not true that wherever there is fire, there is smoke.
- Fire can remain without smoke. So fire can be called Savyabhicara while proving smoke.
Types of Savyabhicara
The Savyabhicara is of three types:
1. Sadharanah
- This type of fallacious ground is that which exists in a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated.
- Example:It can be illustrated by the example of the kitchen which has smoke because it has fire.
2. Asadharanah
- This type of fallacious ground is that which does not exist in a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated.
- Example: Sound is eternal because it has soundness.
3. Anupasamhari
- This type of fallacious ground is that which does not have any example.
- It can be explained as everything.
- Example- Sound is everywhere because it is produced.
- A good ground will generally form the source of knowledge because of its invariable relation with proof. But when a hetu or ground has an invariable relation with the absence of proof, then its called virudhdhah.
- Example: Sound is eternal because it is produced. Instead of proving the major term, the middle term proves the opposite.
- It is a contrariety of doctrine or argument, knowledge of the opposite arguments proving the existence or non-existence of a thing;
- Example: sound is eternal because it is audible; on the other hand sound is non-eternal because it is a product.
- Where the Pakshaḥ or the particular position or place where something occurs or is situated is determined to have the absence of object which is going to be inferred it is called badhitaḥ.
- Example: When the fire is not hot it becomes an element. Here the absence of not being hot is determined by touching it.
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We hope you all understood the Hetvabhasha for Paper-1 for UGC NET Exam 2022.
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