Roots of English (Part IX): Best way to learn new vocabulary each day!

By Akshay Khandelwal|Updated : June 10th, 2020

Hello Readers,

Anglophobia will take a backseat with what I am going to tell you all. How do you all feel about learning hundreds of English words with just learning fifteen pieces of English root words? I am sure all of you feel wonderful about this. The shortcut which will make English comprehension easy is called root words.  

Studying roots will help you understand and learn many other languages and not just English. This is because root words in English are derived from GERMAN, FRENCH, GREEK and LATIN ROOTS. Learning word roots from the last two will help you understand the origins of English grammar and will strengthen your hold on the language.


A word is made up of three parts; 

For e.g.  subtracted

Sub (prefix) --------tract (root) ----------ed (suffix)

Note: PREFIX---a word, letter or number placed before another.

SUFFIX---a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.

With this understanding, let us now learn a few English words with the help of their roots.


Consider MACR as a ROOT means length, large. The words that can be formulated with the help of the root word are;

BAROMACROMETER---- An instrument for ascertaining the weight and length of a newborn infant. 

BIOMACROMOLECULE---- Substance of large molecular weight; for example, protein, DNA, etc.

MACRANDER---- A large male plant.

MACRANDROUS---- A large male, although the term should properly be megandrous.

MACRANER---- A male ant of unusually large size. 

MACRENCEPHALY---- A congenital anomaly marked by an abnormally large brain.

MACRERGATE---- A worker ant of unusually large size.

MACRO---- Of great size, large.


ROOT ---- MAL means bad, badly, evil. Now words that can be formed of this root word are;

MALADY ---- Sickness, disease

MALAPERT--- Ill-bred, impudent

MALAPROPOS----- Inappropriate, not fitting

MALAPROPISM---- Humorous misuse of words

MALARIA ----- A disease carried by a mosquito 

MALCONTENT---- Rebellious, discontented, bad-tempered

MALEDICTION ---- Slander, curse 

MALEFACTION ---- An evil deed

MALEFACTOR---- One who commits an evil deed, evildoer 

We wind up here yet another guide to English word roots. Get out there and start understanding more English!!


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